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• What ?
• Why ?
Tsunami Characteristics
What type of wave is a tsunami? (only one
answer is correct)
• A deep water wave
• A shallow water wave
• A deep water wave in deep ocean
water and a shallow water wave near
the coast
• I don‘t know
The Krakatau Tsunami
Krakatau Eruption and Tsunami
27 August 1883

• The Krakatau 27th August 1883 Eruption and Tsunami

• massive volcanic eruption that was heard from Perth, Australia to Colombo,
Sri Lankan
• a devastating tsunami developed
– wiping out 250 coastal villages killing 36.000 people, destroying thousands of
fisher boats
– massive coral boulders were carried hundreds of metres inland (can be seen at
Cerita beach
– Cerita beach received its name from the “Krakatau – Story”; thousands of dead
bodies were washed ashore along the beach
– sea level changes were recorded in New Zealand, Alaska, Panama and the
English Channel
• a cloud of volcanic dust rose 40 km into the atmosphere
– atmospheric particles lowered the earth’s average annual temperature by about
0.5o C
– spectacular sunsets were seen in many parts of the world (and were recorded in
a number of paintings around the world); even the moon appeared blue!
A Glimpse of a Tsunami Early Warning System from
the Pacific Ocean A Glimpse of a Tsunami Early
Warning System from the Pacific Ocean
Tsunami di Aceh ?
The 2004 Aceh Tsunami
The Indonesian “Ring of Fire”
Coral Reefs at Nias-Islands
Lifted by Tsunami
What is a tsunami?
– The word tsunami is Japanese and means „big
habour wave“ (tsu = harbour; nami =long)
– A tsunami is a series of ocean waves of extremely
long wave length and long period generated in a body
of water by an impulsive disturbance that displaces
the water
– Tsunami triggers
• Earthquakes (mainly)
• Landslides in the sea or into the sea,
• volcanic eruptions,
• nuclear explosions
• and even impacts of objects from out space (meteorites,
asteroids, and comets) can also generate tsunamis
Submarine Earthquakes as
Triggers of Tsunamis
Tsunami generation at tectonic plate
boundaries - 1

•After last earthquake:

Indian-Australian plate moves against
and underneath the Euroasian plate

• ~100 yrs later

Indian-Australian plate flexes down,
warped spring
-like; tension is built up; rise of costal
•Plate „snaps“ at plate boundary
(accumulated strain, rupture of fault)
nose of the overriding plate pushes out,
movement of waterbody lying above
lowering of coastal area
Tsunami generation at tectonic
plate boundaries - 1
Birth of tsunami:
waterbody uplifted by snapped plate

Depression of center waves radiating outwards

•Uplifting of waterbody in center,

propagation of waves towards coastline
What is a wave?
• In general we can say that a wave is any
periodic, vertical displacement of a
surface. Waves are produced by a
generating force and a restoring force; it
then propagates away from the source of
a) Regular, symmetrical
waves are described by
their height, wavelength,
and period (the time one
wavelength travels to pass
a fixed point)

b) Waves are classified

according to their wave
• A tsunami is a series of ocean waves of
– Extremly long wave length (100 - 500 km apart)
– long period (10 minutes to 2 hours apart)
– Small wave heights (0.5-1m)
– High velocities (800-1000 km/hour) (may cross an entire ocean
within 24 hours)
– The wave radiates outwards
• Wind-generated waves
– The anatomy of a tsunami wave is similar to that of a wind-
generated wave
– wave speed of 8 -100 km per hour
– wave period of 5-20 seconds apart and a
– shorter wave length of 100 - 200 meters apart
• velocity of a wave depends on the depth of the ocean. The deeper
the ocean is, the faster the wave travels!
Size depends on
Size of earthquake
Shore line
Morphology of the coast
Where is the tsunami high and
where low
In bays high, bay works like
a funnel
On headland lower,
headland diverts the tsunami
• Most of the waves present on the ocean’s
surface are wind-generated waves.
• Size and type of wind-generated waves
are controlled by:
wind velocity,
wind duration,
the original state of the sea surface.

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