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Understanding Change

by Julio C Agosto

The Germ Theory of Diseases

Historical Orbit of Sputnik 1 Satellite

The Germ Theory of Diseases

In earlier civilizations most people believed

that diseases appeared out of thin air or that
their god or gods were punishing them.

The theory that germs are microscopic fungi,

bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa that
can cause disease, took many years and
events to postulate. It has slowly changed the
world into a better place.
In the Beginning
 Before Louis Pasteur, physicians suspected that something
was causing diseases but they could not prove it. They
guessed, and through trail and error figured out treatments
for some diseases. They also noticed certain practices
decreased the chances of getting certain sicknesses.

 In the 2nd to 4th century BC. Hindu physician Susruta,

recorded that physician, before operating, should wash and
cut their nails, wear clean cloths, and spray sweet-smelling
aromas. Later we would discover that basic germs could be
prevented from spreading with proper cleanliness and

 On Agriculture by Marcus Terentius Varro(36 BC), their is a

warning about living close to a swamp. He stated that their
are “bred certain minute creatures” in the swamp, that we can
not see, that infect us and cause diseases. This shows that
society had started to consider the idea of Germ Microbes.
The New Era
 Anton Van Leeuwenhoek in 1675 identified bacteria in his own
saliva, using his refined microscope.

 Leeuwenhoek’s findings eventually lead Jakob Henle to postulate

the theory of contagion. His 1840 theory stated the principles
that must be met to scientifically prove the origin of a contagious

 Louis Pasteur discovered the ability of yeasts to change sugars

into alcohol. His finding noted that yeast is the one and only
cause of the fermentation, not a chemical reaction as previously
thought. These 1859 finding helped form the Germ Theory of
Fermentation. Pasteur also showed that germs are responsible
for diseased wine and beer.

 The discovery of disease causing germs in alcohol, Inspired

Robert Koch to take the next step and prove that germs are
responsible for diseases in humans and animals. Koch used the
germ theory of disease to prove that the disease anthrax, which
kills livestock, is caused by a germ later called Bacillus Anthracis.
The Long Road
 Because of many great men we have been able to discover the germs that
cause countless sicknesses and deaths. Scientific understanding of The
Germs Theory of Disease has lead to the creation of many other branches
of science, which aid in our ultimate under standing of the natural world.


Jakob Henle

Anton van
Leeuwenhoek Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch
Reference List
 Germ Theory of Disease (n.d.). In Encyclopedia Facts of Science online. Retrieved from
 J. Salace(made available in 2008). The Germ Theory of Disease. Retrieved from
 W. T. SEDGWICK & H. W. TYLER (1918). A Short History of Science. Available from
 Norman B. Medow, & Abraham Schlossman. (1999). Germ theory heralded era of antibiotic
discoveries. Ophthalmology Times, Vol. 24 (Issue 16), p2-6p. Retrieved from
 Germ Theory of Disease Causation (n.d.). Retrieved from
 Anton van Leeuwenhoek Image. Retrieved 12-6-2010 from:
 Jakob Henle Image. Retrieved 12-6-2010 from:
 Susruta Image. Retrieved 12-7-2010 from:
  Robert Koch Image. Retrieved 12-7-2010 from:
 Louis Pasteur Image. Retrieved 12-7-2010 from:
Historical Orbit of Sputnik 1 Satellite
 Russia’s
proud launch of
Sputnik 1 came on October 4,

 The successful launch of

Sputnik is considered by many
as the pivotal starting point of
the Space Race between
Russia and the U.S.

 Thissingle event caused

countries to pump millions of
dollars into scientific research
and education.
The Historical Stage
 This historic launch into space was during a period of
heightened tension. Two Super Powers, the U.S and Russia,
were fighting for global dominance, which in-turn pitted the
Capitalist States against the Communist Union. Sputnik1’s
success was at the high point of a historical period that was
call the Cold War.

 In 1957 Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United

States. At the time, this Soviet accomplishment was a
shocking event that set off sparks of completion in space
science and exploration.

 The Russians had nuclear weapons technology at this time.

This new satellite success scared the U.S and proudly
showed that the Soviet Union had the higher level of
scientific aptitude.
The face of Space Science
 Sputnik1 showed that space exploration was possible. No
longer did we have to stay rooted to this planet and look to
the stars. We could now venture beyond this plant because
our math concepts and scientific theories proved to be true.

 Huge scientific achievements have been made as a result of

the Soviet Satellite. It directly caused the U.S. to created the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) quickly
after Sputnik1’s triumph.

 NASA Mission Statement:

“To advance and communicate scientific knowledge and
understanding of the Earth, the solar system, and the
universe and use the environment of space for research.
To explore, use, and enable the development of space for
human enterprise. To research, develop, verify, and transfer
advanced aeronautics, space, and related technologies.”
The Effect of Sputnik
 Since the Russians had the blue print down, they lunched
Sputnik2 on November 2, 1957. this time it was a little bigger
and even carried a dog named Laika.

 The United states finally answered back with the development

of Exploer1. This satellite carried a scientific payload. This
payload eventually discovered the magnetic radiation belts
around the Earth, which can be harmful to equipment and
satellites. This success eventually lead the United States to be
the first to land on the Moon.

 Satellites opened investigational research and advancements.

◦ We could study the upper atmosphere and the ionosphere in great
◦ We are now able to study the infrared, ultraviolet, X- and gamma
rays that effect our earth from celestial bodies.
◦ We have major communication advancements relaying data,
research and military intelligence around the world.
Reference List
 Arturo Russo (n.d.). Satellite. Retrieved 12-6-2010 from

 Steve Garber (2007). Sputnik and The Dawn of the Space Age. Retrieved 12-6-2010 from

 Cold War (n.d.). Retrieved 12-6-2010 from

 NASA Mission Statement (2006). Retrieved 12-6-2010 from

 Sputnik 1 Image. Retrieved 12-7-2010 from:

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