Welcome To The: Web Design Class !

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Welcome to the

Web Design Class !

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Css Course Outline

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com


Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

Follow Note
 Discuses previous Class
 Show home task
 Show problem
 Fix the problem
 Start running class

Note: Every home work will be check

either home work punishment will be
Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com
Chapter #8: CSS Font
CSS Font properties:


Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

font: font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height font-family|caption|

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font-family: family-name|generic-family|initial|inherit;

Note: Insert font offline and online(google fonts)

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

line-height: normal|number|length|initial|inherit;

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font-variant: normal|small-caps|initial|inherit;

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font-weight: normal|bold|bolder|lighter|number|initial|inherit;

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Chapter #9: CSS Pseudo Classes

What are Pseudo-classes?

A pseudo-class is used to define a special state of an element.

For example, it can be used to:

 Style an element when a user mousse over it
 Style visited and unvisited links differently
 Style an element when it gets focus

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS Pseudo Classes
selector:pseudo-class {

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/* unvisited link */
a:link {
  color: #FF0000;

/* visited link */
a:visited {
  color: #00FF00;
anchor pseudo-classes }

/* mouse over link */

a:hover {
  color: #FF00FF;

/* selected link */
a:active {
  color: #0000FF;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS Pseudo Classes List

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :active Selector
:active {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :checked Selector
:checked {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :disabled Selector
:disabled {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :enabled Selector
:enabled {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :empty Selector
:empty {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :first-child Selector
:first-child {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :first-of-type Selector
:first-of-type {
  css declarations;

Note: This is the same of nth-of-type(1)

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :hover
:hover {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :in-range
:in-range {
  css declarations;

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CSS :invalid
:invalid {
  css declarations;

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CSS :valid
:valid {
  css declarations;

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CSS :lang
:lang(languagecode) {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :last-child
:last-child {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :last-of-type
:last-of-type {
  css declarations;

Note: This is the same of nth-last-of-type(1)

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :link Selector
:link {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :not selector
:not(selector) {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :nth-child()
:nth-child(number) {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :nth-last-child()
:nth-last-child(number) {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :nth-child()
:nth-child(number) {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :nth-of-type
:nth-of-type(number) {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :nth-last-of-type
:nth-last-of-type(number) {
  css declarations;

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CSS :only-of-type
:only-of-type {
  css declarations;

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

CSS :only-child
:only-child {
  css declarations;

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CSS :required
:reuired {
  css declarations;

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CSS :root
:root {
  css declarations;

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CSS :target
:target {
  css declarations;

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CSS :visited
:visited {
  css declarations;

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Overview the class

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Give the home task

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See Will Next Chapter

Develop of Universal Software & Research Association http://dusrasoft.com

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