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Our body is like a machine. You have to grease it, check it, and put an
excellent fuel. We only have one, and it’s never too late to start taking
care of it. The cardio kickboxing is a training method that combines
simulation games of all kinds of martial arts and contacts sport such as
Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kick Boxing, or any other martial art with
What CKB is?

The cardio kickboxing, in addition to giving more fun to traditional aerobics classes. It
burns more calories in an hour of training Another attraction of the CKB is that it
teaches the basics of self-defense, which also became fashionable a few years ago.

Also, due to the type of choreography, music, and so on, this sport is more attractive
for young people and women who do not find traditional martial arts attractive.
Definition and Structure of Cardio Kickboxing


During this first phase, which will last for about 20 minutes, you will
warm up all the muscles, and start exercising them with the classic
stretches. In the case of an aerobic exercise, with martial arts
movements, a wrong gesture with cold muscles can result in some type
of injury.
Class development :-

During the intermediate phase, the cardio kickboxing exercises

will be carried out correctly . And, their intensity will be modified,
mixing parts of greater coordination, and strength with more
aerobic ones, and rhythmic to increase cardiovascular work.
Stretching :-

Finally, during the third phase the muscles will be extended

to avoid injuries and sores of any kind. Always lowering the
intensity until finishing also working the breath.
Conclusion :-

Cardio kickboxing is very simple, and there are options for

each of their movements so that each practitioner can adapt
the training to their level. It can be practiced by everyone, men,
and women, regardless of age.
Benefits of Cardio Kickboxing

Lose weight



Relieve Stress and


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