The HACCP System and Application: DR Nik Nor Ronaidi Bin Nik Mahdi

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The HACCP system and


Dr Nik Nor Ronaidi bin Nik Mahdi

• Background
• Definitions
• Pros & Cons
• Principles
• Steps
• Guidelines for applications
• HACCP has become synonymous with food safety.
• It is a worldwide-recognized systematic and
preventive approach that addresses biological,
chemical and physical hazards through anticipation
and prevention, rather than through end-product
inspection and testing → which is inappropriate for
highly perishable foods.
*Organoleptic refers to any sensory properties of a product, involving taste, colour, odour and feel.
• HACCP was developed in the 60s by the Pillsbury
Company, the U.S. military and NASA have
collaborated to develop a system for producing safe
food for the space program.
• NASA wanted a "zero defects" program to
guarantee safety in the foods that astronauts would
be consuming in space.
• “Pillsbury” therefore, introduced and adopted
HACCP as a system that could provide the greatest
safety while reducing dependence on finished
product sampling and testing.
• HACCP emphasized control of the process as far
upstream in the processing system as possible by
utilizing operator control and/or continuous
monitoring techniques at critical control points.
• In 1971, Pillsbury presented HACCP system to the
public for the first time
• In 1973, it was applied to low - acid canned foods by
• In 1985, The United States National Academy of
Science recommended that the HACCP approach be
adopted in food processing establishments to
ensure food safety.
• Since then, HACCP has been recognized
internationally as a logical tool towards a more
modern, scientifically based inspection system.
• HACCP programs are currently mandatory for juice,
seafood and meat production in US.
• The system is used at all stages of food production
and preparation processes including packaging,
distribution, etc.
• HACCP: A systematic approach to the identification,
evaluation, and control of food safety hazards.
• Hazard: A biological, chemical, or physical agent
that is reasonably likely to cause illness or injury in
the absence of its control.
• Hazard Analysis: The process of collecting and
evaluating information on hazards associated with
the food under consideration to decide which are
significant and must be addressed in the HACCP
• Control:
– (a) To manage the conditions of an operation to maintain
compliance with established criteria.
– (b) The state where correct procedures are being
followed and criteria are being met.
• Critical Control Point: A step at which control can be
applied and is essential to prevent or eliminate a
food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable
• HACCP overview:
– HACCP is an internationally recognised methodology for preventing food
safety hazards.
– HACCP uses a system of monitoring Critical Control Points (CCPs) at steps
in a food production process where a potential critical hazard to food
safety has been identified.
– If the monitoring result is outside the critical limit (a warning sign), a pre-
determined corrective action is implemented to prevent the hazard from
– The goal for HACCP is to develop a system which is built on preventing
problems before they occur.
– The safety of the food product is built into the process of producing the
product rather than relying on inspection only after food has been
– This system well and truly puts the responsibility for producing safe food
in the hands of industry, including not only management but also
individuals who handle food products.
Pros & Cons
• HACCP focuses heavily on problem prevention and
problem solving, through proper monitoring and record-
keeping by the industry. 
– It is more proactive than reactive, when compared to
traditional end product sampling quality control methods.
– It has the potential to identify all conceivable, reasonably
expected hazards, even where failures have not previously
been experienced → particularly useful for new operations
– Reduce or eliminate food safety hazards
• One of the primary economic benefits of HACCP is that
it provides for reduced destructive sampling of the
finished product, as compared to the end-product
sampling required under traditional inspection systems
• Internationally recognised
• Less end of production tests.
• Provides the business with a marketing tool and
competitive advantage
• Provides improved supplier status with customers

Import Requirement by Develop Countries :

