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Summing up, if the copy is diverting attention from the design it’s because it’s not up to task.

Typographers of yore didn't come up with the concept of dummy copy because people thought that content is inconsequential window dressing, only there
to be used by designers who can’t be bothered to read. Lorem Ipsum is needed because words matter, a lot. Just fill up a page with draft copy about the
client’s business and they will actually read it and comment on it. They will be drawn to it, fiercely. Do it the wrong way and draft copy can derail your
design review.
Asking the client to pay no attention Lorem Ipsum isn't hard as it doesn’t make sense in the first place, that will limit any initial interest soon enough. Try
ρε telling
εθμ. Αλιι δοcτθσ
a client to μει ιδ, νο
ignore αθτεμ
draft copy αθδιρε ιντερεσσετ
however, μελ, up
and you're δοcενδι cομμθνε you
to something οπορτεατ τε cθμ. Japanese
can't win. Whenever draft Lorem Ipsum: 
copy comes up旅ロ京青利セムレ弱改フヨス波府かばぼ意送
in a meeting confused questions
about it ensue.
the truth,up,the really:
master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not k
Lorem Ipsum is a tool that can be useful, used intentionally it may help solve some problems. If you go about content strategy the wrong way, fix that
ho chooses
LoremIpsum:  to 側経意責家方家閉討店暖育田庁載社転線宇。得君新術治温抗添代話考振投員殴大闘北裁。品間識部案代学凰処済準世一戸刻法分。悼測済諏計飯利安凶断理資沢同岩
Ipsum enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?
e bound to ensue;
իոնի վիս ֆեուգաիթand equal blame
ծիվիբուսbelongs to those
եխ. վիվեն who fail in their
դ ում լաբոռամուս duty through
ելաբոռառեթ weakness
նամ ին. of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and
‫גם‬ 1.MSin these
,‫כלשהו‬ Word:
‫דת שונה‬matters
From to ‫מאמרשיחהצפה‬
‫ אתה‬.‫זאת‬ this principle
onwards of selection: he rejects
typing =lorem(i) or =lorem(i,
‫דפים‬ ‫ דת‬,‫מועמדים של‬ pleasures
‫יסוד מונחים‬ to Word
‫כדי‬.j) in MS securecreates
other greater
greekingpleasures, or forget
text--don't else hetoendures pains key; i and j need
hit the enter to avoid worse pains.
to be
integers, where i stands for the amount of desired paragraphs and j numbers the sentences per paragraph. j has a default value of 3 and a maximum set
to 6665. >> screenshots
2.Open Office: An extension named Magenta Lorem ipsum generator is available at Once installed, an icon will be shown in a
toolbar below the menu bar, with the option to insert a number of paragraphs, the maximum is set to 25. >> screenshots
3.Libre Office: Magenta Lorem Ipsum Generator 2.0.2, available for LibreOffice 3.3, LibreOffice 3.4, and LibreOffice 3.5.
Lorem Ipsum plugins: content management systems (CMS)
•Dummy Content: an editor button and system plugin (Joomla extension) that sets random dummy copy in articles or in other content item that
have editors like custom HTML modules, category descriptions, or third party content.
•Folcomedia - Button Lorem Ipsum: creates a button in the editor to insert a paragraph of "Lorem Ipsum" greeking text.
•Content Fake: a component that allows for easy creation of menu items, quickly creating paragraphs of "Lorem Ipsum" and pictures with custom
•Overview of all Joomla plugins for Lorem Ipsum generation.
•Lorem Ipsum Generator: Creates a button on wysiwyg toolbars to add a configurable amount of Lorem Ipsum text to a post, page or any other
common today.custom Laura
post Perry,
type. then art director with Aldus, modified prior versions of Lorem Ipsum text from typographical specimens; in the 1960s and 1970s
•lorem shortcode: This plugin contains two shortcodes, lorem and loremimage, the loremimage shortcode can be nested in the lorem shortcode.
•WP Dummy Content: Easy generation and deletion of blog posts, pages, and sub pages for developers. Full site structure in one click.
•WP Dummy Post Generator: A plugin that generates dummy posts and dummy categories. It also allows to set names for blogs or taglines.
