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h a t is a
 A volcano is a mountain with
hole where lava (hot, liquid
rock) comes from a magma
chamber under the ground.
 A volcano can be active,
dormant, or extinct.
 had records of recent eruptions and
may, anytime, erupt again.
 no longer erupt but there is a
possibility that it might be active again
sometime in the future.
 it will never erupt again.
Vol c an o?
at c au se s
 Volcanoes happen when magma rises
to the surface of the earth, which causes
bubbles of gas to appear in it. Magma
rises because it is less dense compared
with the surrounding rock.
 This gas can pressure to build up in
the mountain, and it eventually
explodes. When the magma bursts out
of the earth, it is called lava.
Features /
Parts of a
Magma Chamber
 a large underground pool of
molten rock sitting underneath
the Earth’s crust.
 since magma is less dense
than the surrounding mantle an
so it seeps up to the surface
through cracks and flaws in the
crust. When it reaches the
surface, volcanic eruption
 When magma reaches the surface and
comes out of volcano, it become a lava.
Main Vent
 This is the outer chamber in the Earth’s crust
that allows hot magma to reach the surface.
 A volcanic crater is a
circular depression in
the ground caused by
volcanic activity.
 This where lava, ash
and rock erupt out of
a volcano.

 In most situation, the vocano crater is

located on the top of the volcano.
Pyroclastic Flow
 fast moving
currents of hot gas
and rock that travel
downhill from a
volcano, reaching
speeds of 700 km/h.

 the gas can reach temperatures of more than

1,000°C, and is one of the greatest dangers from
volcanic eruptions.
Ash Cloud
 volcanic ash consists
of small pieces of
pulverized rock and
glass created during
volcanic eruptions.

 these fragments are so small, and heated to a

temperature that they can be carried in the air for
many kilometers.
Volcanic Bombs
 chunks of lava blasted into the air which
solidify before they reach the ground.
 some bombs can be
extremely large,
measuring five to six
meters in diameter
and landing more
than 500 meters from
the volcanic vent.
Secondary Vent
 otherwise called side vents, it allows
some of the magma and gases to escape
not in the main vent where the eruption
takes place.
Secondary Cone
 build up around secondary vents
on larger volcanoes.
Volcanoes form when magma
reaches the Earth’s surface, causing
eruptions of lava and ash. They occur
at destructive (compressional) and
constructive (tensional) plate
The immediate effects of volcanic
eruptions can be devastating, but they
may be beneficial in the long term.
The following is the
process that
happens when a
volcanic eruption
Magma rises
through cracks
or weaknesses in
the Earth’s crust.
Pressure builds
up inside the
3 When the pressure is
released, example as
a result of plate
movement, magma
explodes to the
surface causing a
volcanic eruption.
The lava from
the eruption
cools to form new
5 Over time, and
after several
eruptions, the
rock build up and
a volcanic forms.
Types of
O Usually found at constructive or tensinal
O They are low, with gently sloping sides.
O They are formed by eruptions of thin, runny lava.
O Eruptions tend to be frequent but relatively gentle.
 Simple volcanoes which have a bowl-shaped
crater at the summit and steep sides.
 They only grow to about a thousand feet, the size
of a hill.
 They are usually created
from eruptions that form a
single opening, umlike a
strato-volcano or shield
volcano which can erupt
from many different
 Made of piles of lava, not
O Made up of alternating layers of lava and ash
(other volcanoes just consist of lava)
O They are usually found at destructive or
compressional boundaries.
O Pyroclastic flow rather than lava flow.
Thank You!!! 
God bless <3
Lindo, Hannah Bea Cabral
XI – ABM 1

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