• –EU : all food import (since November 1996)
• –USA : fish and meat product (1997)
• –Japan, Australia and New Zealand : certain domestic
products and high risk products.
• Cost of development and implementation
• Cost of monitoring
• Impact on employee wages and workload
• Need to train supervisors managerial and
production staff
• Reduced Staff time available for other tasks
• Principle 1: Conduct a hazard analysis.
• Principle 2: Determine the critical control points
• Principle 3: Establish critical control limits and
preventive measures.
• Principle 4: Establish monitoring procedures for
these critical control points.
• Principle 5: Establish corrective actions.
• Principle 6: Establish verification procedures.
• Principle 7: Establish record-keeping and
documentation procedures
Steps for the application of HACCP
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
Prerequisite Programs
• The production of safe food products requires that
the HACCP system be built upon a solid foundation
of prerequisite programs.
• These conditions and practices are now considered
to be prerequisite to the development and
implementation of effective HACCP plans.
• Common prerequisite programs may include, but
are not limited to:
– Facilities.
• The establishment should be located, constructed and
maintained according to sanitary design principles.
– Supplier Control.
• Each facility should assure that its suppliers have in
place effective GMP and food safety programs.
– Specifications.
• There should be written specifications for all
ingredients, products, and packaging materials.
– Production Equipment.
• All equipment should be constructed and installed
according to sanitary design principles.
– Cleaning and Sanitation.
– Personal Hygiene.
– Training.
– Chemical Control.
• Documented procedures must be in place to assure the
segregation and proper use of non-food chemicals in the
– Receiving, Storage and Shipping.
• All raw materials and products should be stored under
sanitary conditions and the proper environmental conditions
– Traceability and Recall.
• All raw materials and products should be lot-coded and a
recall system in place so that rapid and complete traces and
recalls can be done when a product retrieval is necessary.
– Pest Control.
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
1.Assemble HACCP team
– should assure that the appropriate product specific knowledge and
expertise is available
– multidisciplinary team (engineering, production, sanitation, quality
assurance, and food microbiology) → may need assistance from
outside experts
– Need knowledgeable and experienced personnel to:
a) conduct a hazard analysis;
b) identify potential hazards;
c) identify hazards which must be controlled;
d) recommend controls, critical limits, and procedures for monitoring and
e) recommend appropriate corrective actions when a deviation occurs;
f) recommend research related to the HACCP plan if important information
is not known; and
g) validate the HACCP plan
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
2.Describe product
– A full description of the product should be drawn up,
– includes relevant safety information such as:
• composition,
• physical/chemical structure,
• microcidal/static treatments (e.g. heat-treatment, freezing,
brining, smoking, etc.),
• packaging,
• Durability,
• storage conditions and
• Method of distribution.
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
3. Identify intended use and consumers of
the food
– Describe the normal expected use of the food.
– The intended consumers may be the general
public or a particular segment of the population
(e.g., infants, immunocompromised individuals,
the elderly, etc.) → vulnerable groups of the
population, (e.g. institutional feeding), may have
to be considered.
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
4.Construct flow diagram
– The purpose of a flow diagram is to provide a clear,
simple outline of the steps involved in the process.
– The scope of the flow diagram must cover all the steps in
the process which are directly under the control of the
5.On-site confirmation of flow diagram
– The HACCP team should perform an on-site review of
the operation to verify the accuracy and completeness of
the flow diagram.
– Modifications should be made to the flow diagram as
necessary and documented.
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
6.Conduct a hazard analysis (Principle 1)
– The purpose of the hazard analysis is to develop a list of
significant hazards that are likely to cause injury or illness
if not effectively controlled
– Areas to be considered:
• Raw materials and ingredients
• Product formulation
• Processing conditions
• Packaging
• Storage and distribution
• Preparation and use
• Target groups
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
– Hazard analysis:
• Stage 1:
– hazard identification, can be regarded as a brain storming session
– the team develops a list of potential biological, chemical or
physical hazards which may be introduced, increased, or
controlled at each step in the production process
• Stage 2:
– the hazard evaluation (based on the severity of the potential
hazard and its likely occurrence)
– the significant hazards associated with each step in the
production of the food should be listed along with any
measure(s) that are used to control the hazard(s)
– More than one control measure may be required to control a
specific hazard(s) and more than one hazard may be controlled
by a specified control measure.
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
7. Determine Critical Control Points (Principle 2)
– CCP = a step at which control can be applied and is
essential to prevent, eliminate or reduce a hazard
– The information from hazard analysis is essential to
identify which steps in the process are CCPs
– CCP decision tree:
• Used after hazard analysis
• Used at the steps with identified significant hazards
• A subsequent step may be more effective in controlling a hazard and
may be the preferred CCP
• More than one steps in the process may be involved in controlling a
• More than one hazard may be controlled by a specific control
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
8.Establish Critical Limits for each CCP (Principle 3)
– Critical limit = a maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological, chemical or
physical parameter must be controlled at a CCP to prevent, eliminate or reduce a hazard to
an acceptable level
– A critical limit is used to distinguish between safe and unsafe operating conditions at a CCP.
– Critical limits may be based upon factors such as:
• temperature,
• time,
• physical dimensions,
• humidity,
• moisture level,
• water activity (aw),
• pH,
• titratable acidity,
• salt concentration,
• available chlorine,
• viscosity,
• preservatives,
• sensory information such as aroma and visual appearance.
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
9.Establish a Monitoring System for Each CCP
(Principle 4)
– Monitoring = a planned sequence of observations or
measurements to assess whether a CCP is under control
and to produce an accurate record for future use in
– Purposes of monitoring:
• To facilitate tracking of the operation. If monitoring indicates
that there is a trend towards loss of control, then action can be
taken to bring the process back into control before a deviation
from a critical limit occurs.
• To determine when there is loss of control and a deviation
occurs at a CCP, i.e., exceeding or not meeting a critical limit.
• To provide written documentation for use in verification
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
10. Establish corrective actions (Principle 5)
– Corrective actions are necessary when there is a
deviation from established critical limits.
– An important purpose of corrective actions is to prevent
foods which may be hazardous from reaching
– Corrective actions should include the following
a) determine and correct the cause of non-compliance;
b) determine the disposition of non-compliant product
c) record the corrective actions that have been taken.
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
11. Establish Verification Procedures (Principle 6)
– Verification = activities other than monitoring, to
determine if the HACCP system is working correctly
– Examples of verification activities include:
• Review of the HACCP system and its records
• Review of deviations and product dispositions
• Confirmation that CCPs are kept under control
– Verification activities are carried out by individuals
within a company, third party experts, and regulatory
Guidelines for the application of HACCP
12.Establish Documentation and Record Keeping (Principle 7)
– Generally, the records maintained for the HACCP System should include
the following:
• A summary of the hazard analysis, including the rationale for determining hazards
and control measures.
• The HACCP Plan
– Listing of the HACCP team and assigned responsibilities.
– Description of the food, its distribution, intended use, and consumer.
– Verified flow diagram.
– HACCP Plan Summary Table that includes information for:
» Steps in the process that are CCPs
» The hazard(s) of concern.
» Critical limits
» Monitoring
» Corrective actions
» Verification procedures and schedule
» Record-keeping procedures
– Support documentation such as validation records.
– Records that are generated during the operation of the plan.

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