Breakthrough Technology Clearwell: Prevention of Scale and Paraffin Deposition

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Breakthrough Technology

Prevention of Scale and Paraffin Deposition

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.
ClearWELL Installation

A typical installation on
a low producing oil well.
Installed at the surface.
Note the ferrite ring
attached to the dipole
Well intervention is not
necessary since the
signal is induced into
the piping system.

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

ClearWELL - What is it?

The ClearWELL device is an electronic dipole generator

that induces a randomly varying, high frequency electric
field throughout the entire piping system.

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

The ClearWELL Signal

It is the varying time between declining pulses that allows the ions to
move into position under varying T and P conditions.

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

ClearWELL - How does it work?

• Reservoir fluids flowing into a well bore can reach a super

saturation condition due to the pressure drop or change in
temperature, thereby causing scale to precipitate on the piping
and down hole equipment
• The electric field generated by the ClearWELL device forces
homogeneous crystal formation in suspension rather than on
metal surfaces
• Scale crystallizes in suspension and is carried away with the oil
water mixture
• Residual carbonic acid will gradually dissolve any carbonate scale
that had previously adhered to the walls of the piping system
• Any paraffin present in solution will adhere to the scale and be
carried away as well

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

ClearWELL Results

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.
ESP results with ClearWELL
• One esp operating with ClearWELL for 776 days in a
heavy West Texas scaling environment with NO chemicals
• Second esp online with ClearWELL for 742 days in West
Texas – Well was pulled in December 06 due to a failed
pump and virtually no scale or paraffin was seen – 2/1/08

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

ClearWELL Case Study
Natural Gas (Well Y #1)

High Temp High

Pressure Gas Well

In 2005 the operator spent $400,000 to keep this well producing. The well is
plagued with severe scale, both calcium carbonate and barium sulfate. The
well is 12,970 feet deep and produces nearly 1,000 mcf of gas per day and
400 bbl of water. This is a very hot well with surface temperature 200 F.
Acid jobs were scheduled weekly. Chrome tubing was used. Nothing
worked on a consistent basis.
The ClearWELL device C160 166961 was installed on 5/23/06 and is
running 638 days or 21 months trouble free . The well is not showing any
scaling tendency and the maintenance savings have been substantial
compared to 2005. March 1, 2008

Well Schematic

Production curve showing no fall off since Clearwell device

attached. Just prior to installation 5/23/06 the well was down
for repairs. Note the decline March thru May.

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

ClearWELL Case Study

F #1 and F #2

F # 1 and F #2 are oil wells plagued with heavy

paraffin located in shallow water off the Louisiana
Platform with solar shore line. Any maintenance or workover results in
panels for Clearwell considerable expense and presents a serious
environmental hazard. The wells have to be cut
every 3rd day by wireline and the flow lines are
pigged repeatedly to maintain production.
ClearWELL was installed using solar power on
March 9, 2006 and have been running for over 14
months or 420 days. Visual observation indicates a
significant reduction in paraffin in the flow lines
Unit installation
allowing pig runs to be cut by 2/3 to date. Cutting
has been reduced by a factor of 8 from every 3 days
to every 24 days.
On F#1 alone the pig runs in the flow lines have
been reduced from 182 in 2005 to only 42 so far in
2006. Pig runs show minimal paraffin. Intervals
continue to be lengthened as the evaluation
continues. Well wireline cuts have been reduced
from 184 in 2005 to 52. There have been no hot oil
Pig after flow line run jobs. In 2005 there were 3 hot oil jobs at $30,000
showing considerably
less paraffin than
each. On an annual basis $367,748 is saved at
expected. Interval 24 these 2 wells by using ClearWELL.
days extended from 3.
June 1, 2007
© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.
ClearWELL Case Study

Well # 1959
Well # 1959 is an oil well with an electric
submersible pump. It was acidized twice in 2005
and has not required any intervention since the
ClearWELL device was installed on January 9,
2006. It has logged 813 days of trouble free
operation. The time line indicates ClearWELL has
been more cost effective and less hazardous than
repetitive acid jobs. To pull the well, run acid and
refurbish the pump cost the operator approximately
The well continues to run trouble free with the esp
life extended well past mean time to failure for the
region. The customer has already saved $106,000
in workover expense alone. The ClearWELL
device improves company safety metrics and is an
approach to well management that is also
environmentally friendly.
April 12, 2008

The production curve to the right shows that gas (~75 mcfd)
and oil( ~10 bbld) have held steady since 1/9/06. Water
production is ~ 500 bbld .

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

Well Application Parameters

• Scale
– As long as the well makes scale, ClearWELL can
treat it.
– All depths, pressures and well bore sizes
– All forms of lift
– The higher the flow rate the better the performance
• Paraffin
– Must have at least 10% (scaly) water; 30% or higher
is desirable
– The higher the water content and the more scaly the
water, the better the performance
© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.
Power Requirements

• ClearWELL is a low power device ~ 35 watts standard unit

• Power source options:
• AC source typically 110 or 220 volts
• Generator
• Solar panels & inverter
• Power source range:
• 87 – 240 volts
• 47-63 Hz

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

4/ 1/ 05

© 2006 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

Pulle d , sc a le p lu g g in g ,
a c id jo b a n d m e c h a n ic a l

6/ 1/ 05
w o rk fo r 17 d a ys c o st

We ll p lu g g e d 36 d a ys to
re p a ir a t a c o st o d $410,000

8/ 1/ 05
Fish in g , a c id , Hi te m p C I,
slic k lin e , m u ltip le p ulls,
c h a rg e s, m illin g 7/ 6/ 05 to
8/ 28/ 05

10/ 1/ 05
Slic k lin e 1.75"b a ile r p ulle d
tu b in g a c id jo b C I 12/ 14/ 05
Superior Value

12/ 1/ 05
Pu lle d FLTP 60# SIC P 1800#
Ac id jo b C I 1/ 21/ 06 $3329

Pu lle d ,a c id jo b 2/ 7/ 06
2/ 1/ 05

SIC P 2600# Pu lle d a c id jo b

slic k lin e 2/ 28/ 06 $7933

4/ 1/ 05

Pu lle d Ac id jo b 5/ 20/ 06
C le a rw e ll In sta lle d &
n o c h e m ic a l
5/ 23/ 06
6/ 1/ 06
8/ 1/ 06

Acid scheduled every 7 to 10 days; stopped 5/23/06

Te st We ll # 9 C le a rw e ll

Operator admits well scales & plugs within 30-40 days

7/6/05-8/28/05 lost production not included in $ savings

Ma in te n a n c e a t w e ll h e a d -
d o w n tim e 2 d a ys
10/ 1/ 06
12/ 1/ 06
2/ 1/ 07

426 d a ys 8/ 1/ 07

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