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Name Ayesha Amjad

Class Roll No 2
University Roll NO 34439
Social Mobility Reflected in Anton Chekov’s The
Cherry Orchard (1904)
Social mobility

 refers to the shift in an individual’s

social status. Shifts can be  According to Davies and Moore in
 higher or lower Saunders(2001), people’s position
 inter-generational or intra- in society influence how their rank
generational, and reward formed. It meant that
peoples’ position in modern class
 Upward or downward is not determined by birth(parents’
 Horizontal or vertical opportunity). This movement may
occur within one individual.
Marxist Approach

 Karl Marx(1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels(1820-1895)

were the founders of this school of thought.

 Advocates historical centrality of class struggle.

 Determines status of forces with relation of production.

 A Revolutionary theory.

 Practice of social and political transformation.

 Centers the exploitation of working class.

 Theorizes the concept of social revolution.

Social mobility in The Cherry Orchard

 Literature can be an indicator of social change and how society is formed.

 Orchard is an illustration of social mobility of past.
 There was a division among classes.

Social division in Haves Feudal capitalists

society lords

Have not serfs workers

 The Cherry Orchard is the Story of Lyobov, the owner of orchard who had a great
love for it but she has many debts.
 Estate go to auction because of debts.
 Social mobility made changes. Lopakin, a merchant, becomes a new owner.
 There are proper indicators of social mobility.
Indicators of social mobility

 The indicators are divided on the basis of Kerbo’s theory.

 The indicators of social mobility are
 Occupational
 authority
 property
 Each of the indicator is divided into five classes, upper ,corporative, middle,
working and lower class.
 Occupational
 In Cherry Orchard several occupations are acted by characters.
 Occupations make a difference between them.
 Lyobov main character inherited ancestral estate.
 Her dialogue “O my orchard’ shows her occupational upper class.
 According to Kerbo, upper class inherited property and authority.

 Authority was power of dominance depending on occupation.
 Individual with high occupation has high authority to control.
 Lyobov the owner of estate had an authority to control.
 Dialogue between Lyobov and Yasha indicating authority.
 She summoned yasha to pick up the coin that she dropped.
 Property was people’s ownership that they got from their ancestors.
 It was Individual authority which they can control.
Depiction of social mobility

 Characters, setting, events and diction depict the social mobility

 Chekov shows the mobility through characters so there are different kind of
characters which have different attitudes.
 Hardworking character like Lopakin he is a merchant and busy man
 Worked and bought the estate where his father was a serf
 Setting of the drama shows the identities. Lopakin’s father’s shop in village
because of which he became a merchant
 Events describe the situation related to social mobility
 Lyobov is in debt because of her extravagant attitude and estate should go for
auction to pay debts
 Several Dictions are related to issue of mobility like debt
Addressing the social mobility

 Written in 1890 when economic goes wrong.

 Orchard shows the perspective of social mobility and economic and political.
 Cherry orchard demonstrates redundancy of social order.
 Indicates social progress.
 Social classes in the beginning
 Lyobov
 Gayev
 Pishchik
 Anya
 Varya
 Lopakhin belongs to lower middle class.
 Working class consists of Dunyasha, Yasha and Firs.
Social mobility at the end of the play

 At the end social mobility was in the sense that Lopakin was the owner of orchard
and new upper class.
 Lubov, Leoind and Anya were in the upper middle class because orchard was sold
to Lopakin.
 Working class was placed by Yepikhidov as clerk, Yasha as footman and Varya as
 The Lower class was placed by Dunyasha and firs because both of them did not
get job yet.
 Several characters experienced social mobility. It can be upward and downward.
Upward and downward mobility

 Upward mobility was experienced by Lopakhin. He becomes the owner.

 Lyobov and his family became upper middle class. They experienced downward

 Varya adopted daughter, She has nothing but position exercised by her mother.
When mobility happened her class became downward because she becomes a

 Dunyasha and firs also experienced downward mobility.


 Social mobility IS experienced by all characters in play.

 Marxist utopia is never fully achieved.
 Social mobility was there in society but the society was never classless.
 There was a whole new setup where upper class was replaced.
 One status queue was replaced by other, one power setup was replaced by other
power setup.

Social division in haves Feudal lords capitalist

Have not serfs workers
Thank You

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