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Chemical Engineering

Plant Design
Chemical Engineering Department
Chapter 9
Optimum Design
Optimum design is based on the best or most favorable conditions. In
most cases this means the lowest cost or highest profit
In some cases factors other than economics can determine the most
favorable conditions. For example in a reactor, the optimum condition
could be when the conversion is maximum.
Procedure for Determining
Optimum Design
Step 1- Determine what factor is to be optimized
examples: total cost per unit of production, profit, conversion
Step 2- Determine what variables affect the chosen factor
Step 3- Develop relationships for the factor as a function of the
Step 4. Solve these relationships to find the optimum conditions.
Optimum Thickness of Insulation
For a Pipe
Optimum Thickness of Insulation
For a Pipe
Optimum thickness of an insulation for a pipe line transporting a hot
Step 1. The factor to be optimized is the total cost per year
Total cost per year = Fixed charges + cost of heat loss
Fixed charges is the annual depreciation for the cost of insulation
Step 2. The variable is the thickness of insulation (x)
Step 3. The relationship between total cost and thickness of insulation
Fixed charges = a x + b
Cost of heat loss = c/x + d
Optimum Thickness of Insulation
For a Pipe
•   Total cost per year = C T = a x + b + c/x + d
Where a, b, c, and d are constants. To find minimum for total cost, find
the first derivative and set it equal to zero.
Optimum Thickness of Insulation
For a Pipe
Total cost

Fixed charges
cost of heat loss

thickness of insulation
Semi-continuous Cyclic Operations
This is a an operation in which although product is delivered continuously,
the rate of delivery decreases with time owing to scaling, collection of side
products, or reduction in conversion efficiency. It becomes necessary to shut
down the operation periodically in order to restore the original conditions.
The optimum cycle time can be determined for conditions such as maximum
amount of production per unit time.

Semi-continuous Cyclic Operations
  scale formation occurs, the overall heat transfer coefficient
decreases with time:
Where a and d are constants for any given operation and U is the
overall heat transfer coefficient and is operating time since the
beginning of operation.
If Q represents the total amount of heat transferred in the operating
time , and A and ΔT represent, the heat transfer area and temperature
difference, the rate of heat transfer is
Semi-continuous Cyclic Operations
The total heat transferred in a cycle is
Semi-continuous Cyclic Operations
total cycle time

Where is cleaning time. If H is number of hours per year, then the

number of cycles per year is

The total amount of heat transferred in a year is

Semi-continuous Cyclic Operations

Finding the derivative with respect to and set it equal to zero

Semi-continuous Cyclic Operations


Optimum Economic Pipe Diameter
•As  pipe diameter increases, fixed cost increases but pumping cost
decreases. Therefore there must be an optimum condition.
Optimum economic pipe diameter is found at the point at which the
sum of pumping costs and fixed charges is minimum
Step 1. Factor to be optimized is total cost per year
Step 2. Variable affecting the chosen factor is diameter of pipe
Step 3. Development of relationships
Optimum Economic Pipe Diameter
f= friction factor, V=velocity, L=length, J=frictional loss due to fittings,
D=diameter, B= a constant taking care of elevation change
Optimum Economic Pipe Diameter
Fixed charges

Where F is installation factor, and if depreciation factor, X=constant
depending on the type of pipe, n is an exponent based on pipe.
+ is total cost per year. Find derivative of total cost with respect to D
and find optimum Diameter.
Optimum Economic Pipe Diameter
Optimum Economic Pipe Diameter
Optimum Flow Rate of Cooling
Water in Condenser
In a condenser, water can circulate at a high rate and small change in
temp. or at a low rate and large change in temp. What is the optimum
temperature of water out? Vapor, T

cooling water cooling water

t2 t1
Liquid, T
Optimum Flow Rate of Cooling
Water in Condenser
  of heat transfer

Solving for w, flow rate of water

Annual cost of cooling water

Optimum Flow Rate of Cooling
Water in Condenser
  annual fixed charges

Where is cost per unit area of heat exchanger

Total annual cost

This equation can be differentiated with respect to t2 to find the

optimum temperature of water from condenser. The results is shown as
Optimum Flow Rate of Cooling
Water in Condenser
Optimum Reflux Ratio in
Distillation Column
A design engineer must determine the size of column and reflux ratio
necessary to meet the specifications. As reflux ratio increases, no of
stages decreases and cost of column decreases, however, the flow rates
of liquid and vapor in the column increases which means a larger
condenser and reboiler. The flow rates of water and steam will increase
Optimum reflux ratio is when the total cost per year is minimum
Total Cost per year= (cost of column + Condenser + reboiler)
(depreciation factor)+ cost of water + cost of steam
Optimum Reflux Ratio in
Distillation Column

Total cost
per year

Reflux ratio

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