Demonstration Method

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The demonstration method is important in teaching

of nursing.
The demonstration method teaches by exhibition
and explanation.
The term demonstrating is used to describe a
teaching technique which most often combine oral
explanation with the handling or operating of some
physical equipment or materials.

Demonstration is an act of showing something by

giving proof or evidence.

Demonstration method refers to the visual

principles of a delivered lesson by the teacher in
the classroom, aiming to facilitate the task of
teaching and learning presentation of the action
and activities or practical work related to the facts.

1. Those designed to show the learner how to

perform certain psychomotor skills.

2. Those designed to show the learner why

certain things occur .

To provide a model of skill

To support an explanation of an idea ,theory,

belief, concept, or skill
To demonstrate experiments or procedures and
use of experimental equipment in the laboratory,
classroom and the ward.
Demonstration of procedure in its natural setting
has more meaning than when carried out in an
artificial environment
To demonstrate different approaches in
establishing rapport with patients

To demonstrate experiments in science class.

To demonstrate nursing procedure in classroom

and clinical settings

To demonstrate skill in patients and family

members to learn how to take care of themselves

To demonstrate establishing effective nurse

patient relationship.
1. Planning and preparation
Determine goals and objectives.
• Formulate behavioral objectives for the particular
demonstrative session.
• Review knowledge/theory
• Assemble equipments.
• Arrange for adequate lighting, ventilation, seating/standing
• Check to see that equipments for demonstration are
• Plan and rehearse prior to actual demonstration
• Overview of the procedure to the students before
2. Performance phase
• Set tone for good communication
• Keep demonstration simple
• Do not deviate from the main topic
• Check and see that all can see and hear.
• Proceed in a steps by steps fashion without carrying or
overlapping steps.
• Ensure that a particular steps is clear to the learner
before proceeding to next step.
• Summarize as you proceed and provide a concluding
• Provide opportunity to ensure prompt practice
3. Evaluate teaching learning

• Ask questions to get feedback that the students are

following or have understood
• Taking return demonstration.
• Ensure whether the learning objectives are attained
or not.


Assemble and pretest the equipment &


Advance knowledge

Positive approach
Running Comments

True Setting

Prompt Practice

Discussion Period

Sufficient Time
Guidelines for the effective use of
demonstration strategy:-

 Orient the students to the apparatus, articles for

the demonstration.
 Carefully plan the demonstration.
 The teacher must have the definite objectives to be
achieved at the end of the demonstration.
 The demonstration carried out in the class should
be in tune with the topic taught.
 All the students are able to observe the things
and events that are demonstrated.
 The students should be active partner in the
 The teacher should take the necessary
 Other strategy should also be employed.
 Every demonstration should have a proper
• Active several sense
• It commands interest by use of concrete
• It clarifying the underlying principles by
demonstrating the ‘why’ of procedure.
• It correlates theory with practice
• Complex models and processes become real by
way of demonstration.
• Provides variety to the learning situation
• It gives the teachers an opportunity to evaluate the
student’s knowledge of a procedure and to
determine whether reteaching is necessary.
• Return demonstration by student under
supervision of teacher provides an opportunity for
well directed practice before the student must use
the procedure on the ward.
• All students of the class simultaneously gain
practical richer experiences with the common
• It helps in cultivating in genuine interest and
attention of the students.
• Can help the students to grasp the content of the
lesson more effectively by saving a lot of time and
• It is adaptable for both individual and group
• Provides opportunity for observational learning.
• It allows the learner, to see the exact manner in
which a skill or behavior is to be performed.
• It stimulate the interest of the learners by use of
concrete illustration.
• Not useful if students are inattentive.
• Cannot be used for a large number of a group or
• Sometimes class control for the teachers is difficult.
• Students may blindly follow the laboratory
• Discussion may not be encouraged.
• Proper equipments and articles are needed for the
• All topics related to various subjects cannot be
• It requires competent teachers as well as acquainted
with the theoretical concepts and their related
practical demonstration.
• It requires proper observation by the students.
• It only demonstrates only the action but not provides
actual opportunities for learning by doing or self
experimentation for the students.
• If not tackled properly may also lead in the wastage
of time and energy of the students teacher.

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