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CODE : IN304




Idioms with clothes words

A. Complete the following sentences with one of the words in

the box. There is one extra word you do not need to use.

sleeve hat socks shoe skirt shirt

1. I´ve always liked going to my grandmother´s house. It feels

as comfortable as an old _________________________
2. I´m sure Tina has got something up her _____________Time
will tell.
3. Katty should pull her ______________up and start working
harder. Otherwise, she´s going to fail the course.
4. Please, don´t invite Tom. He´s such a stuffed_____________ I
can´t stand him.
5. I take my ______________off to my mother. She´s been so
brave her whole life and I really admire her.
B. Work in pairs. Underline the idioms and explain their

C. Complete the following conversations with an idiom.

1. A: I can´t believe the way Marco behaved today.

B: I don´t know why you´re so surprised. He´s always been
2. A: Everybody thought Mia was never going to get used to
living in the city.
B: I know! She seems to find city life_______________________
3. A: Sarah is certainly a strong woman.
B: Sure I____________________________Not many people can
stay strong after so much pain.
4. A: Walter is quiet now, but you know he´s the kind of
person who is always planning how to take revenge.
B: You´re right. He must______________________________________
5. A: My sister is being so lazy these days.
B: Well, it´s time she ____________________or your parents
might not want to pay for her studies anymore.
D. Complete the following sentences with the correct idiom.

1. Primary school used to feel as _____________________________

2. I_________________________________to some artists.

3. I usually __________________________________when my Final

Exams are around the corner.

E. Are the sentences in exercise D True or False for you?

Discuss with a partner.

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