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Выдающиеся люди Кыргызстана

Notable people of Kyrgyzstan

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Chingiz Aytmatov
• Chingiz Aitmatov (was born on December 12,
1928, the village of Sheker, in Talas of the
Kyrgyz Republic - June 10, 2008, Nuremberg,
Germany) is a Kyrgyz writer and contemporary
Soviet literature, an influential writer. His works 
with a distinctive national style and a strong
lyrical color, writing in Kyrgyz and Russian
languages. People's Writer of the Kirghiz SSR
(1974). Hero of Socialist Labor (1978). Laureth
Lenin (1963) and three State Prizes (1968, 1977,
1983). A member of the Communist Party since
1959. Member of Editorial Board, "Library of
World Literature." His work has been translated
into many languages ​around the world.
Yusuf Balasaguni

• Yusuf Khass Hajib Balasaguni was an

11th-century Central Asian Turkic poet,
statesman, vizier and philosopher
from the city of Balasaghun, the
capital of the Kara-Khanid Khanate in
modern-day Kyrgyzstan. He wrote the
Kutadgu Bilig and most of what is
known about him, comes from his
own writings in this work. He is also
referred to as Yūsuf Balasaguni,
derived from his city of origin.
Bubusara Beyshenalieva

• In 1926, Bubusara Beyshenalieva, the

great Kyrgyzstani ballerina was born in
what is now Tash-Debe in the Chui
oblast. At a young age, a group of
Kyrgyz children, including
Beyshenalieva, were recruited by
choreographers from Leningrad
Choreographic School. Her debut took
place in 1939 at the Bolshoi Theater in
Moscow, and she graduated in 1941.
Thereafter, Beyshenalieva became a
soloist of the Kyrgyz National Opera and
Ballet Theatre.
Tat ty b u b u Tu r s un b ay ev a

• Tattybubu Tursunbayeva was a famous actress

who was born on July 12, 1944 in Chayek village,
Naryn oblast. She was born in a peasant family,
but by age 16 recorded for the first time in the
short feature “Salima's Song”. Only 17 years old,
she began her studies at the Tashkent Theatrical
Institute, which she graduated from in 1966.
Tursunbayeva’s first big role on screen was as Ak-
Meer in the movie “Ak-Meer” by Melis Ubukeev,
which resulted in nationwide recognition for her
talents. She was rewarded Honored Artist of the
Kirghiz SSR and, in April 2014, a monument in
Bishkek was raised in her honor. Tursunbayeva
died suddenly in December 1981, at only 37 years
Akhunbaev Isa

• Isa Akhunbaev was born on

September 25, 1908 in the village of
(Тору-айгыр) Issyk kul region. He
was an outstanding surgeon, the first
president of the USSR Academy of
sciences and author of many medical
Kanybek Osmonaliev

• Kyrgyz and Soviet weightlifter,

winner of the 1980 Olympic
games in Moscow, World and
European champion.

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