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By Mr. Vincent John V. Frivaldo
Complete the information needed in 5 mins and
present it in class.

• What has been
• What needs to be
• What do you want
to learn?
What is
The word literature is derived
from the Latin term litera
(“literae” plural) which means

For Webster, literature is

anything that is printed, as
long as it is related to the
ideas and feelings of people,
whether it is true, or just a
product of one’s imagination.
What is
written by Atienza, Ramos,
Salazar and Nazal, it says that
“true literature is a piece of
written work which is undying.
It expresses the feelings and
emotions of people in response
to his everyday efforts to live, to
be happy in his environment
and, after struggles, to reach his
What is
Literature is the total of
preserved writings belonging to a
given language or people.
Literature is the class or the total
of writings, of a given country or
period, which is notable for
literary form or expression, as
distinguished, on the one hand,
from works merely of technical or
erudite and, on the other, from
journalistic or other ephemeral
What is
Literature consists of
those writings which
interpret the meanings of
nature and life, in words
of charm and power,
touched with the
personality of the author,
in artistic forms of
permanent interests.
What is
Literature: An intimate
experience of an author
carefully expressed in
concrete images through the
use of structure, imaginative
style and luxurious
metaphors. It is not practical
or logical communication,
but an aesthetic experience.
Anderson Imbert, Enrique (1992) Teoría y técnica del
cuento, Barcelona, Editorial Ariel
What is Literature?
Literature: A collection of
writings, which reflect the
experience of class struggle in
a society. The history of
literature is, therefore, a
reflection on changing
material, economic and social
conditions in that society.
See: Marx, Karl and Engels, Freidrich, Communism: The production of the
form of intercourse itself, in Rice, Philip and Waugh Patricia (2001)
Modern literary theory: A reader (4th Ed), London, Arnold
What is
“Thus is revealed the total
existence of writing: a text is
made up of multiple writings,
drawn from many cultures and
entering into mutual relations of
dialogue, parody, contestation,
but there is one place where this
multiplicity is focused and that
place is the reader, not ......... the

From Barthes, Roland, The death of the author, in Rice, Philip and
Waugh Patricia (2001) Modern literary theory: A reader (4th Ed),
London, Arnold
Why study Literature?
• To express one’s self
• To have access to culture
• To recognize human dreams and
• To develop mature sensibility and
compassion for the condition of all
• To appreciate beauty
• To shape one’s own goals and values and
clarify one’s own identity
• To develop wider perspective of events
Why study
“There have been great
societies that did not use the
wheel, but there have been
no societies that did not tell
stories.” ---Ursula K. LeGuin

“You cannot appreciate

something you don’t
The study of literature appeals in
different aspects and importance.
• Cultural Model -Literature aims
to understand and appreciate
cultures and ideologies different
from one’s own in time and
• Language Model -Literature aims
to promote language
development like vocabulary and
• Personal Growth Model
-Literature aims to help one
achieve lasting pleasure and deep
satisfaction in reading.
1. Artistry
It has an aesthetic appeal to
everyone and thus possesses a
sense of beauty. Artistry
describes literature that is
aesthetically appealing and
reveals or conveys hidden truth
and beauty. This type of
literature appeals to broad
audiences and possesses a sense
of beauty in the writing that
could even feel poetic.
2. Intellectual value
Intellectual value takes readers into a
bit of a gray area as they may have
different opinions about what qualifies
as intellectual, but from an academic
point of view, intellectual works are
relevant to society and thought
provoking. Literature with intellectual
value promotes critical thinking that
enhances both abstract and reason-
based thought processes and makes
readers focus on the fundamental
truths of life and nature.
3. Suggestiveness
This is the quality associated with
the emotional power of literature.
Great literature moves us deeply
and stirs our feeling and
imagination. It unravels man’s
emotional power to define
symbolism, nuances, implied
meanings, images and messages,
giving and evoking visions above
and beyond the plane of ordinary
life and experience.
4. Spiritual
Literature elevates the
spirit by bringing out
moral values which
makes a better
The capacity to inspire
is part of the spiritual
value of literature.
5. Permanence
A great work of literature
It can be read again and again as
each reading gives fresh delight
and new insights and opens a new
world of meaning and experience.
Its appeal is lasting.
Great literature is timeless and
6. Style

Literature presents peculiar

ways on how man sees life
as evidence by the
formation of his ideas, form,
structures, and expressions
which are marked by their
memorable substance.
7. Universality

Forever relevant, it appeals to

one and all, anytime, anywhere,
because it deals with elemental
feelings, fundamental truths
and universal conditions.
Literature appeals to everyone,
regardless of culture, race, sex,
and time which are all
considered significant.
A particular literary piece must possess these
seven literary standards in order to be called a
peerless epitome of artwork capable of enduring
the inexorable gusty tides of alteration. To criticize
it is to consider the seven literary standards. Be
critical. Ask yourself once in a while.

• Does it move you?

• Does it tickle your imaginations?
• What does it suggest?
• What moral lessons can be drawn out?
• Would it still be read and make a good reference
hundreds of years from now?
• Does it possess multifaceted natures for all sorts
of audience?
• Does the style fascinate you?
• Is the style used unique or forgery?
1. Subject of literature- any work of
literature is about something, and
for this reason it has subject.
2. Forms of literature- a form is a
verbal and artistic structuring of
ideas, like the sonnet which contain
fourteen lines of iambic
pentameter, others are stanza and
3. Point of view of literature- the
point of view is taken to mean the
angle of vision of the narrator
• May Day Eve by Nick Joaquin
• Small Key by Paz Latorena
• The Chieftest Mourner by Aida Rivera
• How My Brother Leon Brought Home
a Wife by Manuel Arguilla
• Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez
• Scent of Apples by Bienvenido Santos
• Footnote to Youth Jose Garcia Villa

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