Axle Counter Modern Challenges

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Thales Axle Counter

The Challenges for a modern
Train Detection System
Joachim Janle
Director Axle Counter Business
2/ Axle Counter – Past Challenges

 World-Wide market leader in Axle Counter Technology
 More than 80 years experience with Axle Counters

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

3/ Axle Counter – Past Challenges

System Evolution
 Introduction in the 1930ies: First Inductive Rail Contacts
BUT: Axle Counters not as reliable as Track Circuits
 Change in the late 1960ies: Introduction of Electronic Axle Counters
-> Drastic Improvement of reliability compared to Track
 New Generation in the 1980ies: Introduction of Microprocessor technology
-> Introduction of redundant system concepts (2oo3) and fault
tolerant data transmission
 1995: German Railways DB decides to go exclusively with Axle Counters
for Train Detection for two reasons
 Economical: Application of Axle Counter much cheaper than Track Circuits
 Operational: Much higher reliability than track circuits
 2000: Introduction of CENELEC Compliant Systems
 Modular and Scalable Thales Multi-Section Axle Counter AzLM

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

4/ Axle Counter – Future Challenges

What has in the past prevented the

widespread application of Axle Counters ?

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

5/ Axle Counter – Past Challenges

Broken Rail Detection

 Track Circuits can detect broken rails, Axle Counters can not….
 Can Track Circuits really detect Broken Rails (reliably) ?

 Example: Statistic by MTRC (Hong Kong), June 27th, 2001

Ye ar '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00
No. of Cra cke d Ra ils - 61 52 41 65 38 39 45 22 22
No. of Broke n Ra ils 2 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 4 0
No. of De te cte d by TC 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0

 Only independent Track Inspection (e.g. Ultrasonic) can reliably detect
cracked and broken rail
 -> Track Circuits can NOT !
Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT
6/ Axle Counter – Past Challenges

Track Circuit Clips

 A Track Circuit Clip can block a Track Circuit, e.g. in case of an accident, Axle Counter can

 What happens in block lines without train detection ?
 Stopping a train to block an adjacent track is a safety risk by itself

 Train Radio is now widely available for driver communication
 It is faster and safer than a Track Circuit Clip

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

7/ Axle Counter – Performance Challenges

How are Axle Counters today contributing

to Railways growth in safety and
operational efficiency ?

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

8/ Axle Counter – Performance Challenges

Full Redundant Axle Counter Applications

 Train detection reaching 100% Availability !
 Applications: Lines with extremely high train density, Operational
Bottleneck sections, Difficult site access in case of failure (e.g. tunnels)
 Areas with high impact on railway operation
 -> Driven by financial compensation for Non-Availability (delay Minutes)

Reference Projects:
 Lötschberg Tunnel Project, Switzerland
 HSL South High speed Line, Netherlands
 Gotthard Tunnel Project

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

9/ Axle Counter – Performance Challenges

Full Redundant Axle Counter Systems

 Highest availability of service critical railway lines
HSL South, NL
 Proven and hardened solution
 In service since 2005
 The interface to the interlocking
is evolving over time

Lötschberg, CH
Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT
10 / Axle Counter – Performance Challenges

Full redundant 2 x 2oo2 configurations



ACE 2oo2 ACE 2oo2

ACE 2oo2 ACE 2oo2

Sectio Sectio
nstatus Reset nstatus Reset

Interlocking Interlocking

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

11 / Axle Counter – Redundancy Flexibility

Classical Application
 Indoor 2oo2 ACE, Non-Redundant Outdoor
 Relay Output or Serial Output to Interlocking

Po we r Supp ly
Po wer Sup ply

Comp uter
Comp uter

Relay or serial
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot

Section 1
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot

Redundancy concepts
 Indoor redundancy
 Outdoor redundancy
 Full redundancy: indoor and outdoor redundancy

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

12 /

Section 1
Section 1
I/ O -Slot Comp uter I/ O -Slot Comp uter
I/ O -Slo t Comp uter I/ O -Slo t Comp uter
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Po we r Supp ly I/ O -Slot Po we r Supp ly I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Powe r Sup ply I/ O -Slot Powe r Sup ply
I/ O -Slot Comp uter I/ O -Slot Comp uter
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t Co mp uter I/ O -Slo t Co mp uter

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t

Po wer Sup ply Po wer Sup ply
I/ O -Slot Po wer Sup ply I/ O -Slot Po wer Sup ply
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/O -Slot I/O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/O -Slot I/O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t

Section 1
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t
I/O -Slot I/O -Slot
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

