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- Unit V: Introduction to Avionics Subsystems and Electronic Circuits
- Deepak Gaur
- Assistant Professor
• Typical Avionics Sub Systems
• Amplifiers
• Oscillator
• Aircraft Communication System
• Transmitter
• Receiver
• Antenna
Avionic Sub Systems

For Pr. Mach No. For Flight planning

1.Air Data 7.FMS

System system

2.Flight Control 3.Navigation 4.Cockpit 6.Engine

System System System Control
For Aircraft For position of Pilot to Grnd, Controlling
LCD Displays
Stability Aircraft Crew to Engine temp
Passenger Pr.
Avionic Subsystems
1. Air Data System-indicating Pressure ,Altitude, Speed, Mach
Number, Statc Air Temp etc.
2. Flight Control System-indicating Signals for 3 axes Auto stabilization
3. Navigation System-using DME,VOR, GPS
4. Display System-like HUD,HOTAS
5. Cabin Inter-Communication System
6. Engine Control system for engine temp, pr.
7. Flight Management System-FMS for flight path

1.Air Data System
1. Indicate Pressure,
2. Altitude,
3. Speed,
4. Mach Number,
5. Static Air Temp etc. thru a computer called ADC

Air Data System for Total Air temp ,
Dynamic Pr, True Air speed

Air Data Computer

2. Flight Control System-Autopilot System
1. Means Fly by wire and Fly by Light –two methods in Flight Control
2. Include automatically controlling flight using auto-pilots Scheme
to control heading and altitude and for Autostablization-AFC
3. Limited authority on thrust and flight control surfaces

Flight Control

Flight Control System (Autopilot)

3. Navigation system
A. By Very High Frequency Omni directional Range or Distance
Measuring Equipment DME
B. By Satellite Based Navigation by MEO Satellites at 1575 MHz
Satcom via the Inmarsat satellites using 4 Satellites centralized
over the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean-East, and
Atlantic Ocean-West for high altitudes

A. Ground Based Navigation using LOS by VOR/DME having B-Nav and
P-nav where the track accuracy is within +/- 5 nm and +/-1nm
Use VOR for getting the navigation track from many ground
stations between Aircraft and ATC through VHF Freq. (108.1
through 117.95 MHz)
B. Satellite Based Navigation by GPS on 1575 MHz

• A Radio Navigation system for Aircrafts sending VHF AM signal to the
• Aircraft derive a Magnetic bearing from the station to the aircraft
(direction from the VOR station in relation to Earths North at the time
of installation)
• Providing OMNI (VOR) or LOCALIZER (LOC) information with built-in
VOR/LOC Converter
• Used with other nav/comms


A. VOR/DME Ground Station

A. DME in the Aircraft

A. Air band Receiver FOR VOR

GPS Navigation
• Offering an inexpensive and reliable Navigation to existing navigation
techniques for aircraft.
• With GPS, an aircraft's computers can be programmed to fly a direct
route to a destination
• GPS saves in fuel and time

GPS Navigation


GPS Navigation
• Aircraft position by signals from MEO Satellites high above the Earth
• 3 satellites for fixing aircrafts position
• 3 segments; 1. space segment (SS), 2. a control segment (CS), and
3.user segment
• Space Segment for No.of Satellites (12)Control Segment to track the
position of Satellites, (3).User segment (GPS receiver)

Space Segment (12 Visible Sat)

GPS at the cockpit

B. GPS at Aircraft



3. Satellite Based Navigation using 12
Satellites( GPS)



4.Display System
1. Produce Pre-Flight info
2. Giving Navigation Information
3. Airframe Data
4. Warning Information
5. Head up Display and
6. Multifunction Display


• Communications connecting the flight deck to the ground, and the
flight deck to the passengers
• Flight Deck to Ground work on the Air-band of 118.000 MHz to
136.975 MHz (Air band Receiver)
• On board communication for Public Address system to the
passengers and Aircraft intercom to the crew .

