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Quality council

Quality Statement

Strategic quality planning

Continuous process improvement

Japanese 5s – house keeping concepts


Juran quality trilogy

Supplier partnership and selection

Team and team work

Recognition and rewards
Characteristics of Good Leader

Ability to communicate
Positive attitude
Ability to inspire
 Honesty - A good leader will be able to establish an honest connection with his or her peers. A
relationship based on trust and reliability makes the team know that their leader is always there for them,
which in turn inspires them to be there for their leader.

 Delegate - Each person in a group will be able to bring something different to the table, and a good leader
will work with each member's strengths and weaknesses in order to make sure that the best is being done.

 Ability To Communicate - By clearly describing his or her idea to their team, the leader will be able to
create a sense of ease and understanding with his peers. When every member of the team is striving
towards a common goal, then there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

 Confident – Trust and confidence in leadership is a reliable indicator of employee satisfaction. Good
leaders aren’t afraid of being challenged. Their confidence inspires.

 Courageous – Perhaps I should have put this at the top of my list? A courageous leader is prepared to
take risks when no one else will. A courageous leader has faith in other people. A courageous leader raises
difficult issues, is ready to give difficult feedback, and share unpopular opinions.
Commitment - Some leaders may drive their teams to work hard, while others will constantly be at their sides,
giving every task their one hundred percent. The latter is the type of leader that can expect to achieve more. Teams
work better when they see that the one that they answer to is right by their side, sharing their struggles and

Positive Attitude - Motivation is the key to success, and it can be hard to stay motivated in a negative
environment. By keeping your team's spirits up, you will be able to motivate them to achieve more, and not let
them be bothered by minor setbacks.

Creativity - Sometimes a difficult situation will arise that will require you to think outside of the box and help
your team do the same. At such crucial movements, a good leader will be able to demonstrate a unique type of
creativity that can help his team push through any situation.

Ability To Inspire - Inspiration can take many forms, but a capable leader will be able to demonstrate his ability
to lead and inspire by motivating his team to share his vision.

Intuition - Finally, a good leader will have intuition. Sometimes obstacles will arise that nobody will know how
to handle, perhaps even you. In such situations, it is important to be confident and make a decision. No matter
what the decision is, if you show that you are giving the problem everything you have got, it will inspire your team
to do the same, which can often be just all that is needed to help get past the situation to begin with.
Styles of Leadership


Democratic or participative

Delegating or Free rein

 This style of leadership is carried out by a leader by whom policies and procedures
are dictated.

 This type of leader also determines the goals that are to be attained and without any
significant participation from subordinates, the leader controls and directs all

  The team is fully controlled by this leader and there is low autonomy among team

EX : HITLER, Restaurants, Manufacturing and Aerospace.

Bureaucratic leadership focuses on fixed official duties that take place under the
hierarchy of authority, through a system of rules that are used for decision-making
and management. 

 This style of leadership assumes that individuals get motivation from external

These set of leaders function based on official regulations fixed by higher authorities
within the organization.

Bureaucratic leaders typically do not trust themselves or their followers to make

decision. Therefore, they rely on organizational rules and policies.

EX : Financial Lending Orgn like Savings and Loans and Insurance
Sometimes referred to as participative leadership, democratic
leadership is a style of leadership that allows members of the team to
take a more active role in the process of making decisions.

Democratic leadership usually results in higher levels of productivity,

increased group morale and group members tend to make better

This style involves the leader including one or more employees in the
decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it).
However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority.

EX : Universities, IT companies

Delegative OR Free rein
The leader allows the employees to make the decisions, however,
the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made
This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation
and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. You
cannot do everything! You must set priorities and delegate
certain tasks.

