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Prof.Dr.Aung Tun Thet
1. Introduction
2. Leader-Follower Relationship
3. Integral framework
Leadership & Followership
◦ Situated in increasingly complex, uncertain, and
dynamic environments
◦ Multiple realities based on various values,
priorities, and requirements
Leadership & Followership
◦ Far-reaching sociocultural and technological
◦ Acceleration of changes bringing about new
Leadership & Followership
◦ External and internal contexts changing
◦ Require modification of conventional concepts
◦ Greater emphasis on search for meaning
Leadership & Followership
◦ Person-centered and dyadic perspective
◦ ‘Heroic’ leadership stereotype
◦ Influence unidirectional
◦ Flowing from individual leader to individual
Leadership & Followership
◦ Leader’s position emphasize
◦ Followers not given legitimacy, meaning,
relevance, and systematically devalued
Emerging Concepts
◦ Shared or distributed leadership
◦ Delegated leadership
◦ Co-leadership
◦ Peer leadership
◦ Team leadership
Servant Leadership
What really makes a leader?
◦ Is it a title?
◦ Authority?
◦ Seniority?
◦ Having followers?
Leadership and Followership
◦ Mindsets
◦ Innovation one key ingredient to successful
◦ Innovation nothing if not shared
Leadership and Followership
◦ Successful leader inspire people through words and
◦ Leaders go the extra mile
◦ Tap into intrinsic motivation deep inside them
◦ Push them forward and keep them going
◦ Even in face of adversity
◦ Many believe leaders 100% confident and self-
◦ Opposite true
◦ Admit limits and ask for help (humility)
◦ See others’ abilities and skills as asset not threat
◦ Build relationships with followers
◦ Aware without others they can’t achieve anything
◦ Accountability
◦ Not shift blame
◦ Admit mistakes
◦ Inspire, motivate, innovate
◦ Visionary, communicator, facilitator
◦ Unlock true potential
◦ Identify dreams, pursue them, and inspire others to
share vision
Good Follower
◦ People behind leaders
◦ Make or break leaders
◦ Malign followers
◦ Everyone a follower
◦ At some point in their lives
◦ Without exception
Good Follower
◦ Important to being better leader
◦ Follow before you lead
◦ 5 traits
1. Enthusiastic

◦ Cheerful and upbeat

◦ Avoid personal issues that impact others around
◦ Contagious
1. Set bar high

◦ Model good behavior

◦ ‘Walk the walk’ not just ‘talk the talk’
◦ Set standard for others to follow
◦ Constantly build strong relationships
1. Set bar high

◦ Exhibit self-discipline in face of adversity

◦ “Golden Rule’
◦ Lead by example
◦ Non-positional leadership
3. Take Initiative

◦ Good followers don’t wait to be instructed

◦ Just do it
◦ Naturally helpful
3. Always Learning

◦ Appetite for improving knowledge and abilities

◦ Always looking to improve
3. Always Serve Others

◦ Good followers serve organizations, employers,

families, and others
◦ Servant Leaders
5 Traits

◦ Bedrock or foundation of good leadership

◦ Good follower becomes a much better leader!
Integral Framework
Holistic Practices
◦ Integrate four
fundamental arenas of
human existence
Integral Framework
◦ Comprehensive
◦ Leadership and followership interrelations
approached simultaneously
Integral Framework
◦ Holonic view
◦ Holons integrative constructs
◦ Both wholes and parts of bigger wholes
◦ At same time
Integral Framework
◦ Holons structures and processes simultaneously
autonomous and dependent
◦ Characterize by differentiation (generation of
variety) and integration (generation of coherence)
Integral Framework
◦ Work of leader and follower: managing and dealing
with dynamics between individual parts (e.g., people
and/or tasks)
◦ Leadership and followership not separate
◦ Actively constitute each other
◦ Enfold and entangle in each other
Integral Framework
◦ Accommodate equally
◦ Internal and external
◦ Individual and collective
◦ Dimensions of leadership and followership
◦ Ensure consistency, compatibility, and creativity
Integral Framework
◦ Interconnected processes of intentional,
behavioral, sociocultural, and systemic domains
Quadrant I
◦ Individual/internal aspects
◦ Intrapersonal or internal reality of leader or follower
◦ Personal values, attitude, intention, and meanings
◦ Self-management for motivation and commitment
Quadrant II
◦ External aspects
◦ Action, accountability and performance
Quadrant III
◦ Collective internal aspects
◦ Shared history, stories, and values
◦ Beliefs, shared meaning and worldviews
Quadrant IV
◦ Collective external aspects
◦ Resources, tools, technologies, organizational design,
strategic plans, and workflow procedures or formal
policies and rules
◦ Institutional conditions, external constrains, and
Interrelations between Quadrants of Leadership and

◦ Each of four orientations incomplete without others

◦ Cocreate each other
Integral relations
◦ Capacities, potential, needs, and interests of both
leader and followers:
◦ (I) Behaviours
◦ (II) Interrelation
◦ (III)Goals, structures, and functioning of
Integral Cycle

◦ Stages or levels of development

◦ New capacities and emergent qualities
◦ Different stages and lines of development and
Integral Leadership/Followership
◦ Acknowledge leaders and followers as complex
◦ Mature and develop over time in relationship to
physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and
spiritual lines
Integral approach
◦ Leadership and followership interrelationship
◦ Personal, interpersonal, and structural
dimensions and influences
Integral approach
◦ Powerful framework
◦ Leadership and followership interwoven
◦ Founded upon each other
1. Introduction
2. Leader-Follower Relationship
3. Integral framework
Prof.Dr.Aung Tun Thet

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