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 Botanical name : Zea mays

 Family : Poaceae
 Origin : Mexico
 Maize is a cross pollinated crop.
 Maize is known as “ Queen of cereals”.
 Percentage oil content in Maize is 4% .
 Maize protein is called “ Zein”.
 Human food
 Alternative medicine
 Chemicals
 Bio-fuel
 Ornamental and other uses
 Fodder
 Commodity
Climate requirements

 Maize crops is strongly affected by climate

such as :
• Temperature
• Water / Moisture

Temperature :-
 Maize is a warm weather crops of 19°c to 23°c.
 The critical temperature affecting yield is approximately 32°c.
 Low temperature will cause frost at all stages of maize.
 Frost free period is require to prevent damage between 120 -140.
Water / Moisture
 Approximately 10 – 16kg of grain are produce
per millimeter of water use

 At maturity each plant will used 250/ of water

in absence of moisture stress
Land preparation
 Weed removing
 Soil tillage
 Fertilization of land
 Give four to five ploughings and plankings to
make the seed –bed free clods and weeds.
 Use mould board plough , disc harrow or
cultivator for the 1st cultivation.
Seed rate
Use 7kg seed for popcorn and 8kg per Acre
for other varieties.


Culture: Give two hoeings about 15 to 30 days

after sowing with khurpa/kasaula/ wheel-hoe.
Irrigation management

 Generally , 4-6 irrigations are

depending upon rainfall.

 Critical stages for irrigation –

Tasseling and silking
Harvesting and Threshing

 The maize crop is ready for harvesting even

when the stalks and leaves are some what
green but the husk cover has dried and
turned brown.

 Maize shelled when the moisture the

moisture content ranges between 15 to 20 %.

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