EX : Advertising agencies, Startup social media companies

Research and development departments
Venture capital investment companies
High-end architectural and specialized engineering firms
The team is formed and everyone shows their best behavior. There is a positive and polite
atmosphere. Strong guidance is needed by the facilitator as group tasks are not clearly defined yet.
Emerging boundaries become contested and conflicts occur. Also frustration with the lack of
progress is common. Guidance is needed by the facilitator.
Team members start to resolve their differences, appreciate colleagues' strengths, and respect the
leader’s authority. Behavior from the storming and norming phases can overlap for some time when
new tasks come up.
Hard work goes hand in hand with satisfaction about the team’s progress. Team confidence makes
team roles more fluid and more tasks can be delegated by the facilitator. Problems are prevented or
solved as they pop up.
When all tasks are completed, it’s important to celebrate the team’s positive achievements. Letting
go of the group structure after long periods of intensive team work can also generate uncertainty for
individual team members.

5S Concepts

Juran Quality Trilogy


PDCA Cycle

Definition: A process is a set of steps to accomplish a

defined purpose or produce a defined product or
service. Continuous process improvement is the set of
on-going systems engineering and management
activities used to select, tailor, implement, and assess
the processes used to achieve an organization's
business goals.
S1: Sort
• Focuses on eliminating
unnecessary items from S1:
the workplace
• Categorize equipment, Sort
furniture, tool in your S5: S2:
Sustain Set
working place into the
following 3
1. Necessary
2. Unnecessary S4: S3:
Standardize Shine
3. May not necessary
• This step will also help with
the “just in case” attitude 52
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Examples of “Sorting”
• Place “Red tag” for categorization of items to
identify unnecessary items
• Move unnecessary items( broken tools, obsolete
jigs and fixtures, scrap and excess raw material
etc.) to central stored area
• Free up valuable floor space (Space utilization)
• Finding abnormality of equipment and tools (Out
of order, missing parts etc.)

S2: Set
• “Set” is based on
finding efficient and S1:
effective storage
necessary items
• Apply “Can see, Can
Sustain S2:Set
take out, and Can
return” philosophy
• This will save time S4: S3:
Standardize Shine
and energy to look for
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Example of “Setting” activities

• Labeling , numbering, zoning for clear

identification of storage areas to
keep necessary items
• Set necessary items matching with
workflow to minimize unnecessary
movement and transportation time

2008 PROCESS 2008

Before MID. After

S3: Shine
• Cleaning up one’s
workplace daily so Sort

that there is no dust

on floors, S5:

machines or
• It will create S4:
ownership and build Standardize
pride in the
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S3: Shining activities

• Clean floor, windows and walls.

• Clean and Maintain office automation
machines, medical equipment and tools,
office furniture
• Develop and follow regular cleaning
and Maintenance schedule
Example of “Shining” activities
• Daily sweeping and mopping of floor,
bathroom, corridor etc.
• Regular cleaning and maintenance of
equipment and tools
• Periodical check for changes in equipment
and the service area such as: leaks,
vibration, misalignment, breakage etc.
• IPC activities such as hand hygiene, waste
segregation are also part of shine
S4: Standardize
• Maintain an environment
where S1 to S3 are Sort
implemented in the same
manner throughout the S5: S2:

organization Sustain Set

• Give opportunities to
employees to take active
part in the development S3:
of these standards. Standardize

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S4: Standardizing activities




Develop mechanism to standardize Standardization will leads equalization of activities

S1-S3 implementation for continuation = “Production leveling and smoothing”

Standardization is useful for;

• Easy implementation of S1 to S3 activities
• Equalization process output
• Everyone’s participation
Example of “Standardize”
• Work instructions, Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs)
• Checklist development and regular usage
for SOPs
• Mechanism and format development for
ordering supplies, reporting etc
• Color coding for waste segregation
• Standardized common symbols

S5 : Sustain
• Maintain S1-S4
through discipline, S1:
commitment and
empowerment S5: S2:
• It focuses on Set

defining a new Sustain

mindset and
a standard in S4: S3:

workplace Standardize Shine

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S5: Sustainability activities

People get bored if no changes.

