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The most important universities

in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, we can

find some of the most
recognized schools around the
world. Since this culture is a
power in education and among
these schools, we will talk
about the most important that
currently exist.

The University of Oxford is a research university

located in Oxford, United Kingdom.
The exact date of its foundation is unknown, but
it is believed that by 1096 it was already serving
as a house of studies.
Which makes it the oldest English-speaking
university in the world and the second oldest
that remains open.
The university is composed of several institutions, 38 constituent colleges
and a wide range of academic departments that are organized into four
divisions. All colleges are institutions with self-government within the
university, control their members and have their own internal structure and
activities. Oxford is a university city that does not have a main campus,
since its buildings and faculties are scattered throughout the city center.
Oxford has educated many outstanding students,
including 29 Nobel Prize winners, 27 Prime Ministers
of the United Kingdom and countless heads of state
and government from around the world.

Prime Ministers:

Theresa May

David Cameron

Tony Blair

Margaret Thatcher
Lester B Pearson, Primer Minister of Canada, and
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Oliver Smithies, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Aung San SuuKyi, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in


V.S. Naipaul, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature

Sir James Mirrlees winner of the Nobel Prize in Economy

Sir Martin Ryle winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics

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