Covid Project

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How Different Countries have

Handled the Pandemic

By Isabel, Eliza, and Maddie

• Reviews how China, Italy, the USA, and New Zealand have each
handled COVID-19
• Goal:
• To understand how different countries have handled COVID-19
• To learn what responses are most effective
• We chose these 4 countries because of their contrasting
approaches and differing levels of success:
• China: origin of virus
• Italy: severe initial surge followed by improvement
• New Zealand: island nation, minimal spread
• USA: most COVID cases and deaths worldwide
• Underreported at first
• Enforced regulations very heavily soon after
• Wuhan was completely shut down
        - no transportation (airplanes, trains, etc.)
        - travel ban was set for hundreds of cities
        - millions were told to stay home
China         - many tests and contact tracing was enforced
• A study in the journal Science suggests that the
extreme measures taken at first prevented
700,000 cases
• Life is almost completely back to normal, but
masks are strongly recommended
• Since January, there are less than 1000 cases a day,
the numbers in the low double-digits
• First country after China hit hard by
• Declared state of emergency
January 31st
• Sudden surge in March
• Strict lockdown with fines for
• Shut down non-essential businesses
• Resulted in significant drop in cases
• In recent weeks new Covid surge 
COVID cases by month in Italy
New Zealand
• Did not have many cases at first
• Very quick to try and eliminate it before it
even started
• Travel regulations (South Korea, China,
• 14 days quarantine
• 4-Part alarm system
New Zealand 4- part alarm • Almost completely back to normal
• Quick, stringent, and successful
• Made things rather political
• Government was not super great about following/enforcing
• Had rules varying from state to state
• Less invested in health and less experience with novel coronaviruses;
not prepared
• Not super great about PPE (personal protective equipment)
• Ended up making the matter about politics rather than people's safety
• Not doing too well right now, cases still increasing (as we know)
• Demonstration of four different countries handling the
• We’ve seen varying results:
• New Zealand = doing very well, because island
nation, small population, and stringent rules
• China = first to experience, took extreme measures, now
Conclusion almost back to normal
• Italy = hit hard at first, strict lockdown and fines,
significant drop in cases, sprang up again in recent weeks
• USA = not prepared, made things political, currently most
COVID cases and deaths worldwide
Thank you for reading!

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