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Writing a

Research Paper

Powerpoint Templates Mengilham harapan, mencipta masa depan

Inspiring Futrures, Inspiring Possibilities
Getting Started

1. Choose a topic based on

2. Ask yourself questions:

•What do I know about the topic?

•What would I like to learn?
•What will others learn from
reading my paper?

Powerpoint Templates Mengilham harapan, mencipta masa depan

Inspiring Futrures, Inspiring Possibilities
Penentuan untuk penulisan artikel
(dari tesis ke artikel)

masalah kajian
tujuan kajian
objektif kajian
metodologi kajian
dapatan kajian
kesimpulan kajian

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Adakah idea anda telah diterbitkan oleh
orang lain?
Kalau ada, fikirkan:
- Can you extend the idea?
– can you refute some of the information in print?
– If it is a controversial topic, even supporting the
published paper could make your paper
– Is your project in a different environment or
research system than what is in print?
» E.g., An educational study that used rural
students as their subjects may end up with
different results than if they had used urban

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• Sebelum mengumpul data atau
menulis artikel, fikirkan di mana
artikel hendak dihantar. Fikirkan apa
yang diperlukan oleh jurnal itu:

• Quantitative/qualitative data?
• Student feedback
• Statistics?
• Photographs?
• Permission slips from students?
• Permits for using city, state, or national

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Memilih journal
– People in academia try to publish in
what we call “high-impact journals.”
These journals are well-respected
because of the quality of the articles.
There is a system that ranks the
impact of journals. If you are familiar
with the rankings and use them to
select a venue.

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Cara terbaik : adakah artikel itu
sesuai untuk jurnal yang dipilih?
1. Visit the journal’s website. They
often list their “aims and scope” and
tell you what types of articles they do

and do not publish.

• E.g., You use a great “how-to” project in
your biology class. Many educational
journals, such as Teaching Issues in
Experimental Ecology, are focused on
educational theory and do not accept
“how-to” articles. There are venues for
practically every type of paper, however,
you just need to do your research.
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2. Does your work meet the quality
standards of the publication?
• E.g. Top journals only publish important
projects that have statistical results shown to
be highly significant. If your data are fuzzy, it
is best to aim a lower.
3. Do you cite other articles from the
journal? A journal that you rely on heavily
for background research is often an
appropriate place to submit your work.
• Get bonus points: Journals also like it when
you cite them because it may increase their

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Sebelum mula menulis artikel,
•read the author guidelines (on-line or in
a hard copy of the journal).
•follow the author guidelines and
formatting exactly.
• Read other articles from the journal and check
formatting. The author guidelines are often
vague, but each journal has its own
formatting and copying formatting from
(recently!) published works is a sure way to get
everything correct.

Powerpoint Templates
Personal Exploration of Topic
Once you have familiarized yourself with
the topic, reflect on your initial
Free Writing – just write down your thoughts
List Key Words – list words that describe
your topic
Clustering/Webbing - create a web that
links terms together (an example of
webbing is on the next slide)

Powerpoint Templates Mengilham harapan, mencipta masa depan

Inspiring Futrures, Inspiring Possibilities
Webbing - red is the topic

1.Relax. Play some creative music.

2.Spelling or style doesn't count.
3.Don't worry about organization.
4.Free-associate ideas. Keep them simple.
5.Write or sketch as quickly as you can.
6.Write or sketch in any order.
7.Develop all ideas.
8.Keep working.

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•Title (8 -15 words)

•Abstract (200 - 250 words)
•Keywords (6 - 8 words)
•Introduction (500 - 1000 words)
•Literature review (background/conceptual
framework) (1000 – 2000 words)
•Materials & Methods (500 – 1000 words)
•Results (1000 – 1500 words)
•Discussion, Conclusions or Implications (1000
-1500 words)
(total : 4000 – 7000 words)
•References cited
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Apa yang dinilai oleh journal:
1.Adakah apa yang dibincang sesuatu
yang baru?
2. Adakah ia penting?
3. Adakah ia sesuai untuk jurnal tersebut?
4. Adakah ia tersusun (organised)?
5. Adakah methodology yang digunakan
telah difikrkan secara mendalam?
6. Adakah kesimpulan dibuat berdasarkan
7. Adakah panjang artikel sesuai?
8. Adakah rujukan yang digunakan terkini?
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