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(CS1545)3 CR



1. The objective of this subject is to give the

students an in-depth understanding of
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
2. Different models of ANN with their
functionalities, architecture and algorithms are
3. The learner is exposed to ANN concepts from
ground up, gradually moving to theoretical
and mathematical proofs with applications.
After successful completion of this course, the student
should be able to
 Understand key concepts of Artificial Neural
 Use Artificial Neural Networks for problem solving.
 Identify appropriate Artificial Neural Network
Model to build solutions to problems.
 Use Artificial Neural Networks as a tool for
Machine Learning.
 Apply Artificial Neural Networks for building Deep
Learning machines.
Text Books
• Fundamentals of Neural Networks – Architectures,
Algorithms and Applications – Laurene Fausett,
• Introduction to Soft Computing, Neuro-Fuzzy and
Genetic Algorithms – Samir Roy, Udit
Chakraborty, Pearson
Reference Books
• Neural Networks and Learning Machines – Simon
Haykin, Pearson
• Neuro-Fuzzy & Soft Computing – J.-S. R. Jang, C.
-T. Sun, E. Mizutani, Pearson





Artificial Neural Network

 “Neural” is an adjective for neuron and network denotes a graph

like structure.
 Artificial neural network also referred to as a “neural nets”,
“artificial neural systems”, “Parallel distribute processing system”,
“Connectionist system”.
 Fora computing system to be called by these pretty names, it is
necessary for the system to have a labeled directed graph structures
where nodes performs some simple computations.
 “Directed Graph”,consists of a set of “nodes” (vertices) and set of
“connections”(edegs/links/arcs) connecting pairs of nodes.
 A graph is said to be “labeled graph” if each connection is
associated with a label to identify some property of the connection.
Biological Inspirations

 Humans perform complex tasks like vision, motor

control, or language understanding very well.

 One way to build intelligent machines is to try to

imitate the (organizational principles of) human brain
Human Brain
• The brain is a highly complex, non-linear, and parallel
computer,composed of some 1011 neurons that are
densely connected (~104connection per neuron). We
have just begun to understand how thebrain works...

• A neuron is much slower (10-3sec) compared to a

silicon logic gate(10-9sec), however the massive
interconnection between neurons make up for the
comparably slow rate.
– Complex perceptual decisions are arrived at quickly
(within a fewhundred milliseconds)
Human Brain

• 100-Steps rule: Since individual neurons operate

in a fewmilliseconds, calculations do not involve
more than about 100 serial steps and the
information sent from one neuron to another is
verysmall (a few bits)

• Plasticity: Some of the neural structure of the

brain is present at birth, while other parts are
developed through learning, especially inearly stages
of life, to adapt to the environment (new inputs).
Biological Neuron
• A variety of different neurons exist (motor
neuron, on-center off-surround visual
cells…), with different branching

• The connections of the network and the

strengths of the individual synapses
establish the function of the network.
Biological Neuron
Biological Neuron

-dendrites: nerve fibres carrying electrical signals

to the cell.
– cell body: computes a non-linear function of its
– axon: single long fiber that carries the electrical
signal from the cell body to other neurons
– synapse: the point of contact between the axon
of one cell and the dendrite of another, regulating
a chemical connection whose strength affects the
input to the cell.
Artificial Neural Networks

Computational models inspired by the human brain:

– Massively parallel, distributed system, made up of

simple processing units (neurons)

– Synaptic connection strengths among neurons are used

to store the acquired knowledge.

– Knowledge is acquired by the network from its

environment through a learning process
Properties of ANNs
Learning from examples
– labeled or unlabeled
– changing the connection strengths to learn things
– the non-linear activation functions are essential
Fault tolerance
– if one of the neurons or connections is damaged, the whole
network still works quite well
Thus, they might be better alternatives than classical
solutions for
problems characterised by:
– high dimensionality, noisy, imprecise or imperfect data; and
– a lack of a clearly stated mathematical solution or algorithm
Any Questions?
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