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Underline the correct answer.

1. I brush my (hair, teeth) everyday.

2. I comb my (head, hair) neatly.

3. I cut my (fingernails, hair) every week.

4. I wash my (face, hands) before I eat.

5. I wipe my (hair, hands) dry.

Fill in the missing letters. Rewrite.
Complete the sentences.

Thank you Could you

Excuse me Please sorry

Write the phrases for the following pictures.
Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

_________________(24), ___________________(25),
and ________________________(26) are land

________________________(27) and
____________________(28) are air transportation.

____________________(29), ________________(30),
and __________________________(31) are water
Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

This These

33. What are these ?

____________ are

34. What is this ?

___________ is a taxi.

35. What is this ?

___________ is a train.

35. What are these ?

____________ are buses.
Fill in the blanks.

fifty hibiscus red

ten rafflesia

36. This is a ___________________ ringgit note.

37. It is __________ in colour.

38. There is a picture of a _____________________

at the back of the note.

39. This is a __________________ sen coin

40. There is a picture of a ____________________ on

the coin
Count and write the answer.

Label the picture.

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