Need to develop a mechanism to
make staff exited and motivated

Further Improvement

Prevent fallback


Measure improvement with proper

periodical monitoring
Example of “Sustain” activities
• Regular progress reporting
• Refresher training
• Periodical evaluation of 5S activities
with proper advices for continuation and
further improvements
• Appreciation, recognition and awarding
on good 5S activities
• Reminder using 5S corner, new letters,
good practice sheet etc.

Step 1. Customer Needs
The basic step is the identification of customers and their wants and needs. An
organization must seek its customers’ requirements, expectations and assess future trends
before developing a
strategic plan.

Step 2. Customer Position

The second step requires the planners to determine its positioning with regards to its
customers. Various alternatives such as whether the organization should give up, maintain or
expand market position should be considered. In order to become successful, the organization
should concentrate and consolidate its position in its areas of excellence.

Step 3. Predict the Future

Next, the planners must predict future conditions that will affect their product or service: To
help predicting the future, the tools such as demographics, economic forecasts, and technical
assessments or projections may be used.
Step 4. Gap Analysis
In this step, the planners must identify the gaps between the current state and the future state of the
organization. This concept is also known as value stream mapping. For identifying the gaps, an analysis of
the core values and concepts and other techniques may be used.

Step 5. Closing the Gaps

Now the planners should develop a specific plan to close the gaps. This process is also termed as Process
improvement. By assessing the relative importance and relative difficulty of each gap, planners can close the

Step 6. Alignment
Now the revised plan should be aligned with the mission, vision, and core values and concepts of the
organization. Organization should embrace quality as an essential ingredient in their vision, mission, and

Step 7. Implementation

In order to implement the action plan, resources must be allocated to collecting data, designing changes, and
overcoming resistance to change. Also the planners should monitor and assess the result of the strategic plan.

Total Employee Involvement

Labour and Management Relationship
Effective Leadership
Adaptability to change the environment
Reduced Waste
Customer Oriented
Quality Awareness
Improved Quality,
Increased efficiency,
Lower cost,
Increased productivity
Increased opportunity for innovation, &
Continuous improvement of products and
 services
Increased market share
 Sole Sourcing
 Microsoft – Windows OS

 Multiple Sourcing :
 Universities – Book Publishers,

 Examples of single sourcing in business

 In terms of business entity, it means that the organization is buying a particular
product from a single source. Suppose you need to buy laptops for office use
and have decided to purchase all the units from Sony brand then obviously
Sony is your single-sourcing.
Rewards and Recognition
Recognition is a process whereby management shows
acknowledgement (Verbal or written) of an employee
outstanding performance. Recognition is a form of
employee +ve motivation.

Reward is a touchable one such as increased salaries,

commission, cash bonus, gain sharing etc., to promote
desirable behavior. It can be even theatre tickets,
dinner for two, a small cash awards, etc.,
2 Marks
1. What is leadership
2. What are the characteristics OR features OR Qualities of Leadership
3. What are the styles of leadership
4. What is quality statement
5. What is vision and Mission statement and give example.
6. What is meant by quality council
7. What is motivation
8. What is empowerment
9. What is continuous process improvement
10. What is juran quality trilogy
11. What is meant by 5s
12. What are the benefits of 5s implementation.
13. What is Kaizen
14. What are the principles / Philosophy of kaizen
15. What is meant by supplier partnership
16. What is meant by supplier selection
17. What is strategic planning
18. What is rewards and recognition
13 Marks
1. Explain the different styles of leadership
2. Explain the characteristics of good leader
3. What do you understand by the term quality statements? Elaborate them with
4. Explain the 5S as applicable to services
5. Explain the PDCA Cycle OR Deming’s Wheel OR Deming’s cycle
6. Explain the duties of Quality council
7. Explain Maslow’s theory of Motivation
8. Explain Hertzberg two factors theory
9. Explain the step by step procedure in Strategy Quality planning
10. Explain the Juran Quality Trilogy
11. Difference between Maslow's and Hertzberg two factors theory
12. Explain the stages of Team Development

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