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The 7 Ps of Marketing

The Objectives of Direct Marketing

1. Raised brand awareness

A primary objective of direct marketing is to raise awareness. Even if a campaign
doesn’t lead to a sale, raised awareness is still a positive outcome.

 Its direct nature – Due to being direct, this type of marketing will raise
awareness and build customer loyalty.

 Multi-channel approach – Direct marketing is especially effective

when a multi-channel direct marketing approach is adopted.

 Integration with indirect marketing – Direct marketing campaigns can

be successfully integrated with indirect marketing approaches (e.g. TV,
Radio, etc.), which are also good for raising brand awareness
2. Improved Customer Relationship Management

 Improved customer satisfaction and retention – Successful

direct marketing initiatives will improve the customer
experience and are likely to lead to customer retention.

 Treating each customer as an individual rather than part of a

mass market (indirect marketing) – Direct marketing by its
nature is direct and targets at an individual level. By doing so
it treats each customer as an individual rather than mass
3. Sales / lead generation
One of the main targets of a direct marketing campaign is to generate sales and

 New lead generation – A proportion of the database marketed to

 New lead generation – A proportion of the database marketed to
will naturally respond to the campaign and by doing so generate
will naturally respond to the campaign and by doing so generate
leads for new customers
leads for new customers
 Generating trial orders – A proportion of the database marketed
 Generating trial orders – A proportion of the database marketed
to will also generate trial orders of products and services. This
to will also generate trial orders of products and services. This
is a target of many campaigns as it could lead to regular repeat
is a target of many campaigns as it could lead to regular repeat
ongoing business
ongoing business
 Reacquiring lost customers – Some direct marketing campaigns
 Reacquiring lost customers – Some direct marketing campaigns
will target past customers considered “lost”, a good outcome
will target past customers considered “lost”, a good outcome
would be to acquire these customers as once again active
would be to acquire these customers as once again active
 Upselling, cross-selling and repeat selling – Many direct
marketing campaigns aim to:

– Upsell: This aims to sell to an existing customer upgrades and

add-ons to a previous buy to make the overall relationship more
– Cross-sell: This aims to sell a related product or service to an
existing customer who has previously bought another product or
service from the organisation
– Repeat sale: A campaign may target repeating a previous sale.
4 Simple Ways to Achieve Business Marketing Objectives

1. Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

> Specific – Address problems or new opportunities down to the last detail.
Building goals on ambiguity is the easiest way for them to fall apart at their
> Measurable – Again, be specific and set milestones in small increments
leading to your objectives.

> Actionable – Often times goals and objectives fill our minds loftily as
ideas instead of steps we can take in the form of action.

> Relevant – Will your action be relevant to marketing your product? Are
there better ways to apply it towards your goals?

> Time-bound – Seeing returns is a long and never ending game, but
breaking your goals into smaller time frames will allow you to analyze your
2. Increase Sales
Business without sales isn’t business at all. At the top of every
marketer’s checklist is figuring out how their efforts can lead to
people not only finding a business, but making a purchase as well.

3. Improve Product Awareness

If you’ve ever gotten potential customers questioning exactly what
it is you’re selling, then you may need to improve their awareness
to your products or service.

4. Target New Customers

Of all the marketing tools available to us, social media is by far the
most effective at targeting new customers.
How to Start Your Own Direct Sales Company

 Choose Your Direct Sales Product

Building a new brand requires product development,
manufacturing and distribution investments.

 Establish a Business Entity

Whether you decide to work with an established brand or start your
own, you need to establish a business entity with the state.

 Write Your Story and Solve a Need

Your product and the reason behind it should have its own story
that solves a need.
 Create Systems and Advertising
Don't leave it up to your sales teams to figure out how to sell your
products. Create a social media program that is a plug-and-play
plan for your representatives.

 Reward and Enjoy

The most successful direct sales companies make it a culture to be
part of the brand. This is accomplished not just through sales
Key to Profitable Direct Marketing

1. Believability: No one will believe they are going to get

something very expensive for free. An offer must make sense to
the customer.

2. Involvement: Give the customer a special reason to buy. Get

customers to visualize themselves already using a product or
service "Buy one and get one at half price," is a good way to help
customers calculate how much they can save.

3. Creativity: Be just a little different. An offer that is specific to a

product or service being offered will get the highest response.
Exclusive offers are also appealing.
5 Direct Marketing Mistakes and how to Avoid Them

1) Going too broad

Not properly segmenting your audience is like throwing darts while

wearing a blindfold. It hurts your brand when customers receive
irrelevant promotional materials.

Identify and target your ideal customers by delivering your

marketing message using the right channels at the right time.
2) Including content or creative of poor quality

Attention spans are dwindling and, as advertisers, we only really

have a few seconds to make a lasting impression. So when you
have a design or copy that is confusing, isn't engaging, or doesn't
solve a problem, consumers are likely to turn away even before
they get to your offer.

When developing your copy, consider highlighting benefits over

features, use trending words, and ask relevant questions. Grab
attention by eliciting an emotional response such as fear, greed, and
3) Using a weak call to action

If you try to be all things to all people, you only end up being
nothing to everybody. Every customer needs a nudge once in a
while to remind them exactly what you want them to do next.

Invest in split-testing to see what works. A good call to action

(CTA) stands out and is designed to convince visitors to take
immediate action.
4) Not streamlining email and social media into one integrated

Connectivity matters more than ever today in this multi-device

world and delivering an inconsistent brand experience is a major
turnoff to consumers.
Increase customer engagement and expand your reach by being in
all the places your consumers are. If you send an email, enable
social media sharing.
5) Forgetting to follow up

This should be a no-brainer, but it's astonishing how many

salespeople forget to follow up with a prospect or even check in
with someone who has recently purchased a product/service of
theirs. Don't sit there waiting and expect that they will call.

Keep in mind that direct marketing doesn't always guarantee a sale,

so treat it more like a stepping stone. If done strategically, you'll
have intrigued customers enough so they will take the next step in
the buying cycle or open a new channel of communication with
Thanks for Listening 

Group 4 Reporters:

Grande, Jenina P.
Maducdoc, Jessica M.
Fernandez, Aldrin L.
Peralta, Mark Louie P.

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