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Daniel Barker
Author(s) Date Title Journal Key Findings Conclusions
Light, R 2004 Coaches' experiences of Game Physical Education & Game sense creates Mastery of the game
Sense: opportunities and Sport Pedagogy better players but comes sense teaching style
challenges with its own set of will create more
challenges complete players
Booker. R, Kirk. D, 2000  Implementing a game sense European Physical Implementing modified Moving the teaching
Braiuka. S, Bransgrove. approach to teaching junior high Education Review games for understanding approach away from
A school basketball in a naturalistic tradition skill
setting acquisition allows for
more integration of
cognitive and
contextual learning
Pearson, P. J., & Webb, P 2008 Developing effective questioning Faculty of education Pre thought out questions Questions should be
in teaching games for based on specific traits of specific and well
understanding  the sport thought out to
achieve the greatest
understanding and
Light, R., & Fawns, R 2003 Knowing the game: Integrating Quest Educational pedagogies TGfU is an effective
speech and action in games that focus on speech for method for both
teaching through TGfU cognition and action for improved cognition
physical learning and physical ability
Pill, S 2011 Teacher engagement with Journal of Physical Planning questions within Simply asking
teaching games for Education & small sided games questions as they arise
understanding-game sense in Sport/Citius Altius is not as effective as
physical education Fortius planned questions
with a purpose
Webb, P. I., & Pearson, P. 2008 An integrated approach to Faculty of education Understanding similarities By understanding the
J teaching games for understanding and differences between differences and
sports similarities effective
questions can arise
that cover multiple
sports under specific
sections (e.g. tactics)
Summary of Research
 Throughout the research regarding the chosen topic question there is little debate towards the
positive impacts that well thought out questioning in game sense scenarios can have on player
cognition, specifically in basketball.
 Some of the key links that can be made between authors are those of Pill (2011) and Pearson
(2008) who’s research both delve into the importance of planned questioning. It is agreed upon
by these authors that it is not enough to just play small sided games and ask simple questions
as they naturally occur within the activity. High quality questioning should be planned and
consider specific traits of the sport with a direct aim/goal of furthering the individual or groups
understanding of that aspect of the sport. These are the types of questions that develop
improved cognition within the athletes therefore creating thinking players.
 There was not much debate between the resources however Light (2004) did make note of the
fact that teaching game sense and questioning pedagogies do come with their own set of
challenges attached. To create better results the teaching/coaching must be of a higher
standard and this does not often reveal itself to be the easiest option, however with great
challenges come great opportunities and Light does not stray away from covering the massive
benefits that come with mastering this teaching style.
 To summarise, an overwhelming majority of the research conducted into this field is positive
and if the challenges that come with adopting these new pedagogies can be overcome and
effective, planned and specific questioning can be used within the game sense approach. This
can reap significant benefits towards player cognition within the sport of basketball along with
many others.

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