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estimating the duration or cost of an
activity or project using historical data
from a similar activity or project. Uses
parameters such as duration, budget, size,
load and complexity, as a basis for
estimating the same parameters or steps
for a future project. (todopmp , 2016)

ACTIVITIES CALENDAR: Distribution of project

actions in specific periods of time. It is usually
represented schematically in a table with time
units on the horizontal axis and actions on the
vertical axis. (REPOSITORY 2015)
of people or
organizations that receives improvements in
their operation, quality of life or
environment thanks to the completion of the
materials are those raw materials or,
usually, manufactured products that are
necessary in the work of construction of
buildings or in civil engineering works.
They are the original components of the
constructive or architectural elements of a
building. (EJEMPLOS, 2019)

CIVIL WORKS: civil works is one in which

the application of the notions of physics,
chemistry, geology, and calculation is
needed for the creation of constructions
related to transport, hydraulics, etc. These
contribute to the organization of the
territory in general. (CONCRE-ACERO,
CRITICAL ROUTE: Among the various
meanings of the term route, on this
occasion we are interested in keeping its
acceptance as the route that follows to
reach a goal or reach a goal. The notion of
criticism, on the other hand, can be about a
moment that is opportune, something
linked to a crisis or the judgment that is
issued about something.(Definición de ruta
crítica , 2016)
DESIGN OF A PROJECT: The design of the
project is the process of preparing the work
proposal according to systematic guidelines
and procedures. As already mentioned, a
good design must identify the beneficiaries
and key actors; establish a diagnosis of the
problem situation. (MENDEZ, 2016)
EXECUTION: Carrying out an action,
especially in compliance with a project,
a commission or an order. (LEXICO,


during which the expenses incurred are
justifiable within the development of
the project and may be co-financed by
community funds.(MITES.GOB.ES)
FEASIBILITY: The feasibility study is an
instrument that serves to guide decision-
making in the evaluation of a project and
corresponds to the last phase of the pre-
operational or formulation stage within the
project cycle. It is formulated based on
information that has the least possible
uncertainty to measure the chances of
success or failure of an investment project,
based on it, the decision to proceed or not
with its implementation will be made.
or phases that are normally carried out in
sequence are carried out in parallel, for at
least part of their duration. An example of
this would be the construction of the
foundations of a building before finalizing all
the architectural plans. Quick execution can
lead to the need to redevelop certain jobs
and increase risk. It only works if the
activities can overlap to shorten the duration
of the project.(todopmp, 2017)
GANTT CHART: The Gantt chart is a tool for
planning and scheduling tasks over a
specified period. Thanks to an easy and
comfortable visualization of the planned
actions, it allows you to monitor and control
the progress of each of the stages of a
project and, in addition, it graphically
reproduces the tasks, their duration and
sequence, as well as the general project
Intensification (Crashing): Shorten the duration
of the schedule with the lowest possible cost
increase through the contribution of resources.
Examples of escalation include the approval of
overtime, the provision of additional resources,
or additional payment to accelerate the delivery
of activities that are on the critical path. It only
works for activities that are on the critical path
or path, in which the additional resources allow
to shorten the duration. It is not always a viable
alternative and can lead to increased risk and /
or cost. (, 2017)

INDICATORS: Operational data extracted from

the objectives and results that seek to quantify
and show the impact that the project is having
in its different aspects (beneficiaries, quality,
quantity, time, etc.). (PENSEMOS 2016)
INTERNAL CONTROL: Existing control
mechanisms to verify the correct use of
resources and the results of the activities of
each of the partners. Given the geographic
dispersion, it is necessary to have explicit
internal control mechanisms when carrying
out transnational projects. (ACTUALICESE
MONITORING: Monitoring is the procedure by
which we verify the efficiency and effectiveness of
the execution of a project by identifying its
achievements and weaknesses and consequently,
we recommend corrective measures to optimize
the expected results of the project. (RIVERA, 2014)

MILESTONE: Reference point that marks an

important event of a project and is used to
monitor the progress of the project, usually
depending on the end date of predecessor tasks.
( helpcenter.itmplatform, 2015)

MONITORING REPORT: Periodic reports that are

made to show the evolution of the project and that
collect the evolution of the transnational project in
various magnitudes: partial results, budget control,
difficulties that arise, etc. It is essential to foresee
the realization of follow-up reports to be able to
know the incidents of the project and react in time.
Usually, they are already required by the European
Commission in the calls.
PROJECT DIRECTOR: is the person to whom
the head of the company has assigned the
task of leading a team with the function of
achieving objectives. It is the person who has
total responsibility for the planning and
execution of any project. You may also be
known as a project manager, manager,
leader, or project manager. (PLATFORM,

PLANNING: is a method that allows to

execute plans directly, which will be carried
out and supervised according to the
planning. In an organization, managers are
the ones who have to carry out the plans
that will be governed by planning.(Julián
Pérez Porto y Ana Gardey. Publicado: 2008)
PILOT PROJECT: Project that is carried out in
an experimental way so that it can serve as
an example in future interventions against a
specific problem.(PROJECT)
QUALITY: the quality indicates that the result
delivered by the project meets the
expectations generated by it. (PLATFORM,
RESOURCE OPTIMIZATION: in organizations,
optimization is often confused with
productivity, performance, savings or profit.
Any of these concepts and the activities that
they entail make sense in relation to the
objectives that are intended. And the great
objective that must always be looked at in all
organizations, whatever their type, is to add
or generate value for society.

RESOURCE ALLOCATION: Distribution of the

different resources available among the
different activities of the project. The purpose
of resource allocation is to make the most
efficient use of existing resources, which are
always limited. (ESAN 2018)
activities is understood to be the graph in
which all the tasks that must be done to
complete a project are specified. In addition
to the tasks, you can add the order of them
and the person in charge of each of them, so
that everything is captured as a graph and
can be consulted quickly and easily.
(SCHOOL, 2019)

SCOPE: The scope of a project is the sum of

all the products and their requirements or
characteristics. It is sometimes used to
represent the totality of work needed to
complete a project (Proyectos Wikimedia
SLACK: on a project is the amount of time
that it can be delayed without affecting the
completion date. As you can see in the
following schedule, task 6 is scheduled to
start on 08/21, but it could start on 08/22, 25
or 26 without affecting the end date. For this
reason we say that task 6 has a slack of 3
days. (recursosenprojectmanagement, 2015)
VIABILITY STUDY: Previous study on the
technical, economic and financial
characteristics of the project in order to
determine the possibilities of its realization
and success. (BUSINESS SCHOOL)

VALUE ADDED: Result that can only be

obtained by carrying out the project in that
specific way thanks to the concurrence of a
series of unique and exclusive factors on that
occasion.(SCHOOL )
WORK BUDGET: It is the written
representation of what a work or project will
cost, it will give us a breakdown by concepts
of everything we will require and the total
sum of all of them will be the total cost of
the work. (MILFORMATOS, 2018)

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