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Derby Public Schools

Recommended Budget
Stephen Tracy
Superintendent of Schools
February 3, 2011
Current Proposed
FY2011 FY2012 Difference % Change
Total Budget
from All Sources $18.894 M $20.041 M $1.147 M 6.0%

Revenue $1.161 M $1.051 M ($0.110 M) -9.3%

Appropriation $17.735 M $18.990 M $1.255 M 7.0%
• Federal
• Current budget includes $307,000 in Federal
ARRA funding (Title I ESEA and IDEA)
• ARRA funding ends this year
• State
• ECS Grant “Frozen” last two years
• $6.8 M to City of Derby ($970,000 fed money)
• Special Education Excess Cost Grant (65%)
Staff/Program Reductions
• Eliminate Full Day K (2 K Teaching positions, 2 K Para
• Eliminate 2 classroom Teaching positions (grades 1 – 5)
• Eliminate 2 classroom positions at Derby High School
Special Education
• Eliminate Para position at DHS
Interscholastic Athletics
• Reduced from $201,500 to $187,000 ($14,500)
• + gate receipts
• + 50% of year-end balance in Athletic Enterprise Fund
Increasing Costs

1. Wages $ 91,000
• New DEA Contract: $215,000
• Other wage increases: $125,000
• Positions currently on fed funds $108,000
• Proposed Staff Reductions: ($357,000)

2. Benefits $ 408,000
• 15% Premium Increase
• Plan Adjustment Factor
• Savings resulting from new DEA contract
• Savings resulting from elimination of positions
Increasing Costs
3. Energy $ 211,000
4. Unemployment $ 147,000
5. Transportation $ 22,000
6. Special Ed Tuition/Trans $ 21,000
7. Substitute Teachers $ 50,000

Total Cost Increases: $ 950,000

Program Improvements

Curriculum Development $ 80,000

Staff Training $ 40,000
Primary Reading Improvement $ 30,000
FT Pre-K Teaching Position $ 33,000
DMS Reading Facilitator Position $ 30,000
Program Improvements
Summer School $ 50,000
Response to NEASC $ 35,000
Technology Infrastructure $ 31,000

Total Cost of Improvements: $329,000

Summary of Cost Increases
Non-Discretionary Cost Increases: $ 950,000
Program Improvements: $ 329,000
Total: $1,279,000
Early Retirement Incentive
ERI agreement with DEA
• Salary Savings (unless job eliminated)
• Incentive Payments ($50K over 2 years)
• Payment for unused sick days (up to $30K over 4
Application deadline extended to 2/24/11.
Use of federal Education Jobs funds for ERI
payments already anticipated in this budget.
ERI Impact on FY2012 budget minimal.
The Cost of Zero

$1.255 million
would need to be cut from this
recommended budget in order to
operate our schools under a BoAT
appropriation of $17.735 – a “zero”
The Cost of Zero
Prospective Reductions to get to Zero
Curriculum Development $ 80,000
Staff Training $ 40,000
Primary Reading Improvement $ 30,000
FT Pre-K Teaching Position $ 33,000
DMS Reading Facilitator Position $ 30,000
Summer School $ 50,000
The Cost of Zero
Prospective Reductions to get to Zero
Response to NEASC $ 35,000
Technology Infrastructure $ 31,000
All Interscholastic Sports $ 190,000
All Art/Music Programs $ 400,000
4 Non-Certified positions $ 108,000

Total Prospective Reductions: $ 1,027,000

The Cost of Zero

Still need to cut

another $228,000
to get to “zero”
A “Slow Motion Disaster”

FY2009 Assistant Supt Curriculum & PD

FY2010 4 Librarians, 5 teachers, 12 Paras
FY2011 Custodian, Security positions,
PD, Maintenance funding
FY2012 ???????
In the Long Run…..

Strategic Planning Committee

• Regionalize?
• Close a School?
• Differentiated Staffing?
• On-line Learning?
• Magnet/Charter programs?

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