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Passive Voice in

Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to :-

i) differentiate active from passive voice sentences.
ii) name the types of passive voice used in describing a process.
iii) change active voice sentence to passive voice.
When Click
to useiconthe
to add picture Voice?
What is Passive Voice?
The passive voice is used
when:- • In active voice, the subject performs an action
• we want to on the object.
emphasize the action
(the verb) and the • Example : Ali kicks the ball.
Verb /
object of a sentence subject object
rather than the
subject. • In passive voice, the subject receives the action.
• we do not know or do The action is performed on the subject.
not want to mention
who is doing
Picture the
Placeholder • Example : The ball is kicked by Ali.
action. The object Passive
now Verb /
• we want to make becomes
statements more the
polite or formal.
Types of Passive Voice in
Describing Processes

The two types of Passive Voice commonly used in describing

processes are:-

• Present Simple Passive The car is washed everyday.

• Present Modal Passive The car must be washed everyday.
How to change Active Voice to Passive Voice?

1. Identify the verb or action word in the sentence.

Example : Daniel washes
verb his new car every evening.

2. Ask yourself “verb + what?” question to identify the object.

Example : washes what? = his new car
Daniel washes his new car every evening.
verb object
How to change Active Voice to Passive Voice?

3. Change the verb to passive verb. Passive verb consists of 2 parts.

Passive verb = ‘verb to be’ + ‘verb in past participle form’
The ‘object’ and tense of the verb determines the choice of ‘verb to be’
Passive Verb to be Verb in past participle form
Present Simple is (for singular object) washed
are ( for plural object) found
Modal (must, should, can,etc) be washed

Example : Daniel washes his new car every evening.

washes is washed
How to change Active Voice to Passive Voice?

4. Swap the position of subject and object. Add ‘by’ before the
Active voice : Daniel washes his new car every evening.
subject verb object

Passive voice : His new car is washed by Daniel every evening.

object passive verb subject

** It’s optional to put the subject in the passive voice sentence if it is a human subject.
How to change Active Voice to Passive Voice?

Other examples:
Active voice : Miss Dina chooses ten students to participate in the story telling competition.
subject verb object

Passive voice :Ten students are chosen by Miss Dina to participate in the story telling competition.
object passive verb subject

Active voice : Every member must pay ten ringgit as membership fee.
subject modal verb object

Passive voice :Ten ringgit must be paid by every member as membership fee.
object modal passive verb subject

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