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can be solved by using deducti
ve reasoning and chart that en
ables us to display the given in
formation in a visual manner.
Example: Solve a Logic Puzzle
Each of four neighbors, Sean, Maria, Sarah, and Brian, ha
s a different occupation (editor, banker, chef, or dentist). F
rom the following clues, determine the occupation of each
1. Maria gets home from work after the banker but before
the dentist.
2. Sarah, who is the last to get home from work, is not th
e editor.
3. The dentist and Sarah leave for work at the same time
4. The banker lives next door to Brian.
SOLUTION: From Clue #1

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

SOLUTION: From Clue #1

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

Maria X1 X1
SOLUTION: From Clue #2

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

Maria X1 X1
SOLUTION: From Clue #2

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

Maria X1 X1
Sarah X2 X2
SOLUTION: From Clue #3

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

Maria X1 X1
Sarah X2 X2
SOLUTION: From Clue #3

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

Sean X3 X3
Maria √ X1 X3 X1
Sarah X2 X2 √ X3
Brian X3 X3
SOLUTION: From Clue #4

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

Sean X3 X3
Maria √ X1 X3 X1
Sarah X2 X2 √ X3
Brian X3 X3
SOLUTION: From Clue #4

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

Sean X3 √ X3 X4
Maria √ X1 X3 X1
Sarah X2 X2 √ X3
Brian X3 X4 X3 √
an arithmetic-based logic puz
zle that was invented by the J
apanese mathematics teache
r Tetsuya Miyamoto in 2004.
The noun “ken” has “knowled
ge” and “awareness” as synon
yms. Hence, KenKen translate
as knowledge squared or awa
reness squared.
Rules in Solving KenKen Puzzle
• For a 3 x 3 puzzle, fill in each box (square) of
the grid with one of the numbers 1, 2, or 3.
• For a 4 x 3 puzzle, fill in each box (square) of
the grid with one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, or 4.
• For a n x n puzzle, fill in each box (square) of
the grid with one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... n.

• Grids range in size from 3 x 3 up to a 9 x 9.

Rules in Solving KenKen Puzzle
• Do not repeat a number in any row or
• The numbers in each heavily outlined
set of squres called CAGES, must
combine (in some order) to produce
the target number in the top corner of

the cage using the mathematical

Rules in Solving KenKen Puzzle
• Cages with just one square should
be filled in with the target number.

• A number can be repeated within

a cage as long as it is not in the
same row or column.

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