Siebel EAI Web Services

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Web Services


About Web Services
• A Web Service is any piece of software/ function that makes itself available over the internet and uses a
standardized XML messaging system.
• Web services combine component-based development and Internet standards and protocols like
• Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
• Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
• Business services or workflows in Siebel Business Applications can be exposed as Web services to be consumed by
an application. Siebel Web Services framework has an ability to generate WSDL files to describe the Web services
hosted by the Siebel application.
• Siebel Web Services framework can invoke external Web services. This is accomplished by importing a WSDL
document, described as an external Web service, using the WSDL Import Wizard in Siebel Tools.
• To specify the structure of XML used in the body of SOAP messages, Web services use an XML Schema Definition
(XSD) standard. The XSD standard describes an XML document structure in terms of XML elements and attributes.
It also specifies abstract data types, and defines and extends the value domains.

Maveric Systems 2
Siebel Web Service
• In Siebel There are two types web service
 Inbound Web Service
 Outbound Web Service

• The Inbound Web Service allows an external system to call a Siebel published Web Service. We can publish a
business service as a Web Service and generate a Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file that an external
system can import.
• An Outbound Web Service definition acts as a proxy to a Web Service published by an external application. The
outbound Web Service is based on the External Web Service definition (WSDL) file published by the external

Maveric Systems 3
Web Service - Core specifications

The specifications that define Web services are intentionally modular, There are a few "core" specifications that are
supplemented by others as the circumstances and choice of technology dictate, including:

 Simple Object Access Protocol – SOAP

- An XML-based, extensible message envelope format with "bindings" to underlying protocols. The primary
protocols are HTTP and HTTPS, although bindings for others, including SMTP and XMPP, have been written.
 Web Services Description Language – WSDL
- An XML format that allows service interfaces to be described along with the details of their bindings to
specific protocols. Typically used to generate server and client code, and for configuration.

Maveric Systems 4
Siebel Inbound Web Service
In Inbound Web Service any business service or business process can be published as a Web Service.
Once the business service or business process is published as a Web Service, the Web Service Definition Language
(WSDL) can be generated which can consumed by an external application in order to invoke this Web Service.
Siebel Application System Prerequisites For Inbound Web Services
 Siebel server environment, with the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) set up & Application servers must be up
and running during publication of web services.
 Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) component group must be enabled.
 Access to the Web Services Administration view for this application using Siebel Client.

Maveric Systems 5
Deploying Business Services as Web Services

• To be deployed, a business service must have at least one accessible method. The business service must include a
valid integration object name for any hierarchical argument.
 NOTE: The Hierarchy type is not supported unless a valid integration object name is specified.
• In the Object Explorer in Siebel Tools, select the Business Service object.
• In the Object List Editor, right-click the business service to deploy, and then choose Deploy as Web Service. The
Expose Business Service as Web Service dialog box appears.
• Specify the following in the dialog box, and then click Finish:
 Business service methods to expose. The operation names for the business service methods are system
 URL for the Web service. Replace <webserver> with a valid host name and <lang> with a valid language code,
such as enu.
 Generate WSDL check box. To generate a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file, select the check box,
and then choose a location to save the WSDL file.
• The business service is deployed. Deployed business services are shown in the Administration - Business Services
screen in the Siebel client. Deployed Web services are shown in the Administration - Web Services screen, Inbound
Web Services view

Maveric Systems 6
Deploying Business Services as Web Services

Maveric Systems 7
Siebel Inbound Web Service

Maveric Systems 8
Siebel Outbound Web Service

• The following steps needs to be performed to invoke an external web service in Siebel
 The developer obtains Web Service description as a WSDL file from the External
 The WSDL Import Wizard is invoked.
 The WSDL Import Wizard generates definitions for outbound proxy, integration objects
for complex parts, and administration entries.
 The Outbound Web Service proxy is called with request property set.
 The request is converted to an outbound SOAP request and sent to the external
 The external application returns a SOAP response.
 The SOAP response is converted to a property set that can be processed by the Siebel

Maveric Systems 9
Siebel Outbound Web Service

Maveric Systems 10
Siebel Outbound Web Service

Maveric Systems 11
Siebel Outbound Web Service

Maveric Systems 12
Structure of WSDL Document
<!– The Data types that are used by the Web service 
<!– The Message used by the Web service 
<!– The Operations performed by the Web service 
<!– The Communication Protocols used by the Web service 
<!– The Reference to the actual location of the service 
Sample WSDL




Desktop\new 13.wsdl

Maveric Systems 14
Web Services & Named Subsystems in Siebel enterprise

Default named sub systems available

 WebService – Used for web services with no authentication mechanism
 SecureWebService – Used for web services having Username token authentication
Named sub systems used to define the authentication & execution parameters for the web services communication
URL parameter specified in the Service Ports references appropriate Named Sub System.
 No Authentication
o http://webserver/eai_enu/start.swe?
 Username token authentication
o http://webserver/eai_anon_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute

Maveric Systems 15
Web Services & Named Subsystems in Siebel enterprise

Maveric Systems 16
Web Services Security – Comparison of named subsystems
Profile parameters for both WebService & SecureWebService
are compared in the table below.

Profile Parameters Value for Web Value for Secure

Service Web Service
Allow Anonymous False False

Service Method to Dispatch Dispatch

Service to Execute Web Service Inbound Web Service Inbound
Dispatcher Dispatcher

Workflow Process to
Impersonate* False True
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