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Task 1: Processes

Talk with the person next to you:

When you do the IELTS exam, will you know exactly what kind of Task
1 you will have to write about?
How many different kinds of Task 1 can you name?

Today we are preparing to describe a process or flowchart.

Task 1: Process/flowchart

The diagram above shows the process of milk, butter and cheese
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information
You should write at least 150 words.
Task 1: Process/flowchart

1) Is it a simple process?
2) How many steps are there in the process?
3) What does ‘grazing’ mean?
4) Where do cows graze grass?
5) Where does the process begin?
6) Where does it end?
The diagram shows the various stages of producing milk,
butter and cheese. This is a complicated process and it has 8 basic
steps. The process begins with cows on the farm, and it ends with
milk, cheese and butter in the supermarkets and shops.
Task 1: Process/flowchart

1) What happens to the cows in the milking machine?

The cows are milked.
Subject + be + past participle (Passive)
2) Why is the milk put into refrigeration storage?
3) What happens to the milk in the milk tanker?
The milk is delivered to the Dairy each day.
Subject + be + past participle (Passive)
Task 1: Process/flowchart

1) What kind of place is a ‘dairy’?

2) What is the difference between milk and cheese?
3) Is cheese pasteurized?
4) Is the process for milk and cheese the same or different?
5) Why is the milk delivered to supermarkets and shops?
Body Paragraph 1:
In terms of the processes on the farm, firstly, cows graze grass
and they turn that grass into milk. Secondly, these cows are
milked by a milking machine twice a day, after which the milk is
put into refrigeration storage in order to keep it cool. Next, the
milk is collected by a milk tanker each day and delivered to a dairy
Body Paragraph 2:
Looking at what happens at the dairy factory, the milk is either
processed for eating or for drinking. If it is for drinking, the milk is
pasteurized, packaged into bottles and finally delivered to
supermarkets and shops for people to buy and use. If it is for
eating, then it is made into cheese, cream and butter. These items
are also sent to supermarkets and shops, where people can buy
Grammar review: Active and Passive

Cows graze grass.

subject verb object
What grazes the grass? cows
Does the subject do the action? yes
Is this sentence active or passive grammar? active

The cows are milked.

subject verb
What milks the cows? we can’t see from this sentence
Does the subject do the action? no
Is this sentence active or passive grammar? passive

The cows are milked by a milking machine.

What milks the cows?
Grammar review: Active and Passive
Change the active sentences to passive sentences
1) The farmer puts the milk into refrigeration storage.
The milk is put into refrigeration storage.
2) A milk tanker collects the milk each day.
The milk is collected by a milk tanker each day.
3) Factory workers pasteurize the milk.
The milk is pasteurized.
4) The factory sends cheese to supermarkets.
Cheese is sent to supermarkets.
How to make bread
Rearrange the following pictures to put them in the correct order:
How to make bread
Write a 150 word report to describe this process:
How to make bread
Change the active sentence to a passive sentence:

You weigh the ingredients.

The ingredients are weighed.

How to make bread
Change the active sentence to a passive sentence:

You mix the ingredients.

The ingredients are mixed.

How to make bread
Change the active sentence to a passive sentence:

You knead the dough until it is elastic.

The dough is kneaded until it is elastic.

How to make bread
Change the active sentence to a passive sentence:

You roll the dough into the right shape.

The dough is rolled into the right shape.

How to make bread
Change the active sentence to a passive sentence:

You place the shaped dough into tins.

The shaped dough is placed into tins.

How to make bread
Change the active sentence to a passive sentence:

You allow the dough to rise.

The dough is allowed to rise.

How to make bread
Change the active sentence to a passive sentence:

After it has risen, you bake the dough in the oven.

After it has risen, the dough is baked in the oven.

How to make bread
Change the active sentence to a passive sentence:

You tap the loaf to check if it sounds hollow.

The loaf is tapped to check if it sounds hollow.

How to make bread: Model answer
The diagram shows the various stages of making bread. This is a
complicated process and it has 8 basic steps. The process begins with
measuring the ingredients and ends with hot bread from the oven.

In terms of preparing the dough, firstly, the ingredients, which include

yeast and flour, are weighed on a scale. Secondly, the measured
ingredients are mixed together in a mixing bowl, after which they become
dough. Next, the dough is kneaded until it has an elastic feel to it. When
the kneading process is finished, the dough is ready to be rolled into the
desired shape. Following this, it is placed in a baking tin and given time to

Looking at what happens in the baking process, after the dough has
risen in the tin, it is put into the oven for baking. Finally, when the cooking
time is over, the bread can be tested to see if it is fully baked by tapping
on it. If the bread sounds hollow, it is ready.

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