9.02.2016 Dione - Jumpstart Your Thinking

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How to discover

and develop
good thoughts?

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

1. Find a PLACE to think
your thoughts.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Where is the best place to think?

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

“And when you find a place to think
your thoughts, your thoughts will
find a place in you.”

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

2. Find a PLACE to shape
your thoughts.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Where is the best place to shape
your thoughts?

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Your thoughts must have both
substance and potential.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

“And as you try to shape your
thoughts, you will realize that your
thoughts have shaped you.”

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

3. Find PEOPLE to stretch
your thoughts.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Who are the right people to stretch a

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

“Expose the seed of right idea to the
right people. That original thought
often grows along with its vision,
power, and impact.”

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

4. Find the RIGHT
expand them.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Ideas are fragile things when they
see the light of day.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

“And when you try to stretch your
thinking, you will discover that your
thinking stretched you.”

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

5. Find a PLACE to land
your thoughts.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

It is important to land your ideas
first with yourself.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Then, you must help influencers
embrace it.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

6. Find a PLACE to fly your

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Thinking, divorced from actions,
cannot be productive.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

“And once you’ve created, shaped,
stretched and landed your thoughts,
you will find that your thoughts have
taken you to new heights.”

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

How to master
the process of
good thinking?
Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.
1. Expose yourself to good
input and good thinkers.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Good thinkers always prime the
pump of ideas.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

2. Choose to think good

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Thinking is a discipline.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Setup a “thinking schedule”.
Regularly put yourself in the right
place to think, shape, stretch and
land you thoughts.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

3. Act on your good

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Many ideas have a short shelf life.
To start the thinking process, you
cannot wait until you feel like
thinking to do it.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

4. Use your emotions to feed
the process and create
mental momentum.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Enjoy some success, savor the
moment, and try riding the mental
energy of that success.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

5. Repeat the process.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

One good thought does not make a
good life.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Success comes to those who have an
entire mountain of gold that they
continually mine, not those who find
one nugget and try to live on it.

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

Thank you!

Proprietary to Stradcom Corp.

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