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By Gibby and Dreamoi
What is a motion?!?!?!

■ A motion, also known as a proposition or resolution in other formats, is a statement that

usually sets the topic for the given debate.
■ In any debate, the motion is always supported by the government and opposed by the
opposition, regardless of how the motion is worded.
■ Some terms:
– THW – This House would
– THBT – This House believes that
– THC – This House celebrates
– THR – This House regrets
– THS – This House supports
How the hell debate works?!?!?!?!
Prime Minister
■ Provides the set-up of the Debate
■ The PM must commence the debate by stating the motion put before the house and clearly introducing the proposition
– Definition and context 
– Parameters 
■ He/she must then define the key words in the given motion as interpreted by the team. 
■ He/she must put forth a logical link which clearly connects the motion and the proposed definition or the case
– Problem (or at least the value to be appraised)
■ He/she must then give the team split, highlighting his/her main arguments and the main arguments of the Deputy Prime
■ Since the PM has no rebuttals, he/she would put forth the constructive points.
■ He/she may also put forth a model. The model must be put forth in the PM’s speech only.
■ Include policy and mechanisms
Leader of Opposition
■ Rebuts the previous speech - errors of fact, faulty premise, inconsistencies, irrelevance
■ The LO may reiterate the motion and the case statement as put forth by the PM.
■ He/she must then clearly state if he/she accepts or rejects the definition put forth by
the proposition.
■ He/she must provide a point clash, negation, or maintain status quo.
■ He/she must then give the team split 
■ He/she must then go on to rebut certain arguments made by the PM. 
■ He/she must then proceed with his/her constructive matter and argumentation based on their clash.
■ The LO may also provide an alternative model (if any)
Deputy Prime Minister/Deputy Leader of the
■ Provides rebuttals
■ Rebuilds the case of government/opposition
■ Uses the premise of the first speaker while at the same time providing a distinct
■ Avoiding a rehash or repackaged case or argument 
■ And if possible a deeper insight into the debate (progression)
Government Whip/Opposition Whip
■ The whip gives some rebuttals and provides a summary of the issues which transpired in the debate
and provide a thematic discussion of each issue while advancing the case of the team. However, the
whip may not bring in any new matter, a new constructive argumentor a new line of thought.
■ The whip provides a thematic approach on their analysis primarily emphasizing the merits of the
closing team

Issue 1
Why we are better!
■ An issue refers to a group of clumped arguments referring to an overall topic
– Example: the need to recognize the civic conscience, church dogma, and liberal modern
ideals could all be bannered under the issue of morality.
■ An issue could also be about contrasting ideologies
– Example: morals vs. liberal ideals
Reply Speech
■ Both sides of the house have a common one minute to prepare their respective reply
■ More often than not, reply speakers would just simply talk about how he/she felt the
debate went through and why should the adjudicator give the win to their side (biased
adjudication). Reply speech has no bearing to
■ the adjudication’s decision but will affect the TOTAL TEAM SCORE. To put it simply,
a reply speaker would say, “Adjudicators, make my team win please.”
■ There are no POIs during the reply speech

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