5.Communication system
1. Direct dialling to Aircraft thru INMARSAT or Iridium satellite
2. Voice Activated hands free intercom system with Transmit facility
from Pilot to Passengers with PTT for Pilot and Co pilot
3. Music thru Satellite Radio, MP3 or CD player on Stereo

5.Communication system

5. Communication
• Communication system using AIR Band Receiver for contacting ATC
and fellow pilots.
• Air band Receiver use 136.000 to 163.975 MHz with 720 COMM
• Air Band Radios available @ 14 volt or 28 volt

Air band Receiver
•118.000 MHz to 136.975 MHz

Why Beacon Freq =108.1 MHz on FM
• Beacon use VHF thru LOS (line of Sight) using 108.1- 117.95 MHz
• Storms and other weather phenomena cause interference
• 108.1- 117.95 MHz free from Static and interference caused by
storms or other weather phenomena

6.Engine Control system
• Engine control for Air density, throttle lever position, engine
temperature and engine pressure etc.
• providing optimum engine efficiency for a given flight condition with
redundant digital panels for Safety.

6. Engine Control System

7. Flight Management System

7.Flight Management System
• Flight Crew enter Flight Data such as Wind conditions, Runway
Length, Cruice Altitude to FMS
• FMS computes power settings for various phases of the flight

• Giving End-to-end flight planning
• Inclue the aircraft track within an accuracy of three wing-widths and
within time of arrival to within 6 seconds in the flight plan.
• Navigation (integration of inertial, radio and GPS sensors)
• Trajectory prediction/optimization
• Flight guidance interface (roll, pitch and thrust commands)
• Electronic map interface (horizontal and vertical flight plan display)

GPS System for Navigation
Basic theory, Orbital positions, GPS segments, Triangulation, Advantages
of GPS
Garmin GPS RX

Basic Theory
• GPS navigation by 24 MEO satellites having atomic clocks revolving in
Polar orbits at an altitude of 20,000 km from earth, having 3 segments
as space segment (SS), 2. a control segment (CS), and 3.user
• Control segment for controlling the orbit of satellites, Space segment
for 24 satellites, 4 slots/satellites, inclined at 55* to the equator
• Some places on earth can see from 6 to 12 satellites
• GPS RX is User Segment

GPS 24 MEO satellites-20,000 km
in Polar Orbits-55* to Equator

GPS components

Principle of working
• GPS Satellites send signals containing satellites position and time.
• GPS RX receive signals from 4 satellites at any time, measuring the
time difference from satellite to the receiver
• Distance to satellite = c x time difference
• Knowing the distances of 4 satellites, position of RX in Long and Lat
computed by a process of Triangulation

In Detail
1. MEO satellites emit high-frequency radio signals and have atomic clocks set to
Greenwich time called ZULU time
2. Received by GPS receiver at the Aircraft, measuring nearest 2 satellites called
3. These signals contain data about exact orbits of the satellites and the time of
atomic clocks on the satellites
4. Time taken by the nearest 2 satellites and the aircraft creates a precise
triangle informing the pilot his latitude and longitude to within one meter
5. Distance between satellite and RX is computed by Acquisition from the time
difference between satellite and received signal d= (c/t) c= 300,000 km/sec

GPS Data-s
1. Direction of Heading
2. Speed of Aircraft
3. Aircraft Altitude
4. A Map of current location and destination
5. Traveled distance
6. How long we are travelling
7. Estimated time of Arrival

GPS Navigation



GPS Navigation


Advantages of GPS
1. Aircrafts can fly the most direct routes between 2 airports, thus
saving fuel and time.
2. Enable the Pilot to keep the aircraft On course
3. GPS also provide ground speed and wind
4. GPS enable the aircraft for safe landing under bad weather.
5. Under poor visibility, GPS make the airacraft for even touch down.

Ground Based Navigation
• Ground Based System use VOR for getting the navigation track from
many ground stations between Aircraft and ATC through VHF Freq.
(108.1 through 117.95 MHz)
• Ground Based System give heading when the aircraft remains in the
same track envelop
• Ground Based System use line-of-sight.

