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Lesson 9.2.

11 Understanding TIP

Understanding Trafficking
in Persons

1 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Lesson Goal

After this lesson, the participants will be

able to have a working knowledge on the
profiles of TIP victims and offenders as well
as the factors which make a person
vulnerable to the deceiving tactics of the

2 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson, the participants should be

able to:
 Discuss the profiles of TIP victims and offenders;
 Enumerate the contributing, causing,
compounding and facilitating factors to the
problem of trafficking;
 Identify common trafficking tactics; and 
 Discuss the negative physical, psychological and
social effects of trafficking to the victims.

3 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Scope of Presentation
 The Red Leaves Falling
 Statistical Data on TIP
 Profile of Victim and Offender
 Push and Pull Factors
 Point of Source Transit and Destination
 Children in Sex Tourism
 Common Trafficking Tactics
 Knowing the Exploiters
 Negative Effects of TIP on Victims

4 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Module 9.2: Managing Trafficking in Persons

The Red Leaves Falling

5 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Statistical Data on Trafficking

in Persons
Estimates around 12.3 Estimates that in the past
million people in forced 30 years trafficking of
labor, bonded labor, women and children in
forced child labor, and Asia for sexual
sexual servitude at any exploitation victimized
given time; other over 30 million people. 
estimates range from 4
million to 27 million. 

6 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Profile of Victims
and Offenders

7 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

 Most trafficked Filipinos have entered
secondary education but unable to
complete it;
 They are as young as 14 years old;
 They come from big and poor families
where they are expected to contribute to the
family’s upkeep;
 They deal with poverty and family problems;
 They lack education and knowledge on

8 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP


 Traffickers can be syndicates, mafias, or

large networks of organized crime.
 In certain jurisdictions, trafficking is often
perpetuated by small, family-related
 According to UNODC (2003), the
recruiters are often women and operating
through word of mouth by intermediaries.

9 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP


 Often the intermediaries are family

members, friends, and/or acquaintances
known to the victim or the latter’s family.

 They recruit the victims at their home,

school, places where they hang around and
play, or within the vicinity of the
neighborhood (UNODC, 2003).

10 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Push and Pull Factors

Contributing factors: Compounding factors:
· Poverty · Indifference of society
· Underdevelopment · Weak judicial system
· Lack of equal · Constant corruption of
opportunity government officials
· Dysfunctional families
Facilitating Factors:
Causing factors: · Development of
· Consumerism communications
· Peer pressure · Access to the internet
· Lack of knowledge and · Easy mobility of people
information · Money around the world
· Gender discrimination
11 Investigation Officers Basic Course
Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Point of Source, Transit and

 Trafficked persons are recruited from rural
 The Philippines is both a country of source
and destination of trafficked persons.
 The trafficked Filipinos are recruited as
domestic helpers, caregivers, overseas
performing artists, live-in trainees or
apprentice, singers, and others, but
eventually they wind up in prostitution dens
and brothels.
12 Investigation Officers Basic Course
Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Children in Sex Tourism and

 Child sex tourism continues to be a
serious problem for the Philippines.
 Pedophiles are attracted to the Philippines
because it has one of the lowest ages of
sexual consent in the world.
 Sexual contact with anyone ranging from
the age of 12 to 17 for money or
remuneration is considered a crime.

13 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Common Trafficking Tactics

 Debt bondage or rendering service as

payment for a family debt;
 Emotional blackmail or threat of exposing
a victim’s embarrassing treatment to the
 False friendships, false marriage
proposals or false elopement; 

14 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Common Trafficking Tactics

 Fraudulent adoption; 
 Introduction of narcotics and
encouragement of addiction to illegal
 Peer pressure from friends;
 Promise of a scholarship or opportunity to

15 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Common Trafficking Tactics (cont.)

 Promise of legitimate employment in

conventional businesses such as domestic
work, modeling, or acting career; 
 Promise of travel, or securing travel visas
that are difficult or expensive to obtain, or
of immigration to another country;
 Outright purchase of a child from the
child’s parent or guardian.

16 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Knowing the Exploiters

17 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Supply: Point of Origin

 Parent/Family Members/Relatives/ Guardian

 Recruiter
 Kidnapper/Abductor
 Fixer
 Transporter/Actual Trafficker

18 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Demand: Point of Destination

 Harborer 

 Pimp/Brothel Madam/Mama-San

  Client/End Abuser/Customer 

19 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

Negative Effects of TIP

on Victims

20 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP


 Sexually transmissible infection (STI)

such as gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes or
 Poor nutrition;
 Sexual abuse, teenage pregnancy, and
 Bruises, lacerations, wounds or redness
at the genitalia, anus, or mouth;

21 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP


 Low self-esteem and self-hatred 

 Shame 
 Guilt
 Post-traumatic stress disorder
 Sleeping disorders

22 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP


 Difficulty relating to others

 Isolation

 Trust issues

23 Investigation Officers Basic Course

Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP

At the end of the lesson, the participants will
be able to:
 Identify the profiles of TIP victims and
 Recognize the contributing, causing,
compounding and facilitating factors to the
problem of trafficking
 Identify common trafficking tactics
 Enumerate the negative physical,
psychological and social effects of trafficking
to the victims
24 Investigation Officers Basic Course
Lesson 9.2.11 Understanding TIP


25 Investigation Officers Basic Course

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