•Bulk Page Maker: Creates up to 20 pages or posts at a time. You can choose title, slug, parent, template, status, format, and content via the
add variety. Presentation
default WordPress software Keynote or Pages use it as a samples for screenplay layout. Content management software as Joomla, Drupal, Mambo, P
•Lorem ipsum dummy article shortcode: A seeded dummy article generator. This doesn't only generates 'Lorem Ipsum' shortcode but also full
HTML articles.
•DNS Ipsum - Due North Studios Lorem Ipsum Generator: Adds Lorem Ipsum text using [dns-ipsum] shortcode and a TinyMCE button.
•Lorem Ipsum and Place Holder Image Generator: A simple to use Lorem Ipsum generator.
•Lorem Ipsum Replace Content: Replaces content with Lorem Ipsum, substitutes word for word.
•Data Generator: Makes example posts, pages, custom terms, helps to style and develop new and current themes. It's based on the Lolita
•Overview of all Wordpress plugins for Lorem Ipsum generation.
•Hatimeria Landing Pages: Creates landing pages with products using all combinations based on categories, attributes and their values. Description
is supplied in the ackend ("lorem ipsum..."). Supports all features like CMS-Block, injecting widgets, blocks, or variables.
1.Google Docs
•Lorem Generator: A plugin for Chrome browsers that allows designers and webmaster to generate Lorem Ipsum text from the sidebar without
leaving Google Docs.
Summing up, if the copy is diverting attention from the design it’s because it’s not up to task.
Typographers of yore didn't come up with the concept of dummy copy because people thought that content is inconsequential window dressing, only there
to be used by designers who can’t be bothered to read. Lorem Ipsum is needed because words matter, a lot. Just fill up a page with draft copy about the
client’s business and they will actually read it and comment on it. They will be drawn to it, fiercely. Do it the wrong way and draft copy can derail your
design review.
Asking the client to pay no attention Lorem Ipsum isn't hard as it doesn’t make sense in the first place, that will limit any initial interest soon enough. Try
ρε telling
εθμ. Αλιι δοcτθσ
a client to μει ιδ, νο
ignore αθτεμ
draft copy αθδιρε ιντερεσσετ
however, μελ, up
and you're δοcενδι cομμθνε you
to something οπορτεατ τε cθμ. Japanese
can't win. Whenever draft Lorem Ipsum: 
copy comes up旅ロ京青利セムレ弱改フヨス波府かばぼ意送
in a meeting confused questions
about it ensue.
the truth,up,the really:
master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not k
Lorem Ipsum is a tool that can be useful, used intentionally it may help solve some problems. If you go about content strategy the wrong way, fix that
ho chooses
LoremIpsum:  to 側経意責家方家閉討店暖育田庁載社転線宇。得君新術治温抗添代話考振投員殴大闘北裁。品間識部案代学凰処済準世一戸刻法分。悼測済諏計飯利安凶断理資沢同岩
Ipsum enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?
e bound to ensue;
իոնի վիս ֆեուգաիթand equal blame
ծիվիբուսbelongs to those
եխ. վիվեն who fail in their
դ ում լաբոռամուս duty through
ելաբոռառեթ weakness
նամ ին. of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and
‫גם‬ 1.MSin these
,‫כלשהו‬ Word:
‫דת שונה‬matters
From to ‫מאמרשיחהצפה‬
‫ אתה‬.‫זאת‬ this principle
onwards of selection: he rejects
typing =lorem(i) or =lorem(i,
‫דפים‬ ‫ דת‬,‫מועמדים של‬ pleasures
‫יסוד מונחים‬ to Word
‫כדי‬.j) in MS securecreates
other greater
greekingpleasures, or forget
text--don't else hetoendures pains key; i and j need
hit the enter to avoid worse pains.
to be
integers, where i stands for the amount of desired paragraphs and j numbers the sentences per paragraph. j has a default value of 3 and a maximum set
to 6665. >> screenshots
2.Open Office: An extension named Magenta Lorem ipsum generator is available at Once installed, an icon will be shown in a
toolbar below the menu bar, with the option to insert a number of paragraphs, the maximum is set to 25. >> screenshots
3.Libre Office: Magenta Lorem Ipsum Generator 2.0.2, available for LibreOffice 3.3, LibreOffice 3.4, and LibreOffice 3.5.
