Lecture On Pattern Classification and Pattern Association

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Lecture on Pattern

Classification and Pattern

Pattern Classification
•Classification is the process of
idenifying the class to which a given
pattern belongs
Pattern Classification

• For example, let us considered the set of S of all three bit patterns .We
may divide the patterns of S into two classes A and B where A is the
class of all patterns having more 0’s than 1’s and B the

• S={000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111}

• A={000, 001, 010, 100}
• B={011, 101, 110, 111}
Pattern Classification
• Now given an arbitary 3-bit pattern, the classification
problem here is to decide whether it belongs to the
class A , or class B.

• In other words, we habe to establish the mapping

shown in fig. below.
Pattern Classification

001 A
101 B

Fig:Classification of 3-bit patterns based on the number of 0s and 1s.

Pattern Classification

• The simplest way to achieve Row Pattern Class

this is to execute a table 0 0 0 0 A
look-up procedure, as shown 1 0 0 1 A
in table. 2 0 1 0 A
3 0 1 1 B
Table:Classification as 4 1 0 0 A
a table look-up 5 1 0 1 B
procedure. 6 1 1 0 B
7 1 1 1 B
A procedure for classification of 3-Bit
Procedure Classify (x, A, B) End-if
Begin End-for
n0=n1=0; /* initialize counts*/ If n0>n1
/* count 0s and 1s in x*/ Then Return A;
For i← 1 to 3 do Else Return B;
If the ith bit is 0 End if
Then n0++ ; End -procedure
Else n1++ ;
Fig.:An artificial neuron to classify 3- bit binary
patterns based on the number of 0s and 1s.

x1 X1 +1
x2 +1 y_out

x3 +1
Pattern Association
y_in = xw
i 1
i i =x1w1+x2w2+x3w3

1 if y_in≥2
0 otherwise
Classification of 3-bit Pattern with two output units

y_in1 ==  i 1
xi wi1

x1 X1 W11=+1 1 if y_in1≥2
y_out1 =f(y_in1)={
-1 Y1 y_out1
0 , otherwise
X2 +1 3

x2 -1 xw
i 1
i i

+1 y_out2 =x1w12+x2w22+x3w32=-x1-x2-x3
1, if y_in2≥-1
x3 W32=-1 y_out2= f(y_in2) ={
0, otherwise
Pattern Association
Given an input pattern, and a set of patterns already stored in the
memory , finding the closest match of the input pattern among the
stored patterns and returning it as the output, is known as pattern
Pattern Association
The basic concept of pattern association is explained below with the
help of a simple illustrative example.The example is inspired by
Hopfield network[1982].
+3 +3 Inactive Unit
P2 +3 P3 Active Unit
-1 -1 -1 -1
P4 +3 P5
+3 +3
The essintial features of Network
The essential features of the network are describe below.
i)PE states :at any instant, a unit may either be in an active or an
inactive state.Moreover, depending on the circumstances , the state
of a unity may change from active to inactive and vice versa.In fig.
An active unit is shown with a black circle and an inactive unit is
indicated by a hollow circle.
ii)Interconnections: All interconnections are bidirectional
magnitude of the weight associated with an interconnection give
the strenght of influence the connected units play on each other.
The essintial features of Network
iii)Signed weights: A negative weight implies that the corresponding units tend to
inhibit, or activate, each other.
iv)Initialization : The network is initialized by making certain units active and keeping
others inactive.The initial combination of active and inactive units is considered as the
input pattern.After initialization, the network passes through a number of
transformations.The transformation take place according to the rules described below.
v)Transformations:At each stage during the sequence of transformations,the next
state of the every unit pi, i= 1,…..,6, is determined. The next state of the every unit pi
is obtained by considering all active neighbours of pi and taking the algebraic sum of
the weights of the paths between pi and the neighbouring actives units.If the sum is
greater than 0, then pi becomes active for the next phase.Otherwise it becomes
inactive. The state of a unit without any active unit in its neighbourhood remains
unaltered.This process is known as parallel relaxation.

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