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Baca EKG Yok

Fenda Adita, 2012

Cara Menghafal
• Baca
• Irama
• Rate
• Axis
• Hipertrofi
• Iskemik
Pembentukan  Sinus takikardia
 Sinus bradikardia
 Sinus aritmia
 Sinus arrest
Atrium  SVT
 AF
 Atrial fluter

Aritmia Penghantaran • SA blok

• AV blok

• VT
• VF

Blok intraventrikuler
Penghantaran ( BBB )
A. Jarak R – R :

-1 kotak sedang = 300 x / menit

-2 kotak sedang = 150 x / menit
-3 kotak sedang = 100 x / menit
-4 kotak sedang = 75 x / menit
-5kotak sedang = 60 x / menit
-6 kotak sedang = 50 x / menit

B. Hitung jumlah R- R dalam 6 kotak besar = 6 detik

Jumlah R x 10 = heart rate / menit

C. 1500 / jarak R-R ( dlm mm ) = heart rate / menit

• 25 mm = 1 detik
• 1 mm = 0,04 detik

Bila :
• Ritmis  1500
Jumlah kotak kecil R-R
• Aritmis  Jumlah R-R interval x 1500
Jumlah kotak kecil
• HR of 60-100 per minute is normal
• HR > 100 = tachycardia
• HR < 60 = bradycardia
Einthoven's triangle
Precordial (Chest) Leads
12 Lead EKG Placement
• Gives a 2 dimensional picture of what is going
on electrically in the heart
Precordial Leads
EKG Distributions
• Anteroseptal: V1, V2, V3, V4
• Anterior: V1–V4
• Anterolateral: V4–V6, I, aVL
• Lateral: I and aVL
• Inferior: II, III, and aVF
• Inferolateral: II, III, aVF, and V5
and V6
The QRS Axis
 Represents the overall direction of the heart’s activity
 Axis of –30 to +90 degrees is normal
The Quadrant Approach

• QRS up in I and up in aVF = Normal

Disease Findings on EKG
• Ischemia
– Decrease in oxygen
supply – reversible
ST segment depression
• Injury
– Damage to heart
muscle from ischemia
reversible with
– ST segment elevation
• Infarction
– Permanent damage
to heart muscle
Q waves
Evolution of Transmural Infarction
Injury not reversed full muscle
Evolution of a Subendocardial Infarction
Problem discovered, injury halted,
muscle preserved
Look for Grouped Patterns (Footprints)

• ST Depressions = Ischemia

• ST Elevations = injury

• Q Waves & T Wave Inversion = Infarction

Daftar Pustaka
• Slide kuliah Dr.Arifin, Sp.PD-FINASIM “Cara
Cepat Membaca EKG”
• Acute Coronary Syndrome – EMS
• EKG Interpretation – UNC Emergency
• Basic EKG Interpretation - Mendocino College

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