Steam Power: Coal-Fired

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Steam Power

Table Of Content
No. Contents

1. What is Steam Power?

2. Uses of Steam Power

3. Coal-Fired Power Plant

4. Main Parts of Coal-Fired Power Plant

5. Coal-Fired Power plant in the Philippines

6. How Coal-Fired Power Plant Works ?

7. Advantages

8. Disadvantages
What is Steam Power?

• Steam Power
power that is applied to an engine by the force of steam
power derived from water heated into steam, usually converted to motive power
• by reciprocating engine or turbine
Creating Steam
In water, molecules are constantly being joined
together and separated.
 Water molecules are heated, the bonds of molecules
start breaking more rapidly than they can form.
When enough heat is supplied, some molecules will
break free and form the transparent gas we know as

Steam power developed slowly through Denis Papin’s invention in

1679 where a type of pressure cooker with tightly fitting lid that
confined steam can power a piston and cylinder engine.
Became useful pumps in mining in 17th century with Thomas
Savery’s steam pump called " The Miner's Friend”
Used early on in electrical generation to power ships as Charles
Algernon Parsons develops the steam turbine in 1884
Uses of Steam Power

• Pumping Water

• Transportation

• Cleaning

• Electricity
Generates more than 80% of the world's electricity by the use of
modern steam engines of power plants
 a power plant in which the prime mover is steam.
 has classifications such as Coal-Fired Power Plant and Geothermal
Power Plant
introduces the Rankine Cycle
Rankine Cycle
• Coal-Fired Power Plants
 are type of power plant that makes use of the combustion of coal
in order to generate electricity
Their use provides around 40%of the worlds electricity and they
are primarily used in developing country
Main Parts of Coal-Fired Power Plant
1.Coal Conveyor
Is a belt type arrangement that are used to move coal efficiently.

Increases the coal combustion efficiency of coal.
3. Boiler
Is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water.
4. Superheater
It is a piped from the upper drum area into tubes inside an area of the furnace.
5. Economizer
Are mechanical devices intended to reduce energy consumption.
Added heat in the high-pressure steam.
7. Steam Turbine
Is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam, and converts
it into rotary motion.
A device which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Is a device or unit used to condense a substance from its gaseous to its liquid state, typically by
cooling it.
Coal-Fired Power Plant in the Philippines
Installed capacity of coal power plants worldwide
as of 2018, by select country (in megawatts)

Stage 1
The energy that finds its way into your TV, computer, or toaster starts
off as fuel loaded into a power plant. Some power plants run on coal,
while others use oil, natural gas, or methane gas from decomposing
Stage 2

The fuel is burned in a giant furnace to release heat energy.

Stage 3

In the boiler, heat from the furnace flows around pipes full of cold
water. The heat boils the water and turns it into steam.
Stage 4

The steam flows at high-pressure around a wheel that's a bit like a

windmill made of tightly packed metal blades. The blades start
turning as the steam flows past. Known as a steam turbine, this
device is designed to convert the steam's energy into kinetic energy
(the energy of something moving).
Stage 5
Cooling tower:

The giant, jug-shaped cooling towers you see at old power plants
make the turbine more efficient. Boiling hot water from the steam
turbine is cooled in a heat exchanger called a condenser. Then it's
sprayed into the giant cooling towers and pumped back for reuse.
Most of the water condenses on the walls of the towers and drips
back down again. Only a small amount of the water used escapes as
steam from the towers themselves, but huge amounts of heat and
energy are lost.
Stage 6

The turbine is linked by an axle to a generator, so the generator spins

around with the turbine blades. As it spins, the generator uses the
kinetic energy from the turbine to make electricity.
Stage 7
Electricity cables:

The electricity travels out of the generator to a transformer nearby.

Stage 8
Step-up transformer:

Electricity loses some of its energy as it travels down wire cables, but
high-voltage electricity loses less energy than low-voltage electricity.
So the electricity generated in the plant is stepped-up (boosted) to a
very high voltage as it leaves the power plant.
Stage 9

Hugh metal towers carry electricity at extremely high voltages, along

overhead cables, to wherever it is needed.
Stage 10
Step-down transformer:

Once the electricity reaches its destination, another transformer

converts the electricity back to a lower voltage safe for homes to use.
Stage 11

Electricity flows into homes through underground cables.

Stage 12
• Appliances:

Electricity flows all round your home to outlets on the wall. When you
plug in a television or other appliance, it could be making a very
indirect connection to a piece of coal hundreds of miles away!

Some advantages are as follows:

• Easily combustible and burns at low temperatures
• Abundance
• Inexpensive
• Can lower greenhouse gases (liquification or gasification)
• Can be built almost anywhere

Some disadvantages are as follows:

• Non-renewable and fast depleting .
• Greenhouse gas emissions
• Emission of harmful substances
• Mining destruction
• Affects aquatic life

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