Lorem Ipsum plugins: content management systems (CMS)
•Dummy Content: an editor button and system plugin (Joomla extension) that sets random dummy copy in articles or in other content item that
have editors like custom HTML modules, category descriptions, or third party content.
•Folcomedia - Button Lorem Ipsum: creates a button in the editor to insert a paragraph of "Lorem Ipsum" greeking text.
•Content Fake: a component that allows for easy creation of menu items, quickly creating paragraphs of "Lorem Ipsum" and pictures with custom
•Overview of all Joomla plugins for Lorem Ipsum generation.
•Lorem Ipsum Generator: Creates a button on wysiwyg toolbars to add a configurable amount of Lorem Ipsum text to a post, page or any other
common today.custom Laura
post Perry,
type. then art director with Aldus, modified prior versions of Lorem Ipsum text from typographical specimens; in the 1960s and 1970s
•lorem shortcode: This plugin contains two shortcodes, lorem and loremimage, the loremimage shortcode can be nested in the lorem shortcode.
•WP Dummy Content: Easy generation and deletion of blog posts, pages, and sub pages for developers. Full site structure in one click.
•WP Dummy Post Generator: A plugin that generates dummy posts and dummy categories. It also allows to set names for blogs or taglines.
•Bulk Page Maker: Creates up to 20 pages or posts at a time. You can choose title, slug, parent, template, status, format, and content via the
add variety. Presentation
default WordPress software Keynote or Pages use it as a samples for screenplay layout. Content management software as Joomla, Drupal, Mambo, P
•Lorem ipsum dummy article shortcode: A seeded dummy article generator. This doesn't only generates 'Lorem Ipsum' shortcode but also full
HTML articles.
•DNS Ipsum - Due North Studios Lorem Ipsum Generator: Adds Lorem Ipsum text using [dns-ipsum] shortcode and a TinyMCE button.
•Lorem Ipsum and Place Holder Image Generator: A simple to use Lorem Ipsum generator.
•Lorem Ipsum Replace Content: Replaces content with Lorem Ipsum, substitutes word for word.
•Data Generator: Makes example posts, pages, custom terms, helps to style and develop new and current themes. It's based on the Lolita
•Overview of all Wordpress plugins for Lorem Ipsum generation.
•Hatimeria Landing Pages: Creates landing pages with products using all combinations based on categories, attributes and their values. Description
is supplied in the ackend ("lorem ipsum..."). Supports all features like CMS-Block, injecting widgets, blocks, or variables.
1.Google Docs
•Lorem Generator: A plugin for Chrome browsers that allows designers and webmaster to generate Lorem Ipsum text from the sidebar without
leaving Google Docs.
Megalopolis (aglomerare urbană)
De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Sari la navigareSari la căutare
Un megalopolis (din grecescul μεγα+πολις, oraș mare) este o aglomerare urbană întinsă, alcătuită din mai multe orașe, cu continuitate.
Termenul „megalopolis” a fost folosit prima dată de către J. Gottmann, în anii '60 ai secolului XX, pentru a denumi aria metropolitană din nord-estul SUA supranumită BosWash (Boston-New York-Philadelphia-Washington). Această aglomerare urbană se întinde de la Boston
peste New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore și până la Washington D.C. de-a lungul țărmului Oceanului Atlantic, în nord-estul SUA. Zona are o lungime de peste 750 de km. În acest megalopolis locuiesc circa 50 de milioane de oameni (20% din populația Statelor Unite) pe o
suprafață de 140.000 km² (3% din totalul țării). Regiunea include de asemenea o aglomerare industrială și comercială. Orașele din megalopolis sunt legate la un sistem de infrastructură gigantic.
Orașele mari din SUA s-au întins cu periferiile lor tot mai mult în regiunile rurale înconjurătoare. Și de-a lungul șoselelor principale s-au format din ce în ce mai multe orășele lungi. Cu timpul, aceste orășele au ajuns să se atingă între ele, ca de exemplu pe ruta  San Francisco - 
San Diego.
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