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Mg. Graciela Britto

English IV
Key sentences

1. That new pub has been advertised in the local newspaper

for two weeks.
2. Let´s go and try out the new beer!
3. Not me, I´d rather stick to my usual brand.
4. Our tange of frozen food gives oustanding value for money.
5. Peppers are the best way to pep up your menus.
6. Mc Vita is the world´s best-selling French fry.
7. Whatever your requirements, from linen to flame-retardant
curtains, we are the specialists.
8. The chain´s flagship hotel in New York is doing much for
our reputation abroad.
9. Advertising is a part of our consumer society; there is no
escaping it.
10.Advertising has to take account of the fact that the
educational level of the consumer is rising all over the
11. Good advertising will result in increased revenues.

12. An efficient adman always manages to get the message

13. John Smith is the best PR consultant in the business.

14. Some hoteliers don´t mind paying large amounts of money

to advertising agencies.

15. No matter how good your cook is, it will come to nothing
if you don´t let it be known.
16. You need to keep to media informed of what is going on.
17. It is essential for a caterer to build up a reputation and
create a good image of his establishment.
18. The more eye-catching the advertisement, the more likely
it is to attract customers.
19. Before a hotel project is developed, a market study has to
be carried out.
20. For efficient advertising, hoteliers should define their
market and then target their brochure to appeal to it.
 To achieve • Lograr (objetivo)
 Adman • Publicista
 Advertisement • Hacer publicidad
 Advertising • Publicidad
 Advertising campaign • Campaña de publicidad
 Advertising agency • Agencia de publicidad
 Alternative • Alternativa
 Analysis • Análisis
 To anticipate • Pronosticar
 To appeal to • Gustar a, atraer
 To arise • Surgir (problema)
 To assess • Evaluar
 Attempt • Tentativa, intento
 Aware of • Consciente de
 To bear in mind • Tener en mente
 Brochure  Folleto publicitario
 To carry out  Llevar a cabo
 To charge  Facturar
 Consumer  Consumidor
 Consumer orientation  Analísis de la clientela
 Consumer society  Sociedad de consumo
 Data  Datos
 Demand  Demanda
 Discount  Reducción, descuento
 Efficiency  Eficacia, eficiencia
 Efficient  Eficaz, eficiente
 To entitle to  Tener derecho a
 Eye-catching  Llamativo, que atrae la mirada
 Flagship  Buque insignia
 Food critic  Crítico de gastronomía
 Food guide  Guía gastronómica
 To get the message across  Hacer llegar el mensaje
 To go wrong  Ir mal
 To identify  Identificar
 To keep in touch  Mantenerse en contacto
 To launch  Lanzar
 Leaflet  Folleto
 To make up for  Compensar, remediar
 Management  Administración
 Marketing  Mercadotécnia
 Marketing control  Control de mercadotécnia
 Marketing planning  Plan de comercialización
 Marketing research  Análisis de mercado
 Neighborhood  Vecindario
 Outstanding  Notable
 Policy  Política
 Publicity  Publicidad
 Public relations  Relaciones públicas
 Process  Proceso
 Profitability  Rentabilidad
 To purchase  Comprar
 Range  Gama
 Rate  Tasa
 Requirement  Requerimiento, necesidad
 Restaurant reviewer (UK)  Crítico de restaurantes
 To result in  Dar lugar a
 Revenue (UK: turnover)  Ingresos
 Shareholder  Accionista
 To stick to  Ser fie a
 Supplier  Proveedor
 To take account of  Tomar en cuenta
 To target  Tener como objetivo
 To try out  Poner a prueba
 To trade  comerciar
 Tener confianza en
 To trust
 Relación calidad – precio
 Value for money
 Empresa
 Venture
 Cupón
 Voucher
 Recomendación oral
 Word of mouth

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