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Grade 4 –

Multiplication Facts

Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mott


4 X 3 =

4 + 4 + 4 = 12
4 X 3= 12

Multiplication Properties
• Commutative Property
• Associative Property
• Identity Property
• Zero Property
• Distributive Property
Why Should you Learn about the Properties of

• It helps you solve problems without working

them out.
• It helps with mental math.
• It makes understanding math easier.
Property #1

The Commutative Property

of Multiplication
• The order of the numbers doesn’t change the
result (answer to the problem)

P x Q = Q x P
The Commutative Property

What commutative means to
Remember… in Lesson
1-11 we said that the
word “of” means

3 groups of 5 = 5 groups of 3
Commutative Property
• 9X3=3Xw

• 56 X p = 11 X 56

• qX8=8X4

• 5X9=rX5
Commutative Property
• 9X3=3X9

• 56 X 11 = 11 X 56

• 4X8=8X4

• 5X9=9X5
Property #2

The Associative Property

of Multiplication
Here are three associates.

B calls A first He calls C last

If he called C first, then

called A, would it have
made a difference?
O !
The Associative Property
The parentheses identify which two associates talked first.

(A  B)  C = A  (B  C)



Associative Property
• The grouping of the factors doesn’t change
the answer.

(P x Q) x R = P x (Q x R)

(5 x 2) x 6 = 5 x (2 x 6)

• (5 x 2) x 6 = 60

• 5 x (2 x 6) = 60
Associative Property
• 3 X (4 X 2) = (n X 4) X 2

• 4 X (p X 7) = (4 X 1) X 7

• 5 X (7 X 2) = (5 X 7) X n

• (2 X z) X 5 = 2 X (8 X 5)
Associative Property
• 3 X (4 X 2) = (3 X 4) X 2

• 4 X (1 X 7) = (4 X 1) X 7

• 5 X (7 X 2) = (5 X 7) X 2

• (2 X 8) X 5 = 2 X (8 X 5)
Property #3

The Identity Property

of Multiplication
The Identity Property
I am me!
You cannot change
My identity!
Identity Property of Multiplication


Identity Property of Multiplication

Identity Property
• Any number multiplied by 1 will give you the
original number.

23,487 X 1 = 23,487
Identity Property
• 234 X 1 = z

• q X 2,567 = 2,567

• 98,765 X d = 98,765
Identity Property
• 234 X 1 = 234

• 1 X 2,567 = 2,567

• 98,765 X 1 = 98,765
Property #4

The Zero Property of

The Zero Property
• Any time you multiply a number by zero, your
answer is zero!
If I have 2
pockets with NO
money in them,
then I have NO
2 x 0 = 0

The End
Zero Property
• When any number is multiplied with zero, the
answer is zero.

98,756,432 X 0 = 0
Zero Property
• 7,547,598,375 x c = 0

• 758,375,937 x 0 = b

• Z x 75,879,705 = 0
Zero Property
• 7,547,598,375 X c = 0

• 758,375,937 X 0 = b

• z X 75,879,705 = 0
Property #5

The Distributive Property

of Multiplication
The Distributive Property
a(b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c)
A times the sum of b and c = a times b plus a times c

Let’s plug in some numbers first. 5(2 + 3) = (5 x 2) + (5 x3)

Remember that to distribute means delivering items, or handing them out.
Here is how this property works:
The Distributive Property

Make 1 trip. You have 5 houses. You need

to bring 5 items to each house. You need
25 items on your wagon.


5(2 + 3)
The Distributive Property
Make 2 trips. You have 2 houses for your
first trip and you need to bring 5 items to
each house. You have 3 houses on your
second trip and need to bring 5 items to
each house. When your second trip is
over, you will have distributed 25 items.


(5 • 2) + (5 • 3)
Distributive Property
• Multiplying the sum (or difference) by a number is
the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or
difference) by the number and adding (or
subtracting) the product.

• 9 X (20 - 3) = (9 X 20) – (9 X 3)

• 8 X (40 + 5) = (8 X 40) + (8 X 5)

• 8 X 45 = (8 X 40) + (8 X 5)
Distributive Property
• 4 X 509 = (4 X 500) + (4 X m)

• 6 X 310 = (6 X n) + (6 X 10)

• s X 205 = (5 X 200) + (5 X 5)

• 195 X 5 = (200 X 5) – (5 X t)
Distributive Property
• 4 X 509 = (4 X 500) + (4 X 9)

• 6 X 310 = (6 X 300) + (6 X 10)

• 5 X 205 = (5 X 200) + (5 X 5)

• 195 X 5 = (200 X 5) – (5 X 5)
Test Yourself
Rewrite each equation with the correct answer, and
write the name of the property.
1. 9X3=3Xw 10. (2 X z) X 5 = 2 X (8 X 5)
2. 3 X (4 X 2 ) = (n X 4) X 2 11. q X 2,567 = 2,567
3. 234 X 1 = z 12. 12. 195 X 5 = (200 X 5) – (5 X t)
4. 56 X p = 11 X 56 13. z X 75,879,705 = 0
5. 7,547,598,375 X c = 0 14. 98,765 X d = 98,765
6. qX8=8X4 15. 5X9=rX5
7. 5 X (7 X 2) = (5 X 7) X n 16. s X 205 = (5 X 200) + (5 X 5)
8. 4 X 509 = (4 X 500) + (4 X m) 17. 4 X (p X 7) = (4 X 1) X 7
9. 6 X 310 = (6 X n) + (6 X 10) 18. 758,375,937 X 0 = b
Test Yourself Answers
1. 9 X 3 = 3 X 9 Commutative 10. (2 X 8) X 5 = 2 X (8 X 5)
2. 3 X (4 X 2) = (3 X 4) X 2 Associative
Associative 11. 1 X 2,567 = 2,567 Identity
3. 234 X 1 = 234 Identity 12. 195 X 5 = (200 X 5) – (5 X 5)
4. 56 X 11 = 11 X 56 Commutative Distributive
5. 7,547,598,375 X 0 = 0 Zero 13. 0 X 75,879,705 = 0 Zero
6. 4 X 8 = 8 X 4 Commutative 14. 98,765 X 1 = 98,765 Identity
7. 5 X (7 X 2) = (5 X 7) X 2 15. 5 X 9 = 9 X 5 Commutative
Associative 16. 5 X 205 = (5 X 200) + (5 X 5)
8. 4 X 509 = (4 X 500) + (4 X 9) Distributive
Distributive 17. 4 X (1 X 7) = (4 X 1) X 7
9. 6 X 310 = (6 X 300) + (6 X 10) Associative
Distributive 18. 758,375,937 X 0 = 0 Zero

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