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Summary of
Articles on Critical
Thinking in
Speaking Topic
Jasmine Aussie Azzahra (06011381823059)
Teaching and Learning Strategies Palembang Class
Designing an EFL Speaking Class with a View to Critical 0
Thinking Development by Rahman, S. T., & Samanhudi, U. 2
Debate Instruction in EFL Classroom: Impacts on the
Critical Thinking and Speaking Skill by Iman, J. N.
The Impact of Dialogic Teaching on English Language
Learners’ Speaking and Thinking Skills by Elhassan, I., &
Adam, M.
Developing Engineering Students’ Critical Thinking For
Public Speaking Through Problem-based Learning by
Nangimah, M.
Critical Thinking: An Empirical Study On Undergraduate
Students To Enhancing Speaking Skills Through
Critical Thinking by Raju, M., Lavanya, S., &
Shashanka, B. M.
Summary of Articles

H ighlights
Designing an EFL Speaking Class with a 03

View to Critical Thinking Development by

Rahman, S. T., & Samanhudi, U. (2018).

This paper focuses on joint student-teacher-designed

activities implementation to develop students’ critical
thinking and speaking skills and their responses to the
activities. The results indicated that joint student-teacher
designed activities helped students develop both their
critical thinking skills and speaking abilities and it thus
also gained students’ positive response. Summary of Articles
Debate Instruction in EFL
Classroom: Impacts on the Critical
Thinking and Speaking Skill by
Iman, J. N. (2017).

The research was aimed to find out whether or not using debate
significantly improved the students’ critical thinking and speaking skill
achievements and how much debate contributed to each aspect of critical
thinking and speaking skills. The findings showed that (1) there was a
significant improvement in critical thinking and speaking skill, (2) there was
also a significant mean difference between the experimental and control
groups, (3) there was a high contribution of the debate toward the whole
aspects of critical thinking.

Summary of Articles
This paper aims to investigate the influence
of dialogic teaching on the development
of the learners' speaking skills and critical
thinking. It is commonly believed that
teachers rely on language that allows only
minor flexibility when exchanging views
with their students. This paper displays the
introduction of the Communicative
Approach drawing on dialogic teaching
which means using talk most effectively for The Impact of
carrying out teaching and learning. Dialogic Teaching on English
Language Learners’ Speaking
and Thinking Skills by
Summary of Articles Elhassan, I., & Adam, M.
The study found that students had the
potential to be critical despite their lack
of English vocabulary and poor
pronunciation ability. They developed
critical thinking by understanding the Developing Engineering
context given, gathering relevant sources Students’ Critical
as analysis resources, evaluating the
gathered information through discussion,
Thinking For Public
and Speaking Through
generating the solutions. Evaluative Problem-based Learning
teaching strategies that encourage
scaffolding and learning autonomy are by Nangimah, M.
needed to enhance their critical (2020).
thinking. This study shows that
engineering students have the potential
to be critical despite their lack of
Summary of Articles
English vocabulary
and poor pronunciation ability.
In this research
Critical Thinking: An investigation, undergraduate engineering
Empirical Study On students have been tested by inculcating
Undergraduate Students To critical thinking to enhance speaking
skills. Critical thinking flawlessly
Enhancing Speaking Skills enhance speaking skills provided
Through Critical Thinking instructional materials,
controlled, and guided methodology
by Raju, M., Lavanya, S., is facilitated on the domain of
& Shashanka, B. M. (2020). constructive and organized arenas. To
speaking skills undoubtedly learners are
to be given “free mind” to think
constructively, systematically, apparently,
Summary of Articles self-centric, self-guided, self-monitored
to speak freely and fluently without any

Thank You

Summary of Articles

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