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Group yourself in to two. Each

group will have to answer the
following questions. Choose
whether your answer is intended,
implemented and achieved
curriculum. Raise your answer.
1. Children are going to
a field trip in a zoo.
Implemented Curriculum
2. Determining the
level of performance
in a 50 item unit test.
Achieved Curriculum
3. To construct model that
will represent the
molecules of sugar.
Intended Curriculum
Intended vs. Implemented vs. Achieved Curriculum

Jennylou L. Roquiño
Purpose of Curriculum Assessment


is the process of collecting

information for use in evaluation.

It is an important part of the systems

approach to curriculum development.
Curriculum assessment may be achieve the following purposes:

• Highlight curriculum expectations

• Gather information about what
students know and can do
• Motivates students to learn better
• Motivate and encourage teachers to
meet the identified needs of students
• Provide evidence to tell how well the
students have learned
• Obtain feedback that helps teachers,
students and parents make good
decisions to guide instruction
Intended Curriculum
refers to a set of objectives set at
the beginning of any curricular plan.
It establishes the goal, the specific
purposes, and the immediate
objectives to be accomplished.
Indicators to measure intended curriculum are stated questions which can
be answered:

• Are the objectives achievable within

the learners’ development levels?
• Can the objectives be accomplished
within the time frame?
• Are the resources adequate to
accomplish the objectives?
• Are the objectives specific and clear?
• Are there ways measuring the
outcomes of the objectives?
• Are the objectives observable?
• Are the objectives doable?
• Are the objectives relevant?
• Overall, are the objectives SMART?

refers to the various learning

activities or experiences of the
students in order to achieve the
intended curricular outcomes.
To assess the implemented curriculum the
following questions can be addressed:

• Are the learning activities congruent

with the stated objectives?
• Are the materials and methods
appropriate for the objectives set?
• Does the teacher have the skill to implement
the activities or use the strategy?
• Does the teacher utilize the various ways of
doing to complement the learning styles of
the students?
• Are there alternative activities for the learners
to do to accomplish the same objectives?
• Are there activities provided to address
individual differences?
• Do the activities provide maximum
learning experiences?
• Do the activities motivate the learners
to do more and harness their potential?
refers to the curriculum
outcomes based on the
first two types of
curriculum, intended and
the implemented. It
considered as the product.
To measure the achieved curriculum the
following questions should be addressed:

• Do the learning outcomes achieved by the

learners approximate the level of performance
set at the beginning of the curriculum?
• Are the learning outcomes achieved higher or
lower than the objectives set?
• Do the achieved learning outcomes
reflect the knowledge, skills,
attitudes and skills intended to be
• How many percent of the learners in
the same class perform higher than
level set at the beginning?
• Do the curricular outcomes reflect
the goals and the aspirations of the
community where the curriculum was
The figure below summarizes the relations
among the three kinds of curriculum:






Figure 5- The Relationships of the Three Types of Curriculum

What does the BEC aim to accomplish?
(Intended Curriculum)

• To raise the quality of Filipino learners and

graduates who will become lifelong learners
• To decongest the curriculum in order that the
teachers and learners will be able to
contextualize it
• To use innovative, interdisciplinary and
integrative modes of instructional delivery
wherever possible and appropriate
• To make values development integral to all
learning areas in high school
• To increase time for tasks in order to gain
mastery of competencies
How was the BEC implemented to accomplish the goals?
(Implemented Curriculum)

• The BEC decongested the overcrowded

the old curriculum into five learning
areas, namely English, Mathematics,
Science, Filipino and Makabayan.
• The teachers in basic education were trained
to use innovative, interdisciplinary, thematic,
and integrative modes of instructional
• Teaching-learning processes are interactive to
enhance learning.
• English, Science, Mathematics and Filipino are the
basic tool subjects, while Makabayan develops
healthy personal and national self-identity.
• Makabayan entails the use of integrated units of
learning areas composed of several subjects in the
elementary and secondary levels.
What has the BEC achieved?
(Achieved Curriculum)

• Increased interest and motivation of students

to go to school
• Increased level of performance in the tool
subject areas
• Change in teachers paradigm from a dispenser
of knowledge to facilitators of learning
• Increased instructional materials
support for teaching and learning
• Increase in the in-service training
of teachers
• More opportunities of learners to
learn on their own
• Used of varied teaching strategies
to complement the learning styles
of the students
• More involvement of other
stakeholders in the education of
the children
Three types of Curriculum Assessments:
1. Intended – Objectives
2. Implemented – Activities/ Materials
3. Achieved – Test Results/Evaluations

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