Indoor redundancy



Relay or serial

Relay or serial
Alternative: duplicated cable infrastructure
Indoor 2oo2 ACE, Non-Redundant Outdoor
Relay Output or Serial Output to Interlocking
Section evaluation in Separate Circuitry or in the Interlocking

Axle Counter – Redundancy Flexibility
13 / Axle Counter – Redundancy Flexibility

Outdoor redundancy
 Outdoor Redundant Concept 2 x Outdoor and 1 x Indoor
 Relay Output or Serial Output to Interlocking
 Section evaluation in Separate Circuitry or in the Interlocking

Section 1a Interlocking
Po wer Sup ply
Powe r Supp ly

Co mp ute r
Comp uter

I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot

Section 1a
Section 1b Relay or
I/ O -Slo t
I/O -Slot
I/O -Slot

I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/O -Slot
I/O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot

serial interface
Section 1b

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

14 /

Section 1b
Section 1a
I/ O -Slo t Comp uter I/ O -Slo t Comp uter

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Powe r Sup ply I/ O -Slot Powe r Sup ply
I/ O -Slo t Co mp uter I/ O -Slo t Co mp uter
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t
I/ O -Slot Po wer Sup ply I/ O -Slot Po wer Sup ply
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
Full Redundancy


Relay or
serial interface
Relay Output or Serial Output to Interlocking

Proven and hardened solution: In service since 2005.

Full Redundant Concept 2 x (Indoor 2x2oo2 ACE + Outdoor).

Section evaluation in Separate Circuitry or in the Interlocking.

Axle Counter – Redundancy Flexibility
15 / Axle Counter – Efficiency Challenges

What is making Axle Counters even

more effective ?

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

16 / Axle Counter – Efficiency Challenges


Key features
of the Thales
Az LM V6-series



Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

17 / Axle Counter – Efficiency Challenges

Reduction of Ownership Cost: The new Rail Contact SK30K

 No disassembly for tamping and rail grinding
 Mounting over sleeper in combination with large rail profiles (e.g. UIC60, S54, …)
 Cable outlet on/beside the sleeper (protection of cables)
 Electrically compatible with
the Sk30H Rail Contact
 Improved compatibility with track
maintenance vehicles

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

18 / Axle Counter – Efficiency Challenges

Reduction of Ownership Cost: The new Rail Contact Sk30K

 Improved Clearance at rail mounting

Sk30H Sk30K

2-way 26...50 mm
Vehicle Zone


Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

19 /


Relay Output
I/ O -Slot Computer

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

IP connection to
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Power Supply
I/ O -Slot Comp uter
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Power Supply
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

Relays / Opto couplers

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot

the Electronic Interlocking

I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
Axle Counter Evaluator

I/ O -Slot

the Operation and Maintenance Centres

Available for 2oo2 and redundant 2oo3 system

IP network

I/ O -Slot Comp uter

No Relays and Parallel I/O cards in the indoor unit required

I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Powe r Supply
No relay / opto coupler interfaces at the interlocking required

I/ O -Slot Comp uter

I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Powe r Supply
I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
Standardized serial IP interface to Electronic Interlocking

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
Axle Counter Evaluator

I/ O -Slot
Axle Counter – Efficiency Challenges
20 / Axle Counter – Efficiency Challenges

Seamless integration into IP networks

 e.g. Ethernet right up to the Trackside Detection Points


IP network
network 2-Cu
Power Supply
Power Supply










Evaluator 2 Power Supply
Operation & Maintenance

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

I/ O -Slo t Co mp ute r I/ O -Slo t Co mp ute r

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Po wer Sup ply I/ O -Slot Po wer Sup ply
I/ O -Slot Comp uter I/ O -Slot Comp uter
21 /

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Po we r Supp ly I/ O -Slot Po we r Supp ly
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t
I/O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

ACE-ACE connection via IP network.

IP network
Seamless integration into IP networks

I/ O -Slo t Co mp ute r I/ O -Slo t Co mp ute r

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Po wer Sup ply I/ O -Slot Po wer Sup ply
I/ O -Slot Comp uter I/ O -Slot Comp uter
I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot
I/ O -Slot Po we r Supp ly I/ O -Slot Po we r Supp ly
I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t
I/O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slot

I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slot I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t

I/ O -Slo t I/ O -Slo t
Axle Counter – Efficiency Challenges
22 / Axle Counter – Efficiency Challenges

Seamless integration into IP networks

 Drastic reduction in Hardware

 Serial Interface
 Reduction of Relay boards

 Detection Points via IP

 Reduction of Serial I/O

Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

23 / Axle Counter – Future Challenges

Operation and Maintenance

 IP based diagnostic information
 Remote Resetting  From individually maintained

 To full CTC controlled area


Axle Counter, Modern Challenges, 240412.PPT

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