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“ H U M A N A S A C R O W N O F C R E AT I O N ”
( PAY I N G G R AT I T U D E T O A L A H A L M I G H T Y )
NAME:  ‫ التين‬, AT-TEEN.

• Name taken from Verse 1 where there is a mention of the word ”Teen”.
• ‫ون‬
ِ ُ‫َوال َّز ْيت‬ ‫َوالتِّين‬ ِ   ١
1  By the fig and the olive
• But It does not mean that this name is the actual topic discussed in the whole Surah. It is
just a reference and mark/symbol to distinguish this Surah from others as is with most
other Surahs of Quran. While there are diversified topics discussed in these Surahs.

• Meccan, Approx. 610 – 615 AD.
• God, Mankind.

Man Has Capacities To Make Himself The

Highest In Character Or The Lowest.

َ ‫ان فِي أَ ْح‬

ٍ ‫س ِن تَ ْق ِو‬
‫يم‬ َ ‫س‬َ ‫ لَقَ ْد َخلَ ْقنَا اإْل ِ ْن‬ ٤

4 We have certainly created man in the best of stature;

َ ِ‫سافِل‬ ْ َ‫ ثُ َّم َر َد ْدنَاهُ أ‬ ٥
َ ‫سفَ َل‬

5 Then We return him to the lowest of the low,


95: 1-3(Swear By The Fig, Olive, Mount Sinai And City

of Mecca),
4-8(God Created Man In Best Shape, But Man Has
Capacities To Make Himself The Highest In Character
Or The Lowest).
ِ ُ‫( ” َوالتِّ ِين َوال َّز ْيت‬By the
This Surah has 8 verses. It takes its name from verse 1: “‫ون‬
Fig and the Olive) where the word “‫ ” التين‬meaning “The Fig” appears. This
Surah was revealed in Mecca most probably during the early days of
Muhammad’s proclamation of his Prophethood. There is a difference of
opinion as some commentators of the Quran say that this Surah was
revealed in Madina. However, almost all companions of prophet agreed that
by “Secure City” is meant Mecca and using the pronoun “This” points that
at the time of this revelation, Prophet was living in Mecca. The subject 
matter and length of verses also showing that it resembles with that of
Meccan Surah.
• This Surah begins by swearing a series of oaths: By the Fig, The Olive,
Mount Sinai, and the Secure City. Just after that, it mentions that “God
created Man in best of stature.” All four Oaths thus show that they are
symbolizing the place of high importance in human history. Some say that
Fig & Olive represent the regions surrounding Jerusalem and thus
pointing towards the place where Jesus was sent as a Messenger. But in my
opinion, these are two different places. Fig is pointing to Prophet Nuh who
was actually the first prophet with a scripture and father of all the humans
 in the sense that all surviving humankind was from his progeny and
secondly as per Quran his boat came to rest at mount Al Judi present-day
Mount Ararat in the extreme east of Turkey. And even now if you check
that where in the world most Fig is produced than Turkey is the number
one in rank.
• The second Oath “By Olive” not only pointing to Jesus as many
commentators believe but its pointing to the vast area surrounding the
Mediterranean where God sent thousands of prophet from Abraham till
• Then comes “Mount Sinai” which points to Moses, the book and the
religious law given to him which remained valid before, and up to, the
arrival of Muhammad, and was also a binding on Jesus as well.
• Lastly, the Oath “Secure City” means Mecca, where Muhammad, the Last
Prophet, was born and received his first revelation and status of
prophethood. So you can see that all these four Oaths are also
chronologically in order starting from Nuh, Abraham, Abrahamic
prophets, Moses and Then Muhammad.
• The Theme of Surah is that God created Man in the best mold,
but then some use their potential and fully justify their status of
being called the vicegerent of God while others after becoming a
follower of Satan surpasses even devil in sin and sink to the
lowest depths imaginable.

• Malik and Shubah narrated that Al Bara bin Azib said, “The
Messenger of God PBUH used to recite in one of his Rakahs
while traveling Surah Tin and I have never heard anyone with a
sweeter voice or recitation than him.
According to the Glorious Qur'an a human being can be the best and the most perfect
creature. As far as our knowledge permits, we recognise, comprehend and identify these
beings according to given norms.

If we compare man to any form of matter or living things such as plants and animals and so
on, we will immediately draw an important conclusion that human beings are better, more
intelligent and perfect. If man can cultivate a field and make use of the produce for his own
and others' benefit, capture animals, make use of them and extract natural resources for
upgrading his life and that of the society, naturally,

we definitely come to this result that man is a higher being. For instance, an elephant is
much bigger than a human, but man trains it and controls it to do some work for him.
All praises be to Allah who tells us:

“Then remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and do not reject Me.”
(Surah al-Baqarah 2:152)
And He tolds us that only those who are grateful to Him truly worship Him:
“… and be grateful to Allah, if it is Him you worship.”
(Surah al-Baqarah 2:172)
Allah has mentioned gratitude alongside iman, and has made it clear that He gains nothing from
punishing His people if they give thanks to Him and believe in Him:
“What can Allah gain by your punishment, if you are grateful and you believe?…”
(Surah an-Nisa 4:147)
In other words: if you carry out the duties for which you were created, namely gratitude and
iman, why should Allah punish you?

Allah has divided people into two categories, the people of gratitude (shukr) and the people of
ingratitude (kufr). The thing most disliked by Him is kufr, the thing most liked by Him is
gratitude and the people of gratitude:

“We showed him (i.e. man) the way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will)”
(Surah al-Insan 76:3)
“… And if you should count the favors of Allah, you could not enumerate them.” (14:34)

Do you consciously try to practice an attitude of gratitude?

We all know that being grateful can do wonders to our lives. When we acknowledge His Hand in
our life, miracles can happen. However, in our materialistic culture, it’s so hard not to fall prey to
the consistent food and consumer appeal that can make us forget what we have. Only by being
continuously reminded of our limitless blessings and reconnecting with the One who has
provided the gifts we enjoy can we begin to cultivate our gratitude practice.

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