1. Autopilot scheme to control aircraft in flight consisting of
connecting linkage by Mechanical, Hydraulic Electronic (Analog
2. Thunderstorms causes rapid changes in the three-dimensional
wind velocity Causes of air disaster called low level windshear. just
above ground level.

3. Various Flight Control Schemes
( Honeywel-USA)
• Boeing 737-providing control and guidance in the pitch and roll axes,
and performs warning functions, and automatic pitch trim.
• Boeing 747-Autopilot - Flight Director is an integrated automatic
pilot/flight director (A/P - F/D) system in which the system computers
are used for autopilot and flight director functions.

• The amplifier and computer are the brains for the AFCS.
• They receive the weak signals from the sensors, which in most cases are synchros,
and determine how much and in which direction correction is necessary. The synchro
signals are usually in millivolts, but the correct strength needed is in volts. Therefore,
the amplifier increases the weak signal to a workable voltage.
• The value of the synchro signal depends on the amount of rotor displacement with
respect to the stator from the null position.
• The direction of rotor displacement from the stator determines the direction of the
• Most amplifiers have at least two stages of voltage amplification—one stage of phase
discrimination, and another stage where power amplification takes place. Other
types of amplifiers control the voltage to control valves in hydraulic servos.
Air Navigation Computer and One Channel
Types of Amplifiers
• Roll servo amplifier
• Pitch servo amplifier
• Yaw servo amplifier
• Roll computer amplifier
• Pitch computer amplifier
• Heading computer amplifier
• Command coupler
• Each of the seven modules contains sub- assemblies and sub-
subassemblies. Some of these are interchangeable between modules.
The roll, pitch, and yaw servo amplifiers are identical.
• The other modules have individual differences.
• The computer, through an interlocking relay arrangement in
conjunction with the control panel mode selection switches and
controls signal switching operations. 
• An electronic oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a
periodic, oscillating electronic signal, often a sine wave or a square
• Oscillators convert direct current (DC) from a power supply to
an alternating current (AC) signal.
• They are widely used in many electronic devices.
• Common examples of signals generated by oscillators include signals
broadcast by radio signal transmission.
Characterization of Oscillator
• Oscillators are often characterized by the frequency of their output
1. A low-frequency oscillator (LFO) is an electronic oscillator that
generates a frequency below approximately 20 Hz. This term is
typically used in the field of audio synthesizers, to distinguish it
from an audio frequency oscillator.
2. An audio oscillator produces frequencies in the audio range, about
16 Hz to 20 kHz.
3. An RF oscillator produces signals in the radio frequency (RF) range
of about 100 kHz to 100 GHz.
Types of Oscillators
• Linear or harmonic oscillator - produces a sinusoidal output.
• Nonlinear or relaxation oscillator - produces a non-sinusoidal output,
such as a square, sawtooth or triangle wave.
Linear or Harmonic Oscillator - Types
• Feedback Oscillator
• Negative Resistance Oscillator
• Armstrong oscillator, a.k.a. Meissner oscillator
• Clapp oscillator
• Colpitts oscillator
• Cross-coupled oscillator
• Dynatron oscillator
• Hartley oscillator
• Opto-electronic oscillator
• Pierce oscillator
• Phase-shift oscillator
• Robinson oscillator
• Tri-tet oscillator
• Vackář oscillator
• Wien bridge oscillator
Nonlinear or relaxation oscillator - Types
• Multivibrator
• Pearson–Anson oscillator
• Ring oscillator
• Delay-line oscillator
• Royer oscillator
Aircraft Communication System
• Communication System involves voice transmission and reception
between aircrafts or aircrafts and ground.
• For obvious reasons pilots can not use sound as a medium during the
flight to interact with other pilots !
• So we need a specialized system which can play an efficient role of
transmitting important data( voice, signals) and simultaneously
maintaining a good quality transmission.
• It can be said that safe aircraft operation is dependent to a large extent
upon satisfactory performance of communication system.
• Radios are employed for fulfilling the purpose.
Basic Radio Principles
• From the basic theory we know that the energy that
illuminates the light is transmitted by an alternating
electromagnetic field in the core of transformer.
• Thus it can be said that it is a kind of wireless control
