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We learn

Fernando Delgado
Description of the Project

The life in the school could be unforgettable or it could be a

nightmare or even learn any thing in internet , a nightmare for
does ones that don’t understand some themes as well as they
could do , some others understand things easy. This normally is
seen as a problem, but we saw it as a business opportunity.
Finding a teacher for a single theme is very difficult in some
situations and they are expensive, and they sometimes don’t
teach you as they should or as your school requires, also all the
knowledge area are so unexploited that’s the reason that we
don’t go to limit in the school classroom, we want that you learn
all the thing you can .
Our idea fulfill that need and solves the problem. This idea
consists in virtual classes given by schoolmates or any person with
some knowledge , the teacher earns money and the student learns
it doesn’t have too much risk because is virtual and its very secure

Provide a cheap service that the person that don’t have lots of
money can buy it, to convince people that a pay service is better
that the free and that they take into a count that that service is
different of the others plataforms, and also the trust that the
people have in the education system

The service that we provide is a personal also you can talk to the
teacher when you are in the curse, another improvement is that
the platform have a lot of topics this means that every person
interstice in a specific field of knowledge can study in we learn,
s.w.o.t analysis

 Security because the classes are virtual

 A lot of topics because the app is going to have all the important subjects of
the school and any knowledge you imagine
 Is cheap and accessible for most of the people because you need only internet

 Is complex app to develop

 We have a lot of competitors and most of them give free classes
 In the start the quantity of the curses that we can upload

 The constant expander of technology

 The easy-pay system
 A personalized system of the classes

 Publicity
 That we are a new product and the people don’t trust in new systems
 to start developing the topics because we need to find teachers to start the

 Local teachers that give classes

 Sena because is a technical institute

 Duolingo because it teaches languages and its free, also is an app

 YouTube because you can find videos that explain you a topic and it is free
 Kan academy because is an app that teach you a lot of topics and is free
 Udemy because is a web page that you pay for a curse in technology
 Domestika because is a web page that you can learn technology skills
Info graphic

 Bibliografy
 Godwin-Jones, R. (2011). MOBILE
massachusetts: Language Learning &

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