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Is a person or persons who combine all the factors of production, to

promote a venture. With the help of his skill , knowledge, experience,

foresight, thoughts and plan promoter can give birth to any venture. Any
venture requires the factors of production land, labour, capital and
entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur or promoter of the company, combines
the other three factors of production for earning wealth.

A promoter acts as an initiator, director, advisor, administrator, leader and

researcher. A promoter is the beginner of a business enterprise. A
promoter is a creator of new thoughts and ideas. A promoter invents new
subjects, creates new possibilities in the business, discovers new areas,
etc. A promoter takes necessary steps, from planning to set up a new
business up to the commencement of a business.
áhe Promoter funding is a product offered to promoter of the companies
against their share holding in their respective company. With this the
promoter can increase his share holding or use in expansion and
diversification of his business.

Under Promoter Funding facility the promoters of listed companies can

avail a loan against the pledged of their equities to enable them to meet
their fund requirements. Promoter loans against shares is an instant line of
credit and interest is charged only on the amount utilized.

Another benefit of loan against shares is that owners do not have to

liquidate their holdings to meet short-term cash requirements. áhe facility is
increasingly used by promoters to hike their stake via the creeping
acquisition route, convert outstanding warrants into equity shares, buy out
other investors/ PE funds, meet company¶s short term borrowing
requirements etc.
áhe Promoter funding is a product offered to promoter of the companies
against their share holding in their respective company. With this the
promoter can increase his share holding or use in expansion and
diversification of his business.

Under Promoter Funding facility the promoters of listed companies can

avail a loan against the pledged of their equities to enable them to meet
their fund requirements. Promoter loans against shares is an instant line of
credit and interest is charged only on the amount utilized.

Another benefit of loan against shares is that owners do not have to

liquidate their holdings to meet short-term cash requirements. áhe facility is
increasingly used by promoters to hike their stake via the creeping
acquisition route, convert outstanding warrants into equity shares, buy out
other investors/ PE funds, meet company¶s short term borrowing
requirements etc.

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