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By: Norhanifah M. Hanafi

1. Human Rights and the Urb
an Poor
1.1 Part III of the internati
onal Covenant on Economic, Soc
ial, and Cultural Rights.
The Covenant recognize the rights
of everyone to adequate food, clothin
g, and housing, And the continuous i
mprovement of living conditions.
1.2 Article II, Sec.9 of th
e Philippines Constitution
• The state shall promote a just and dynamic s
ocial order that will ensure prosperity and in
dependence of the nation and free the peop
le from poverty through policies that provide
adequate social services, promote full emplo
yment, a rising standard of living, and an imp
roved quality of life for all
1.3 Article XIII, Sec. 9 of
the Philippines Constitution
• State shall by law and fir the common g
oods, undertake a continuing program f
or urban land reform and housing and b
asic service to the underprivileged and
homeless citizens.
1.4 Article XIII, Sec.10of t
he Philippines Constitution
• Urban and rural poor dweller shall not b
e evident nor their dwelling demolished
expect n the accordance with law and in
just humane manner.
1.5 R.A 7279 Urban and Deve
lopment Housing Act of1992
• This is a law passed to respond to the n
eeds and concerns of the urban poor se
ctor, particularlyon security of tenure an
d adequate housing.
2. Human Rights and the Ind
igenous Cultural Communitie
2.1 Article I and VII of the Uni
versal Declaration of Human Right
Article I state " All human beings ar
e born freeand equal in dignity and r
Article VII state "All are equal befo
re the law and are entitled without a
ny discrimination in violation of the
declaration and against any to such d
2.2 United Nation's Interna
tional Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights
• Ariticle I of covenant state " All people have the righ
t for self-determination, By virtue of the right,they f
reely determine thier political status and freely pur
sue their economic, social and cultural developmen
2.3 UN International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights

• Article 27 of this Covenant states: " In those Stat

e in which ethnic,religous, or linguistic minoritie
s exist, person belonging to such minorities shall
not be denied their right, in community with oth
er member of their group, to enjoy their own cul
ture, to profess and practice their own religion,
or to use their own language."
2.4. Article II Sec. 5 of t
he Philippine Constitution
• The state, subject to the provisions of th
is Constitution and national developme
nt policiesand programs, shall protect t
he rights of indigenous cultural minoriti
es to their ancestral lands and to their e
conomic, social, cultural well-being.
2.5 RA 57 know the Comprehe
nsive Agrarian Reform Law
• Ancestral lands of each indigenous cultu
ral community shall include, but are not
limited to, land in the actual, continous,
and possession and occupation of the c
ommunity and its members, provided t
hat the torrens system shall be respecte
2.6. Resolution 1803 of the
UN General Assembly
• Violation of the rights of the peoples and na
tions to sovereignty over the natural wealth
and resources in contrary to the spirit and pri
nciples of the Charter of the United Nation a
nd hinders the development of international
cooperation and maintenance of peace
2.7 Article VII of the inte
rnational labor organizatio
n on convention 107
• Shall be given to their customary laws
• Shall be allowed to retain their customs
and institution
• The rights granted to all citizens and for
assuming the corresponding duties
2.8 Article XII, Sec 5 of t
he Philippine Contitution
• The Congress may provide for the applic
ability of customary laws governing prop
erty rights or relations in determining th
e ownershipand extent of ancestral dom
3. Human Rights and Fisherf
3.1 National and Economic P
atrimony of the Philippine
• Article XII, statesSec 2
3.2 Natural Resource Reform
under Social Justice and Hu
man Rights
3.3. Article II, Sec.19 of
the Philippine Constitution
3.4 RA 8550 or the Fisheri
es Code of 1998
3.5 RA 6657 Agrarian Reform
4. Human Rights and the Sma
ll farmers
4.1 international Covenant o
n Civil and Political Rights
4.2 RA 6657 Agrarian Reform

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