of one circuit(secondary) by another circuit(primary).
• A basic radio communication works on similar
transformer principle which involves transmission and
reception of electromagnetic(radio) waves through
• Alternating current passing through a conductor
creates electromagnetic field around the conductor.
• Energy is alternately stored in these field and
returned to the conductor for typical transformer
• As the frequency of current alternation increases, lesser energy stored in
the field returns to the conductor and instead radiated into space in form
of EM waves.
• Now for Radios, this phenomenon is exploited for transmission of signals
and the conductor employed to radiate in this manner is called
transmitting antenna.
• Now if these radiated EM waves passes through a conductor, they
transmit some energy into the conductor by setting conductor’s electron
into motion.
• As and when EM field varies, pattern of electron flow changes which in
turn varies the current generated
• Hence by causing a variation into the EM field via radiating antenna, we
can bring about similar variation in the receiving antenna.
• This is the basic theory of radio transmission
Frequency Band
The Radio Frequencies are being used in various field, amongst them include:
• FM Radio Broadcast
• Television Broadcast
• Land Mobile Stations (Emergency, Business, and Military)
• Amateur Radio
• Marine Communications
• Transmitters may be considered as a generator which changes
electrical power into radio waves.
• It basically performs these functions:
1. Generate RF ( radio frequency) signal
2. Amplify the RF signal
3. Provide a means of placing intelligence on the signal
Components of Transmitter
1. Oscillator circuit to generate RF signal
2. Amplifier circuit to increase the output of the oscillator to the
required power level
3. Modulator to add voice (audio) intelligence to the RF signal.
Modulation can be further done in two ways ,(a) Amplitude
Modulation (AM) and, (b) Frequency Modulation (FM)
Basic Radio Transmitter
Just opposite to transmitters, receivers
i) Select the desired radio frequency signals
ii) Amplifies the generated small a.c. voltage
iii) Convert the intelligence contained on these signals into a usable
form with the help of demodulator. Demodulator which is used for AM
signals is called detector, while the one which is used for FM waves is
called discriminator.
Basic Receiver
• An antenna is a special type of electrical circuit designed to radiate
and receive electromagnetic energy.
• As mentioned earlier, a transmitting antenna is a conductor which
radiates EM waves when a radio frequency is passed through it, while
receiving antenna intercepts the EM waves that are present in the air.
• They come in various size and shapes depending upon the frequency
to be transmitted.
• Generally for aircraft application, same antenna is used for both
transmission and reception of signals.
Antenna as transition device
Types of Antenna
Antenna on Aircraft
• Type and size of antenna varies with the different types of aircraft.
• The location of antenna depends on the design of aircraft.
VHF and HF
• VHF and HF communication systems use transceivers.
• A transceivers is a self contained transmitter and receiver.
• The transmitter and receiver both operate at same frequency, and the
microphone button determines when there is an output from the
• In the absence of transmission the receiver is sensitive to incoming
• This combination of transmitters and receivers saves a lot of space
and weight and are hence largely used.
• Very High Frequency is a term used
to describe the 30MHz. to 300MHz.
portion of the radio spectrum.
• This range of frequencies will
provide short-range LOS (line of site)
• The range for VHF communications
depends on equipment used,
antenna height, and terrain(typically
2 to 20 miles).
HF Communication
• The frequency range is 3-30 MHz.
• This is used for long range communications because of its longer transmission range.
• This is the basic band for long-range communications, mainly because its
transmissions are reflected from the ionosphere.
• HF transmitters have higher power outputs than VHF transmitters.
• A Tuner is used to match the impedance of the transceiver to the antenna.
• Use and installation of the HF communication system is same as that of the VHF
communication system.
• The advantage of using HF communication system over VHF communication system
is that it can transmit information over long distance as the output power of the HF
transmitter is higher than that of the VHF transmitter.

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