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Course : 0062J

Perekonomian Indonesia
Export-Import and Balance of Trade
Week 8
Indonesia Exports Growth
• Exports in Indonesia decreased to 13300.90
USD Million in January of 2015 from 14621.30
USD Million in December of 2014.
• Exports in Indonesia averaged 3743.51 USD
Million from 1960 until 2015, reaching an all
time high of 18647.83 USD Million in August of
2011 and a record low of 30 USD Million in
January of 1961.
• Exports in Indonesia is reported by the Statistics Indonesia.
Indonesia Import Growth
• Imports in Indonesia decreased to 12591.50 USD
Million in January of 2015 from 14434.50 USD
Million in December of 2014.
• Imports in Indonesia averaged 2912.20 USD
Million from 1959 until 2014, reaching an all time
high of 17416.99 USD Million in July of 2013 and
a record low of 21 USD Million in September of
• Imports in Indonesia is reported by the Statistics Indonesia.
Indonesia Balance of Trade
• Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of 709.40 USD
Million in January of 2015.
• Balance of Trade in Indonesia averaged 764.64
USD Million from 1960 until 2014, reaching an all
time high of 4641.92 USD Million in December of
2006 and a record low of -2329.13 USD Million in
July of 2013.
• Balance of Trade in Indonesia is reported by the
Statistics Indonesia.
• Since the 1970’s Indonesia has been recording consistent
trade surpluses due to robust exports growth. However,
since 2012 the country started recording trade deficits as
exports fell due to a slowdown in the global economy and
falling commodity prices. In recent years, the biggest trade
deficits were recorded with Thailand, Japan, South Korea,
Australia and Germany. Indonesia records trade surpluses
with India, United States, Malaysia, United Kingdom and
• Content for - Indonesia Balance of Trade - was last
refreshed on Saturday, March 7, 2015. 
Indonesia Trade
Indonesia Trade Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade 709.40 186.80 4641.92 -2329.13 USD Million [+]
Exports 13300.90 14621.30 18647.83 30.00 USD Million [+]
Imports 12591.50 14434.50 17416.99 21.00 USD Million [+]
Current Account -6180.60 -6835.90 3795.00 -10133.00 USD Million [+]
Current Account to GDP -2.95 -3.20 4.80 -6.80 percent [+]
External Debt 292578.54 264060.33 292578.54 132629.00 USD Million [+]
Terms of Trade 95.40 97.35 135.30 89.01 Index Points [+]
Foreign Direct Investmen 78700.00 78300.00 78700.00 35400.00 Billion IDR [+]
Remittances 2103.00 2194.00 2194.00 1202.00 USD Million [+]
Tourist Arrivals 723039.00 915334.00 915334.00 548821.00 [+]
Gold Reserves 78.07 78.07 96.45 73.09 Tonnes [+]
Crude Oil Production 800.00 800.00 1720.00 785.00 BBL/D/1K [+]
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