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Requirement Analysis
Saklain Md Golam ( 高兰牧 )
SWE1701 | 1177802104

Prepared for
软件工程综合训练 Software Engineering Training -
Instructor: 王媛媛 李翔 张海艳 张永军 .
Project type: Light weight E-Commerce Website
Project Title: HappyShop


Along with the growth of the Internet, the trend shows that e-
commerce have been growing significantly in the last several
years. This means business opportunities for small-medium
enterprises (SMEs), which are recognized as the backbone of
the economy. SMEs may develop and run small to medium
size of particular e-commerce websites as the solution of
specific business opportunities. Certainly, the websites should
be developed accordingly to support business success. In
developing the websites, key elements of e-commerce
business model that are necessary to ensure the success should
be resolved at the requirement stage of the development.


Business requirements: Represent high-level objectives of

the organization or customer who requests the system. They
describe why the organization is implementing the system

User requirements: Describe user goals or tasks that the

users must be able to perform with the product

Business rules: The rules in the organization that affect the

system, which include corporate policies, government
regulations, industry standards, accounting practices, and
computational algorithms.

Development of e-Commerce Website Methods

(a) Business objectives, which list the capabilities of

the website;
(b) System functionalities, which list the information
system capabilities needed to achieve the business
(c) Information requirements, which list the
information elements that the system must produce
in order to achieve business objectives.


IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans

OS: Windows7, 8, 10, Windows XP, Linux


Front-end: JSP, html5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Back-end: Java, Servlet, JSTL, Hibernate

Database: MySQL

Server: Apache Tomcat 9.0, Glassfish


User Admin

• User can sign up and sign in in • Admin can login

his account
• Admin can manage user
• User can see the post
(products) • Admin can add, delete and
update the post
• User can purchase products
• Admin can add and delete user
• User can add to cart the
product • Admin can check record
• User can pay for products
• User can search products

why we need ecommerce website

Having your own website is an important piece of

your ecommerce strategy. It is a great way for you to
grow your brand, acquire loyal customers, gain new
insights, and get creative with your marketing.
Diversifying where you sell online can help you reach
new customers, especially as ecommerce becomes
more competitive


 E-Commerce is not just about conducting business

transactions via the Internet. Its impact will be far-reaching,
and more prominent then we know currently. This is because
the revolution in information technology is happening
simultaneously with other developments, especially the
globalization of the business. The new age of global e-
commerce is creating entirely new economy and that will
tremendously change our lives, will reshape the competition
in various industries, and alter the economy globally. As
companies are gaining high profits, more and more other
companies are developing their websites to increase their
profits. Since more businesses are being held online resulting
in high economy development and emergence of a more
innovative and advanced technology


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