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Philosophy of the Human Person

• The learners understand the meaning and
process of doing philosophy.
• The learners reflect on a concrete experience
in a philosophical way.
• I can distinguish a holistic perspective from
partial point of view.
• I can analyze human activities that came from
deliberate reflection.
• I can explain the value of doing philosophy in
obtaining a broad perspective on life.
• I can create a philosophical reflection on a
concrete situation from a holistic perspective.
What is Philosophy?
• 1st Sense: ideas, views, principles,
perspectives or beliefs;
• 2nd Sense: the activity of reasoning;
• 3rd Sense: an academic course;
- Greek word philosophia means “love of
wisdom” i.e., philo (love) + sophia (wisdom)
• Wisdom, as a virtue, always search and
conforms itself with the Truth.
• truth belongs to those acts of the intelligence
which conform to reality and express it
Philosophy is a pursuit for truth
1. a tool to understand and arrive to the truth
through the use of reason;
2. it is a set of ideas or beliefs that interprets
and set standards in the reality of the world
that we live.
Sense of “Wonder” / “Pagtataka”
• “Why am I here?”
• “Why do I exist?”
• “What is the purpose of my existence?”
Truth, therefore, is not limited, but
rather universal.
1st ACTIVITY: Please Read the Selection

• description of the Universal and the Particular,

and the Truth and dialectics.
• (Philosophy of the Human Person, Phoenix
Publication) on page 5 to 10.
• For those who doesn’t have the book, please
refer to our google classroom
Answer these questions (1st Activity):
• What is the distinction between the particular and the
• It was mentioned in the paragraph 2 that “to philosophize is
to look at life from a holistic perspective.” It means that we
should look at life as a whole, and not just by its parts. Kindly
cite at least three questions that tickle your sense of
wondering in life.
• With the questions that you cite at no. 2, how do you think
that you can proceed in finding the answers on your
questions? Why philosophy/reason is important? 
• What is dialectic? Is the process of a dialectic enables you to
see the truth in a holistic/universal way? Give me a way or
two on how dialectic leads us closer to the truth.
Activity 2
• The following are links from some movie scenes and funny videos:
• After you enjoy watching, analyze each scene and answer the following questions on the
space provided.
• Which human activities display acts of man? Cite at least three scenes that display acts of
• Why do you think that these scenes exhibit acts of man?
• Which human activities demonstrate human acts? Cite at least three scenes that
demonstrate human acts.
• Why do you think that it is necessary to analyze whether a human activity is a human act or
act of man? What is its relevance in studying Philosophy of the human person?
• In your own words, why is it important to analyze human activities (human act and act of
man) in distinguishing the universal from the particular?
Activity 3
• Please click the link The link will lead
you to the FB Page/vlog of Rix the Seminarian. (Note: Please suspend your
subjective/personal biased, prejudice, opinion and judgement on this video. This
video is only an example of how philosophy works in giving reason to faith).
• After you have watched the video, you can see how philosophy works in defending
the Catholic Faith in a systematic way. St. Anselm said that “Philosophy is the
handmaid of Theology”. This means that our Christian faith needs to be understood,
and it can be understood with the use of reason. It was also written in the Bible
that: “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who ask you for a reason
for your hope.” (1 Peter 3:15b) Thus, the use of reason aids the early Christians (and
even our fellow Christians today) to understand the mystery of our faith. Thus, the
video vlog helps us to see and explain the value of philosophy in our life.
• In this activity, write below at least 5-sentences reaction about the video, answering
this question:
Activity 3
• How do you see the essence of doing
philosophy in your life (not just about your
• Please write your answers – either on a short
bond paper, 1 whole sheet of paper, or yellow
• Write legibly
• You are about to attach your answers at your
module for submission.

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