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07:46 AM

Chapter 1
Introduction to Control
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Samad
Tel.: 04-5996363 H/p: 019-4220332
Email: Room: 1.36

Dr. Norzalilah Mohamad Nor

Tel.: 04-5995739 H/p: 019-5732922
Email: Room: 1.40

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairudin Mohamed

Tel.: 04-599 6383 H/p: 019 5624343
Email: Room: 2.03
EMC 322 Automatic Control

07:46 AM
Control Systems
 Engineering is concerned with understanding and controlling the materials and
forces of nature for the benefit of humankind.
 Control system engineers are concerned with understanding and controlling
segments of their environment, often called systems, to provide useful economic
products for society.
 Control engineering is based on the foundations of feedback theory and linear
system analysis, and it integrates the concepts of network theory and
communication theory.
 A control system is an interconnection of components forming a system
configuration that will provide a desired system response.
 The basis for analysis of a system is the foundation provided by linear system
theory, which assumes a cause-effect relationship for the components of a system.
 The input-output relationship represents the cause-effect relationship of a
component or process to be controlled as shown in the figure below.

In p u t P ro c e ss O u tp u t

P ro c e s s to b e c o n tro lle d
EMC 322 Automatic Control

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Feedback control system

An open loop control system utilizes an actuating device to
control the process directly without using feedback.
D e s ire d o u tp u t
C o n tro lle r A c tu a to r P ro c e ss O u tp u t
re sp o n se

Example: Air-condition
 A closed loop control system uses a measurement of the
output and feedback of this signal to compare it with the
desired output (reference or command).
E rro r
D e s ire d o u tp u t + C o n tro lle r A c tu a to r P ro c e ss O u tp u t
re sp o n se

S en so r

Example: Float regulator

The measurement of the output is called the feedback
EMC 322 Automatic Control

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Disturbance & Noise

 Closed-loop control has many advantages over open-loop

control including the ability to reject external disturbances and
improve measurement noise attenuation.

The figure illustrates the disturbances and measurement noise
are incorporate in the block diagram as external inputs.
EMC 322 Automatic Control

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Multi-loop feedback system

Many feedback control systems contain more than one feedback loop.
 A common multi-loop feedback control system is illustrated in the figure
with an inner loop and an outer loop.
 In this scenario, the inner loop has a controller and a sensor and the outer
loop has a controller and sensor.
 However, we use the single-loop feedback system for learning about the
benefits of feedback control systems since the outcomes readily extend to
multi-loop systems.
EMC 322 Automatic Control

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Multi-variable control system

 Due to the increasing complexity of the system under control

and the interest in achieving optimum performance, the
importance of control system engineering has grown in the
past decade.

Furthermore, as the systems become more complex, the
interrelationship of many controlled variables must be
considered in the control scheme.
EMC 322 Automatic Control

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History of automatic control

300-1 B.C. float regulator mechanism used in
 1572-1633 temperature regulator invented by
Cornelis Drebbel in Holland

1681 pressure regulator invented by Dennis
Papin for steam boilers

1769 flyball governor invented by James Watt
for controlling the speed of a steam engine
 1868 J. C. Maxwell formulated mathematical
control theory using differential equation model
of a governor
 Prior World War II control theory was developed
in America using frequency domain while in
Europe using time domain

1980 digital computer is used for control
EMC 322 Automatic Control

07:46 AM Example car steering control

EMC 322 Automatic Control

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Example 3 axes control system
EMC 322 Automatic Control

07:46 AM Float regulator mechanism


Float regulator mechanism is an automatic control system (feedback) that has been used
since 300 B.C. We utilize it in our daily life and it is available in our toilet flush (See
Figure 1).
 Study the configuration of the float regulator mechanism in your toilet as shown in Figure
2 and analyze its components.
 Rewrite each text in the block diagram shown in Figure 3 with suitable component (box)
or parameter (arrow) names.
 Explain the working principal of float regulator mechanism.
 Conduct a simple experiment by following these steps:
1) Put a ruler with mm scale vertically in the tank for measuring the water level.
2) Take the reading of the water level for every 10 seconds using your watch when the water level
Figure 1 is raising right after flushing the toilet.
3) Plot a graph of water level against time.
4) Turn the setting screw for 5 turns clockwise direction.
5) Repeat steps 2 and 3.
6) Discuss the characteristic of the system response (output or water level) based on the two
graphs plotted.

Do the assignment together in your group. Write your answer in a Word file. Upload the
file using the link provided in e-learning website for submission. Only one person need to
upload in a group.

Figure 2 Comparator Controller Control Actuator Actuating Process Output
output Error
Signal Signal

Figure 3 Sensor
07:46 AM

T h a n k Yo u

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